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Everything posted by charrails

  1. I'd imagine that Twilo would put something in the contract so they wouldn't spin anywhere else in NYC...BUT some good imported DJ's spin at other venues... (roxy, limelight, hammerstein, roselands, etc) Oakey, Tall Paul, DJ Heaven, etc... all I know is that the big draws at Twilo - PVD, CC/DT, S&D, bring TOOO many people, and Twilo doesn't say no at the door, so it gets ridiculous...I would love to see/hear these guys at a bigger venue, or at least someplace that stops letting people in once its full... (Imagine PVD at Exit...before you rip me apart, think about the # of heads outside of PVD at Twilo and imagine all of us moving to the same PVD beats at Exit...one huge vibe...ahhh......well I guess we have to move on cuz it doesn't look like thats happening...) As far as Exit paying top dollar, they could charge $50 to see PVD at Exit on a Friday and I'd bet another $50 that the place would be PACKED as hell...so why not try it.....OR do you think that these DJ's would prefer NOT to play at a "mainstream club" (isn't Twilo becoming mainstream as it is, though?)
  2. I'd imagine that Twilo would put something in the contract so they wouldn't spin anywhere else in NYC...BUT some good imported DJ's spin at other venues... (roxy, limelight, hammerstein, roselands, etc) Oakey, Tall Paul, DJ Heaven, etc... all I know is that the big draws at Twilo - PVD, CC/DT, S&D, bring TOOO many people, and Twilo doesn't say no at the door, so it gets ridiculous...I would love to see/hear these guys at a bigger venue, or at least someplace that stops letting people in once its full... (Imagine PVD at Exit...before you rip me apart, think about the # of heads outside of PVD at Twilo and imagine all of us moving to the same PVD beats at Exit...one huge vibe...ahhh......well I guess we have to move on cuz it doesn't look like thats happening...) As far as Exit paying top dollar, they could charge $50 to see PVD at Exit on a Friday and I'd bet another $50 that the place would be PACKED as hell...so why not try it.....OR do you think that these DJ's would prefer NOT to play at a "mainstream club" (isn't Twilo becoming mainstream as it is, though?)
  3. I just mean that everyone is there to dance, or at least the majority...and its like one huge vibe, everyone up and down to the same slamming beats...SF is not a rave, people are more decked out, and the beats are a bit cheesier and you won't find 1000 Deka-heads at your average rave....but the feeling of being in one massive group of heads and bodies grooving to the same beats is similar to a rave...plus the crackheaded-ness is greater at SF than most clubs, again similar to raves... I wouldn't advise your average UFO/Caffeine wearing, glowstick rocking, hipppy/raver kids to show up at tha factory, and expect to see a rave...they would be in for a shock, BUT to someone who wants to dance all night with a crew of thousands of other people dancing/raging all night, i would recommend SF....
  4. I agree.....Twilo was still letting kids in at like 6-7am, if they didn't plan on staying open past 8-9am, then they shouldn't have been lettin kids in so late... We were actually talking about this exact thing...How many DJ's (big names included) wouldn't want to have a chance to close for PVD for a packed house of fired up lunatics at Twilo...? Its prolly a dream for many DJ's...Twilo has no excuse for not staying open...what are they making less money than the factory or Exit ? I don't think so...even a quick 1 hour closing set would've been enough to ease us back out of the night....
  5. I hear ya... Well I think if your talking about PVD, that night was such a pain in the ass for everyone that everyone was annoyed to a point...with all of the shoving and pushing and what not... I've only been to 2-3 raves, but have seen what you mean, almost everybody at the rave is there to dance their asses off (some are just there for the drugs...) but at clubs, there is always a certain % who are there to hook up or look good, etc... depending what club and what night, there are some which are more ravey than others... I haven't hit up Vinyl yet, but I'd say to see Danny T there on fridays you'll prolly get a music oriented crowd... also usually Twilo is more music appreciative, PVD is so blown up that everyone shows up, even hook up crowds.. Try another night at Twilo, for a lesser known DJ, Vinyl fridays, and I'd have to say the sound factory Saturdays are ravey, although the beats are more NYC hard house, clubby beats, but everyone dances with a rage for hours on end.... also try Limelight, they've been bringin in some good DJ's...and i've heard the Tunnel's very ravey these days...haven't been there since the summer, though... (as always, check whose spinning that night..) Also- be on the look out for Dave Sigmund parties, those have a good vibe- Try the Shipwrecked party the last Saturday of every month....
