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Everything posted by charrails

  1. 2 eggs and cheese on a roll (with salt, pepper and ketchup, of course...)
  2. Hey!! we love that place...pesto chicken sandwich....m....m.mmmm.... I read once that the best hangover is a shake with a banana, some honey, vanilla ice cream, and milk....(milk/ice cream to settle stomach, honey for some quick sugar to the brain, and a banana for vitamin B....)also drink plenty water/gatorade/clear liquids...
  3. Hey Exodust..... Whats UP? Sounds like you're havin some troubles... Stop monkeying around we need WEEEEEEEED!
  4. what she said oh, and... ...whats up with this blunt?
  5. Don't worry Al, your invited to the WESTCHESTER smoke out 2001.... hey, LI peeps are also welcome...so clubhead- are Wastechester kids allowed? if so, Exodust and I are always down for the cypher....I'll bring the green leaf Garcia's.....
  6. Junglekittn!! what's up...? (I met ya at the Vessel - chuck/charrails...) jus' wanted to say high!! that was a great night I must say..good music, and definately chill people...well nice to meet ya... PS- the wicked liquid crew is gonna be at Bar B this Friday, so you guys should check it out...(Allen st. btween Houston & Stanton..) no cover, similar beats, etc....c-ya [This message has been edited by charrails (edited 03-12-2001).]
  7. We're gonna try to make it to Sven Vath @ Twilo..... If your looking for a good place to pre-party, try hitting up Bar B on Allen st. between houston/Stanton...There's no cover, and your guaranteed to hear some good Trance/Tech-house/dark progressive beats and meet many chill people....
  8. Did you go to Albany? hmm...I think I might know you...if you didn't then I have no idea who you are, BUT if you're the Cesar that I know who I THINK moved to Massapequa- lemme know.....either way reply... peace QUAIL STREET BLAZIN CREW
  9. Hey that sounds just like me... oh...wait...never mind I thought you said I smoke 5 times a day and am very BLUNTED..oops... Oh- I think Exit2Heaven said it best on a recent post- something like "do what you want...just don't grab my girls ass.." big, small, ugly, cheesy, ravy, underground, whatever...as long as your having a good time and not bein a dick..so be it....
  10. Hey...Jkittn - Oh by the way what's your name again.? yep I was a big fan of the crowd...& the music...of course...but then again thats why the crowd was there.... the bartender definately filled at least half of my first drink with vodka....after that it was heinekens and you can't really make those any stronger/weaker.....a lil' spliff on the dancefloor didn't hurt either.... well talk to ya later.... chuck
  11. Good Question- does anyone know what time Sven usually comes on? Exodust- Are you going to Bar B first? That's prolly a good place to meet up with peeps before Twilo, etc...since no cover and good music... what do ya think?
  12. the VESSEL was off the hook...I loved the underground vibe there...couldn't be beat...everyone there was really into the beats, and chill as hell..met some cool peeeps.... Great music by Anthony V, Iman, and JanLo...I definately recommend NOT missing the next one... I think you can catch these guys on Fridays at Bar B, as well....(no cover, which is nice...) I don't think its every Friday, but Anthony V said it's on for this Friday (the 16th)...so CHECK IT OUT>......
  13. T-wood, baby!!!!! I hear you guys...sometimes I actually enjoy the ride home, esp. when I'm cracked out...Its a good time to unwind and blaze and pop in a tape.....ahh... but when I'm drinking I just wanna get home before I pass the hell out...(don't get me wrong, I'll still unwind and blaze and listen to a tape, though...) Scotty- we gotta take the westchester session crew and make it grow..before we know it, we'll have 30 heads on the blunt...much more time to recover from the *cough* cough* cough* in betweeen hits.....
  14. GGGGGGOOOD Shit!!! I'm glad you had a blast...NYC def. gives you a place to party 24/7.... WEll, come back soon....sounds like you still have a handful of clubs to go check out...but good choices, I must say...
  15. I think you make a good point. Although I love it when I'm in a club and everyone is there "just for the music/DJ/Dancing", actually I like it much better that way, BUT your 100% right that there is nothing wrong with going to a club for meeting people,etc... I think what many of us forget is that not everyone who wants to hook up is one of those people grabbin every girls ass, and its not mutually exclusive, like you either a) love the music or b)want to hook up....I personally love the music, and have a great girl, so I'd rather be in a room full of people who are there for the music... I also like to MEET these people, def. met some chill peeps at the clubs... We do get hypocritical though, We say that we like a diverse, open minded crowd, but when a place is packed, we wish that the closed-minded people would leave..well that means we're not being open minded to them... Some people who love Phish, etc are similar to this,...they act all open minded, like its all love, and people have argued with me that hip hop, or techno is about a certain style, and not as open minded as Phish's crowd, but then when I went to a Phish show wearing my normal gear, the hippie-dressed folk were looking at me like "what the hell is he doing here..." I really enjoyed hearing/seeing them jam, but it was just funny to think about how they also have a certain style, although they act like clothes don't matter, how come they all dressed almost the same...I'm talking about kids who were normally Gap/Eddie Bauer styles all of a sudden pulling their baggy-patched (fake dirt ass style) clothes out of the closet and becoming a hippy for a day.... SORRY to go off...but I'm glad you brought this up...maybe I fell into the same trap that I made fun of my Phish-head friends for.....from now on, bring on the meatheads, the swingers, the guidettes, and the non-techno heads...may we all end up dancing together....but like exit2heaven said "just don't grab my girls ass"
  16. HEEY.... Guys, if we're gonna smoke this blunt, let's make sure it's rolled right.... Exodust- you can break up the buds.... Scott- yo I thought you never Pm'd me back...I guess the best way to find out would've been to check my PM's, but sometimes I forget these things..... OK OK OK Exodust- you can get the roll, but I'll take the "re-roll" (hehehahahahahahaLOL)
  17. I'm with you,...Twilo's just getting outta hand....I know they're just responding to the huge demand, but the sad fact is that even though they'll charge more, they will still let just as many people in...GREEEED Might as well go to the limelight and use the change towards drinks/other activities.... It's not like they have a lack of talent... On the same note, $45 for SF is also outta hand...well I guess there's no point in bitching...soon enough all of the Megaclubs will be over $50.....Lets revisit this in 1 year, You prolly won't be able to get into twilo for less than $50 on ANY night...(that is if they're still open...)
