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Someone explain to me the problem with fake tits and juiceheads.

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Originally posted by girly

Originally posted by djjonstephen

OMG LOL. that was my friend Jimmy no doubt. All night he was doing push ups..Everyone was like why does your boy keep working out. I wouldn't say it was pathetic thats just what he wanted to do..

Ummmm.......sorry girly, but that was pathetic.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

How so? Was Arnold insecure? Was Pamela Anderson insecure?

This statement doesn't make sense to me. And if someone is insecure why would you hate them?

a lot of bodybuilders i know are very insecure...it's the ADONIS COMPLEX...and conformists...people who try and fit society's superficial standards...

In Fight Club, Brad Pitt played the role of Edward Norton's idea of perfection...i wasnt commenting on what Pitt looked like, i was commenting on his philosophy, which laughed at the face of such an idea as a perfect body...

and no, not everyone fits in that category, but you've chill at SF and so have i: you would be kidding me if you told me that you never looked into the eyes of one of those meatheads and didn't see the insecurity ooze off them...it's so blatently apperent, it's pityful....

and i never said i hated an insecure person...i just shake my head knowing that their mentality is still in high school, and move on with my business...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Ummmm.......sorry girly, but that was pathetic.

Why? PLease explain why you feel it is pathetic. It really bothers u? i don't know why you would care. I don't know. if i saw someone doing push ups i wouldn't care. its not like they are doing anything to me. But its all good:cool:

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Originally posted by highmay

a lot of bodybuilders i know are very insecure...it's the ADONIS COMPLEX...and conformists...people who try and fit society's superficial standards...

In Fight Club, Brad Pitt played the role of Edward Norton's idea of perfection...i wasnt commenting on what Pitt looked like, i was commenting on his philosophy, which laughed at the face of such an idea as a perfect body...

and no, not everyone fits in that category, but you've chill at SF and so have i: you would be kidding me if you told me that you never looked into the eyes of one of those meatheads and didn't see the insecurity ooze off them...it's so blatently apperent, it's pityful....

and i never said i hated an insecure person...i just shake my head knowing that their mentality is still in high school, and move on with my business...

fight club is def one of the best movies recently made in the US...and it got no credits for being so good......

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No problems here with fake tits or juice, moderation is the key.

Getting a boob job to go up to a high C or a small D is fine; going up to a triple M is ridiculous.

Likewise doing a cycle or two of juice to put on 15 pounds is fine; cycling year round and looking like a 5'9 265 pound freak is ridiculous.

Of course, in all cases, attitude is important. If you carry yourself appropriately, most people won't care that you are "not real."

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i honestly did not read all of the posts....and in some cases ...yes the juicehead/fake boobie thing is funny...haha...great......but in a lot of cases...and i KNOW no one will agree nor admit......it's a lot of jealousy....i mean come on...to continously talk shit about it...say u won't go somewhere because it is overwhelmed with these people.....if i wanna hear a certain dj..i will go....and if good looking people are a part of that...O WELL.....of course i am not saying all juiceheads and plastic chickies are pretty....because well...they just aren't.....but they are a lot worse 'stereotypes' then people who r concerned with their image! and i am also not saying everyone who comments on this is jealous....but i think i am making my point :D

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Originally posted by misk

i honestly did not read all of the posts....and in some cases ...yes the juicehead/fake boobie thing is funny...haha...great......but in a lot of cases...and i KNOW no one will agree nor admit......it's a lot of jealousy....i mean come on...to continously talk shit about it...say u won't go somewhere because it is overwhelmed with these people.....if i wanna hear a certain dj..i will go....and if good looking people are a part of that...O WELL.....of course i am not saying all juiceheads and plastic chickies are pretty....because well...they just aren't.....but they are a lot worse 'stereotypes' then people who r concerned with their image! and i am also not saying everyone who comments on this is jealous....but i think i am making my point :D

I think you're right on point. To each their own. xyxthumbs.gif

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myself from going somewhere because of a specific crowd there. On the other hand, I think to say that doing either roids or plastic surgery is okay because it enhances one's own image. Fake boobs are for fake guys, it goes hand in hand...Has anyone heard of hard work to be in shape or too look good. I think that whole notion has disappeared from the american society in general. When you think that every infomerical is about losing weight by sitting on your ass. I am really fit, close to what Brad Pitt is like in that movie, by jogging everyday 5 miles for years on end, but I do not show it off to prove something, I did it for me to feel good about myself and healthy. I am not going to consider the mental capacity or thinking of those people because I am not in their heads. How about this though, you were born looking one way, you can improve it doing certain things, but having to get surgery and enhancements to do it is disgusting. The latest I heard is that people suck about a teaspoon of fat out of the cheeks to get the chiseled face, that is nuts, how about cardio...

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. . . It's all about the attitude . . I've met asshole juiceheads and niceguy ones . . . The plasti-girls I can't say the same about . . most of them have been somewhat shall we say, pretentious to me . . . Oh well . . .