  6. Blueangel- Sorry to hear about that...Twilo really is run by inconsiderate, greedy bastards...I mean, they must have let in an extra 1,000 heads to what the capacity is..I'm surprised someone DIDN't die in there of suffication or heart attack...when trying to go to the bathroom, there was complete gridlock, and the bouncers just pushed and shoved everyone through, people were falling into each other, it was mayhem...Last PVD I went to (july) someone collapsed in my friends arms, (turns out he died...) and this time, they let so many people in they were asking for another casualty...they risk people's safety for $$, and now to hear that they are throwing people out for no reason (well,to fit more cover paying fans in) except maybe race, shows that this club deserves the negative publicity it gets....even more than it does.... well thanks for the list...sorry to hear about this......maybe you can sway some heads to other, more open minded parties..... maybe if you publicize this BS, some of the DJ's will hear about it, and hopefully some of the DJ's, promoters, and fans (asian and non-asian) will bring their services/money/business to other clubs.....
  7. BBbbblizzunts!!!! (Blunts) but since they weren't on the list, Jibs, Jays, Quails, Joints, Spliffs, Hey, I like to Roll and I like to Roll..... A nice green leaf w/killers in it...ahh...its more of an event that a bowl...plus its good even for a bunch of heads...just roll it fatter...ahh...TGIF!!! ("T"wist a "G"arcia "I"nstantly @ "F"ourtwenty) [This message has been edited by charrails (edited 02-09-2001).]
  8. I have actually heard that one of the biggest causes of death for "rollers" is that they drink too much water (bladder explosion from drinking without peeing..). (kinda gross, but def. something to be aware of....)
  9. Hey, we'll be there @ around 11:30...anyone think there will be a line that early?
  10. good idea, I have another room we can make the chillout lounge...I gotta work on the velvet walls though...
  11. Who has some good ideas to help make a house party feel less like its at a house/more like a lounge or club...? I'll be clearing out the basement, I figure you hook up your blacklights, lava lamps, etc...buy some waters/red bulls/alcohol.... other ideas would be good- thanks (beats are taken care of...me & 2 friends will be spinning...just want to make people forget they're at my house and start dancin, etc...)
  12. A banana bowl....you know the drill- aluminum, etc... Who hasn't done the homeade Gravity Bong thing...we made one out of a small poland spring bottle taped to a bigger one, taped/glued to a pretzel keg (bottoms cut out of the above), then put that whole thing into a (clean) garbage can full o' water..the rest is history... In desperate times - any household plastic medicine container - maalox etc, poke a hole, pop in the aluminum, put some holes in that, pack it up, lite it!!! ....my $4.20
  13. well I've only heard Boris 1x at Exit, he was on point mixing wise, no doubt, but I guess some of the earlier songs kinda threw me off, with all the vocals and what not...they prolly don't give him much choice, being in the mainroom on a saturday, late night he did get better... You know, I think it was actually his 1st week @ Exit, maybe he's diff. now, but he played emma shaplin, harvest, bruce springsteen, aurora Ordinary World, etc.. and the vibe was pretty cheesy... Has anyone seen/heard Boris anywhere else? I'm just curious for a better idea of his style.... PS- Anyone I offended, i do apologize, I guess some people can't take a joke- not you sguid266, you knew I was just bustin balls, you said the party was different, but it sounded quite the same...I understand you gotta try & stir up some interest, that's what promoters do.... Exit remains a huge, overwhelming and even spiffy location...just not for me on Saturday's....I'm not saying that the place blows, or any of the DJ's suck, I just prefer a set without the vocals,etc...nothing wrong with people who love Exit, half of my friends always choose Exit as their club of choice... just not me... SOrry to go off, I just got an angry PM (from an Exit fan, I assume), and I guess my comments may have been a lil' strong.... well to each your own,,,, Sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in the sarcasm on this board...I complain cuz you can't even make a slight mistake on the board without gettin RAILED by 10 kids calling you an asshole and telling you how long they've been clubbing and why Twilo or SF or EXit is the best...., but when I see something hypocritical, etc, its hard to resist poking fun... I take what I say lightly, so please try to do the same..........see everyone this weekend......................... Laters....