  18. I know this really isn't about live PA's, but imagine hearing ascension "Someone" live, OMG hearing her voice, seeing her standing there singing....aahhhh Of course "silence" (Sarah M) performed live (Tiesto version) but as far as a Track I'd love to hear on a system.... Vengaboys "We like to party" (JUSTKIDDING!!!!)
  19. People are definately responding a little more civilly than I expected when I saw the topic... 1) In the big picture, SF-heads and Twilo-heads are almost one and the same...when you think about how many choices we have in music, nightlife, etc..we're not comparing country to house or hip hop to Alternative....It's like comparing Haagen Daaz vanilla vs. Ben & Jerry's vanilla... 2) variety is key....food analogy - I love Italian food, and thai and japanese, but I don't have to choose just ONE, so why would clubs be any different? As long as I'm on the food analogy, I'd say Twilo is like the specialty foods place, you go there for top quality imports, while SF is like a great all american bar/grill type of place...sometimes I'd prefer getting my UK/Thai fix at Twilo, sometimes I want a nice fat burger(NYC hard house) at the Factory..... 3) JP tears it up 4) Twilo DJ's tear it up 5) I think people are calming down about "this club vs. that club"...we're all into the scene, and many of us are into different styles within the scene...people who pigeonhole their tastes are only limiting themselves...and tastes change...some of the people who love trance now may love techno in a year and vocals in 2 years...
  20. I did say a lot, I admit...I didn't say I wasn't a rambler..I wasn't trying to be rude... On this board you can't say much without getting ripped apart, and it's tough to read someone else's post without playing devils advocate.....I get caught up sometimes...plus I'm kinda shot here after this crazy weekend.... I like watching people with talent on the glowsticks, its fun...it is kinda cheesy sometimes when everyone has them and half of them can't liquid at all (I'm part of that half- so I don't attempt it...some of my friends are ill, though...) I can't say I've been to Vinyl yet...I do want to go, though...and I think you'll be pleased to know that me/my crew is all there for the music...even some of the kids who didn't like it as much at first...we always go to the place where a DJ we want to hear is spinning, we all dance, we don't always do "EXcstra curricular activities" (sometimes though...LOL), Actually I'm a resident DJ in my basement....I love all types of beats, and when I was at CC/DT I was impressed by the music/mixing, and thought the crowd kinda sucked...each person may have been cool, but when its that packed, you just keep getting pushed in the shuffle and can't get your groove on, everyone ends up losing their patience and gets a little too pushy....I think it'll be better to hear DT at Vinyl (I used to catch him @ tunnel but I'd guess he has more artistic license at Vinyl...) might as well let poopies be poopies and by gones be by gones.... (that's one of the first times I ever said that- (the bygones part...) anyway....you know what is really making Twilo have a slightly bad vibe? the staff/owners....they let too many people in, and are rude to everyone once inside...If they want more money, they should charge $40, and let the right amount of people in...have you checked Twilo out on a less popular night? I bet you'd dig Steve Lawler...his first night of his residency was chill as hell, we met so many people and everyone was really there for the music (either they like lawler or they just are down to hear someone new)....people call Lawler the DT of the UK... Question- was DT's style from 4-6 totally different than his usual style? he played really hard dark stuff, tech house etc...I've heard that he's gotten into techno lately, and also he had to pick up where Coxy left off, but I always thought his style would be kind of deep/groovy, and I'm more into progressive/hard stuff.....he hit me off lovely on Sunday...we were so hurtin from a party we threw on Sat. and the crowd was too much, so we missed the afterhours...(6:30 and on....) SEE? I ramble on....and on....and on....that's my biggest fault (I hope)
  21. CAzz926- please ignore the smilies in my above post- I'm smily illiterate.....
  22. HEY that party's gonna be the JAM.... I heard Anthony V. this weekend and he tore it up...got the party MOVING w/ill Tech House and PRog Trance..tight mixing!!!!!! People - Def. check this out...should be a good vibe and Def. good people.... When is it, March 10th? c-ya then!!
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