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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by momadance

  1. there is a trio from canada called 'the new deal' playing 2 sets starting at 11 o'clock tonight at the wetlands. They have drums, bass and an organ/piano guy, and they funk down hard. its a true original musical fusion. For anyone looking to do something else really cool tonight, throw down 12 bucks and see you there. you can also search napster for 'the new deal' to hear some of their tracks. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  2. I dont get it, is being on the board some kind of secret? why cant you ask someone, what am I missing? ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  3. Get your facts stright, it was LSD. Plus there were always a good bunch of people known as 'the warf rats', who were sober deadheads, that would be at every show and on every tour. If you get confused, listen to the music played, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  4. I have a mini one in my sink made out of a small polland spring bottle, a larger one, some serran wrap an old bong slide. its gives crazy hits for a little thing!!! Oh, Yea!! Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  5. Something tells me that the show at the wetlands will end way before PVD goes on, so come on down and get some funk in your step ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  6. All I know is that Oakenfold was at the tavern for my birthday weekend last year. If something like that happens, I will be out there. If not, you wont find me anywhere near that god for saken island. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  7. Yea, 'New deal' are going to be there on friday, they are pretty phat. For those of you who dont know, they are a drum, bass and organ trio from canada, aye, that make 'live progressive breakbeat house with a jam band feal.' In other words, they groove on out. You can find a few of their songs on napster, but be careful for a christian band called 'the new deal'. But to the original question, I think I will be there on friday. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  8. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  9. First of all, people have been doing CK (coke and K together) for a lot longer than 6 months. mabey you just found out about it then, but it has been and will be going on for a long time. And by the way, you are out of your mind if you do this. talk about always needing something, why dont you just try music, it is what its really all about. mabey you'd see that if you left your snorter at home ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  10. what are you asking? if you physicaly can? then yes. if your questionis if it is bad for you, then yes. rule of thumb, K is evil. mixing it with anything isnt a good idea (even e). The reason you get so fucked up from mixing drugs is that it is literly distorting your body chemistry. thats the high though. so you have to figure out what is worth it and what is not. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  11. well hopfully you have some ways to have fun that dont include getting fucked up. if not, then you have morte problems than you might realize ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  12. samoas are by far the best not only girl scout, but best cookie ever. hands down ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  13. And where would this be happening? ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  14. thats like compairing apples and oranges!!! Of course you should always go out with at least one joint. do you really need to be told that? or you can just go around the club mooching hits from other peoples joints and be 'that guy' ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  15. I saw him spin atr centro back whenever that was. His set started out really funky, he was doing some tight remixes, and had the crowd going a little harder than usual (and the usual for CF is usualy pretty damb good) but then after like the first half hour, it could have been anyone up there in the booth playing records. i'm not saying that it wasnt good, because it deffinatly was, but It made me wonder why people hype djs so much when really any dj can play any song and you wouldnt really know who is playing it. Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  16. Hey, I was (am) with ya'll. And Hey, this topic is my signature!!! Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  17. Erick Morillo is the best house DJ in the world. I hear him spin here in NYC all the time at centro-fly and he will not let you stop dancing. you will be helpless but to throw your hands in the air and dance. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  18. I watched twin peeks back in the day. it was one of the most creative shows ever. it makes regular TV look like kids made it. if tv shows were made like movies, like TP was, I would be a lot more intertained. if you find out any info let me know, although I thought I did hear something of a dvd set, but that very well may have been for something else. good call though, peace, michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  19. First of all, there is no basment in centro-fly (like the alamo in pee wees big adventure) second of all, the original poster says they cant dance to house and they need soul & latin. If they went to either of the 2 places you recomended, they would not be able to dance. (even though I think its impossible to go th CF thursdays and not dance). they need to go to hush, copa, or places like that, not vinyl and centro. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  20. its stupid immature ignorant comments like this that ruin this board. its like every time you reed a post you have to weed out a bunch of responses form people who just dont know enough to comment. and most of the time people just comment to accumulate more posts anyway. Moral: its better to say nothing at all than something stupid ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  21. When extracting music from a cd to your hard drive, it is important that you have an extracter that makes an exact audio conversion (EAC). you will find this software at http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ It is the standard for most online music trading communities. It breakes up the cd into individual .wav files which are identical digital clones of the origanal. Hope this helps, good luck, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  22. To make a point, to do something just and nobel, to shut down these biggot racists. Let it go? you are just as much a part of the problem if you do nothing and continue to support them. If no one ever 'wasted their time with bulshit' only white land owning males would be able to vote. Sorry, buddy, but the world is not perfect, you cant just sit back and hope it will all just go your way. Sometimes, you have to get out there and put a little effort in. this is something that needs to be addressed. I am white, and hate exit myself, but I hate racism even more. Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  23. I like payday bars ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  24. If I was comming in from poughkeepsie, I would sure as hell get there at 10:55 and see the whole night progress too. Word up man, you're hard core!! Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  25. Only at like 2 or three places, so just stay away from those ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
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