  14. Hash Brownies Fruity Pebbles Starburst/Skittles/Spree Dunkin Donuts Iced French Vanilla Coffee w/Milk & Sugar
  15. Damn!! I didn't expect such a good response!!! I guess there was a lot of you guys there !!!! -~
  16. I have to say it was a good time...Definately a nice lil' venue, good crowd, and enjoyable beats...(perfectly set the mood, had me head-bobbin)... I heard that the DJ was named Russ (anyone know if it was Russ Reign?)either way, he threw on some good beats...just curious since I always see Russ Reign on this site, never heard him spin, though.... Anyone else there Saturday?
  17. Oh yeah.... Still have yet to hear Frankie Bones/Adam X, micro/X-dream....wouldn't mind
  18. Out of one's i've seen: 1) PVD 2) Sandra Collins 3) Spacegirl (maybe #1 if I could hear a 3-4+ hour set..) 4) Carl Cox 5) Danny T - (haven't seen him since Tunnel 98'...) 6) Seb fontaine 6b) Fuck it- JP - when your in the mood, he doesn't let you down... 7) Derrick May...caught him @ Boo5, would love to hear him @ a club... 8) DJ Charlie Ruhle (I've only heard him in my basement so far...except one time @ Hush) People I'd love to see (haven't yet) 1) Christopher Lawrence 2) Jeff Mills (hear a lotta good things about this man) 3) Danny T (the Vinyl-Tenaglia, where he has artistic license to play whatever he wants...) 4) Judge Jules (may or may not be cheese, but might as well see why he seems to be #1 DJ on several Top100 lists..) (4b) on same note as above, I'd like to hear Junior Vasquez, prolly not my style, but you gotta catch the legends sometime...)
  19. Hey, he threw the pitch, I had to swing...I'm not a huge Sat. Exit fan...though I would like to hear Anthony Mundy, heard he's good...the mainroom kills me, though...(except Fridays- Draper does a nice job..) Boris has skills, but you gotta be prepared for a lotta standard Saturday Mainstream House fare....expecially early...(bruce springsteen, etc - maybe that's the opener,,,I hope...)
  20. That does sound like a whole new lineup!! I mean, they used to have DJ Boris in the mainroom and Anthony Mundy in the secret room...and NOW, they have.. Anthony Mundy in the secret room and DJ Boris in the mainroom!!! that's gonna be a totally different night!!! I heard vinyl fridays also changed it up completely, now Danny Tenaglia spins!!! and the new Twilo Saturday DJ, "something- Vasquez", I dunno, he's new...
  21. Al- Whats Up?!? I guess you saw NeyDogs's reply, but we are thinking of heading out to London/Amsterdam probably the first week of June, a few days at each place....either that or we'll save up and buy some equipment to make beats... more info than you needed, but maybe we can arrange it so we'll be out there when you are, or you can come with us..maybe others are down also?......
  22. Hey, babe... Glad you enjoy it....I'll keep 'em coming.... PS_ Christopher Lawrence Saturday??!?! LET's DO tHis!!!
  23. Let's not forget Mario Piu "Communicate" talk about an all build up song... Agree w/second trip...most Scot Project remixed trax are ill....
  24. DJ Kool ------------------ Jewel Promotions invites you to CHECK OUT NYC's Newest PROGRESSIVE party SATURDAYS at WEBSTER HALL.... FOR GUESTLIST/REDUCED ADMISSION/INFO e-mail: jewelz917@yahoo.com or mention the "Jewel" list at the door. "NOT THE WEBSTER HALL GRANDMA USED TO GO TO"
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