. . . I will not, however go to a juice infested place . . . The dancing styles are too different combined with the fact that the music those places pump is usually just not my forte . . .

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Originally posted by magilicuti

I know I'm gonna get a lot of heat for this question. Also I know from the pic I look big in my sig but really I'm pretty small compared to real juiceheads. But even before I worked out and went clubbing I never had a problem with juiceheads and never had a problem with fake tits. I mean if you look at body building contests then yes those are juice heads. But for the most part ppl in the club with good bodies aren't that big or really bothering anyone I think. And I don't get the problem with the fake tit thing at all. I don't know, I'm just a bit confused on the problem. On the other hand if you wanna go to the other extreme would you wanna club with out of shape guys with flat chested girls?

Well said. Amen!

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Whoever said Pam Anderson wasnt or isnt insecure has lost his mind. She has altered her body so much. Why? Because she was INSECURE about it. All that makeup, all that silicone. The slutty clothes. She wants attention. She doesnt think she can get it without all that shit. That insecurity.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

How so? Was Arnold insecure? Was Pamela Anderson insecure?

I think this goes without saying. :idea:

I don't know about Pam's life in particular, but I recall reading/hearing Arnold talk about his youth and that it was clearly apparent to me that insecurity played a primary role in why started working out so much.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

It is definately nothing more than the attitude a lot of them carry.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of them are cool people, but some are egotistical and the supreme cases of superficiality. Some juiceheads and fake tit chicks are still stuck in high school, caring about physical appearances (most of the time trying to make up for the fact that they are damn ugly).

Also, I noticed juiceheads carry a bully attitude. Fuck that. I am not small, so i don't get the bullshit...but I have seen some bigger kids push smaller kids around at clubs to shove them out of their way. At vinyl one night I saw this go on and I shoved the juicer right into the stage.....the fucker turned around and stared down this little kid weighing 100 lbs soaking wet for no fucking reason. Most of them are just pussies.

nyc420 told me he saw some dude pumping out push-ups in the bathroom at vinyl Friday night then gawking at himself in the mirror......PATHETIC.

Nothing wrong with trying to make yourself look good......just the attitude sometimes.


Its all in the attitude.

You see, many (not all) of these ppl juice, etc, coz they think physical appearance is everything, SO, when they see someone who's not into looking like a bodybuilder, they automatically judge that person to be "inferior". Thats where the problem lies.

To each their own is great - but remember it goes both ways.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

would you wanna club with out of shape guys with flat chested girls?

What does it matter? I remember hearing a strange concept once, it had something to do with clubs and hearing GOOD MUSIC. :idea: I know that's a foreign concept to most of the trainspotters.

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The insecurity thing is just a reason made up to hate them. I dont buy it. I'm sure we all have our insecurities. Some people just deal with it by using steriods and getting fake tits. What's the difference with a person who sticks their fingers down their throats and doesn't eat?

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I never worked out in my whole entire life and I can't say that I am small, I am about 6'4, I just never wanted to be that buffed up idioit who thinks he could impress girls with his body. Those who flex in front of a mirror or do push up at vinyl are just craving physical attention, want to be noticed "hey look at me and what i can do". But when the time comes to an intellegent conversation all you get in responce is a drool on the side of their mouth accompanied with a dumb look. Muscels is a way to replace a lack of something else, for some it's the brain, for some it is the dick. Of course all of this doesn't apply to everybody who works out, I would say only 90%. As far as plastic in your body, you gotta look at the reasons that she would get them, heard whole shitload of different stories, some get it to feel better about themselves, some to get more attention, some to make money, some to break a guiness record. as long as its not bigger then your head, it's cool. I was never against fake tits, but honestly do prefer real breast.

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Assuming ppl with fake tits and muscles can't hold a conversation is ridiculous. People hate juice heads and girls with fake tits because they can't talk to them? What about a juice head or a girl with fake tits that can hold a good conversation? How about a guy with no muscle or a girl with no tits that can't hold a conversation, aren't they as bad? I'm sure they exists.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

Assuming ppl with fake tits and muscles can't hold a conversation is ridiculous. People hate juice heads and girls with fake tits because they can't talk to them? What about a juice head or a girl with fake tits that can hold a good conversation? How about a guy with no muscle or a girl with no tits that can't hold a conversation, aren't they as bad? I'm sure they exists.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

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yes, stupidity is endless and comes in different forms and shapes. I am purelly basing my opinion on past experiances and observations. I am absolutely not questioning their intellect, but then again, there hasn't been a person yet to convince me otherwise - this only implies to men. Never would I say that everybody that had a plastic surgery or works out constantly is an idiot, it is the stereotype of people that we are used to so much, the bullie or the idiot stereoptypes.

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Originally posted by tastyt

What does it matter? I remember hearing a strange concept once, it had something to do with clubs and hearing GOOD MUSIC. :idea: I know that's a foreign concept to most of the trainspotters.

Since PVD is coming to SF it has come to my attention many people hate fake tits and juiceheads. That is what this thread is about.

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