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Everything posted by charrails

  1. yo what's up with the 9:20 session before hand???
  2. hey!! It usually is somewhat yuppiesh, but I know tomorrow's gonna be different, I think there's no dress code tomorrow night.... we're going so hopefully we'll meet ya....
  3. I'd definately recommend to check out this party.....Anthony V of Wicked Liquids is gonna throw down some joints (plus special guests)!!!!! (Wicked Liquid has performed all over nyc - LL, Exit, Cream, Bar B, Orchard Bar, Liquids, Loft PArties, the Frying PAn, plus overseas - Bali, Australia, etc.....well worth checking this night out.....great blend of Tech-House and ill Progressive underground tracks.....)
  4. little do they know those are only on the good nights!
  5. they're having a huge rave on Sunday, looks to be a good night - great lineup... Christopher Lawrence Frankie Bones DJ Sneak plus many more
  6. I'll forgive you...this time....haha and when it comes to the Limelight, forget it, I can't even ask some people, they'll preach about "anti religious" etc....I guess I can understand if you really feel that its not a good thing to do......but it kinda funny when someone who gambles every week, hasn't gone to church in 5 years, and drinks/smokes about every day all of a sudden cannot disrespect the church....oh lets not forget pre-marital sex and meat on fridays
  7. exactly.... the sad thing is that some of them have had a blast at clubs, but then they think that there is no point to going withouth the drizzugs, but meanwhile we've all settled down a bit, and we go out all the time without pills or anything......they just wanna think they're "over" that stage of their life.... but if you think about it, those people are the ones with drug problems....if they feel that they can't go to real deal places without drugggggggs.....I'm not anti rolling or anything, but just cuz you don't want to roll doesn't mean you can't go out where there's good music……
  8. Its ridiculous sometimes... I mean, they're gonna pay $30+ to go to a place in the hamptons because its "too much $$" to pay $10 at Centro? at least make up excuses that make sense.... There are people I ask but I know they won't say yes, and they throw out some weak excuses but we both know what they're saying is "I can't hang" or "I dunno, man, those clubs are for the people "into" the scene...I'm not "into" the scene..." like they think its some sort of cult.... I mean, its a room with speakers and music not a church...why can't they just go out and dance and have fun? Its like they're worried it'll corrupt them or something?
  9. it makes me laugh to hear the BS excuses from friends each week when we tell them where we're going and tell them they should come out... by this point everyone figures that wherever we go is part of "the scene" and somehow they fear the scene..they prefer the light-ness of cheesy places.... so today I told a friend - "come to centro fly saturday for Timo Maas, he's a great DJ and its only $10 with the list" and the reply "maybe but pretty strapped for cash. We might head out to the island or the hamptons saturday." SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO THE HAMPTONS!???!?? hahahahahahahah I don't even care but it makes me laugh........
  10. nice so we'll see ya tonight sweet....let's do this.....
  11. yo yo what's up, bro!!? same here, man, we were wondering if you guys fell out!! you hittin Pappa up thursday?? I gotta give you some new CD's of mine....plus let you know about a gig or 3 we're working on.... hmm...same shit, basically going to a lot of different shite after Twizzlo closed, workin, spinning, smoking, sleeping... we gotta get up soon man!! let me know if your hitting either vinyl thurs centro saturday (timo maas) vinyl Sunday (howells) we're definately going Thursday and Friday at least...... good to hear from you finally..haha.a..... what's up with this blunt?
  12. SAndra Collins would be good Hawtin, Mills, Cox, Mistress Barbara, D:Fuse, Sander, Pascal F.E.O.S., Nalin, hmm.... most picked - probably COX, huh? oh - DJ Charlie Ruhle - trust me.....
  13. SF is slammin, and people go there for the music as well as the crowd/venue....JUST like everyone who's going to Howells on sunday....they're going for his MUSIC, and cuz he's at VINYL (good venue) and the crowd will be "good" .... well the people going to the factory are going cuz of JP's MUSIC, and the CLUB (good venue) as well as the fired up crowd they like.... the problem I'm seeing here is a SUPERIORITY complex from all the techno/tech house/trance heads who think people who go to SF don't care about the music...maybe they DO< and they just have different TASTES....jeezuz...its like 2 different restaurants serving 2 types of food....just cuz you don't like korean food doesn't mean that everyone in the korean restaurant simply "doesn't care about food"...they just like THAT KIND OF FOOD..... I have only been back to the factory 2-3 times since I used to go a lot in the summer of 98, but 2 things are for sure: 1) JOnathon peter's has skills, and he's been successfull at rocking one of NYC's most succesful parties for 3+ years now...... 2) The crowd in SF has a lot of energy....at least on the dancefloor.... Its not my #1 choice to go to, but I gotta respect the party cuz it is off the meter.....its not a fluke that THOUSANDS of people have gone week after week, and DJ's from other clubs go to SF after they spin to hear JP.....the guy may spin a lot of vocals here and there, but that's what he wants to spin.....and he tears it up, he doesn't just mix one track into the other, he works the hell out of the tracks and uses some kind of sampler/drum machine over the music....but he does his job as a DJ and does it well..if he didn't (i don't care what kind of music you like) then he wouldn't still be there.....
  14. seriously.....that shite's gonna be inSANE!
  15. damn we gotta blaze this 3 Z el.......yo Exodust & I are from westchester- P-ville and Dobbs Ferry, we gotta get up on a cypher.....
  16. I guess Trust fridays are out?? 'tis a shame.....
  17. who cares if its "IN".... people who get all upset cuz you got glowsticks gotta relax...... I never really did them, but I enjoy a good show....I agree people who completely suck shouldn't jump in the middle of a circle, but besides that, why sweat it if someone wants to liquid? even if they're bad? I think being all about "in style" is somewhat "out".....I mean, just come out and have fun...if you want sticks, bring 'em...if you don't, don't....but let people do whatever they want....I don't see why it bother's people so much...a lotta people are just jumping on another bandwagon....(the "anti-sticks" bandwagon)
  18. clubhead - where ya been, bro??!?!? good ta see you posting again....when're we gonna see you out?? about Spacegirl - I'd say she definately is impressive when you sit there and watch her doing a live PA, its pretty f-n cool, BUT, the songs themselves aren't really that good at all...I've only seen her twice, and the crowd goes wild, but its all basically the trance we've heard since 99.......a basic synth over a stompin beat...if another DJ was SPINNING those same songs we'd say that DJ was cheesy...but no doubt she's got skills and rocks the party....I'm just not huge on the actual songs.... BUT I'd say that my favorite DJ's I've seen at raves were: Derrick May D:Fuse Bad Boy Bill Johnny Fame Sandra Collins (when she shows up) Juan Atkins Pleasurehead - I don't care what people say, his set was ill @ Electric……maybe it was an "on" night but I though he was great……
  19. you mean besides me of course.......or is the student trying to out do the teacher now? its all about Garcia Vega Elegantes, without a doubt!!! unless you're tryin to twist a little small something then go with Panatella's... Vanilla Dutchies are also good... WORST BLUNTS- WHITE OWLS
  20. I'm all about Timo this saturday..... count me in... gonna be the SHIIIIIZZZZ
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