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Everything posted by charrails

  1. What to do this Saturday - I'd like to check out the Gatecrasher party- do you guys think the Limelight will be good, though (it always seems to be somewhat "light" If not Limelight, where? -Exit - too mainstream on Sat? - how about late night? -SF - how is it these days? (haven't gone since 98) -Tunnel- still strugglin? Please reply - need help... -Anyplace??
  2. That looked like it was gonna be soooo fat!!! Tell me more!!! I missed it..... too bad,,, Every room had big names in it, how was the rooftop.... DAMMNN I'M JEALOUS!!
  3. THIS THURSDAY - EXIT - Dark Side of The Moon (rave) Great line-up, Anyone checking it out? (don't worry - I won't tell anyone I saw you at EXIT......
  4. Dumb comment - plain & simple Many of the best dancers also have dope liquiding skills (my girl for one) and how come moving your feet is dancing but moving your feet and glowsticking at the same time is not???!?? Its actually a bit harder. One thing I wouldn't mind is more people doing it without the sticks - that can be even more interesting (& seems to take more skills) FYI_ I SUCK AT GLOWSTICKING AND I'm NOT REALLY GOOD AT DANCING EITHER - I hope nobody is offended by me having a good time at the club- If so- that's their problem (I'm the one smiling - they're the ones with a frown)
  5. I wish I had $100Billion I wish PVD, S&D, Carl COx, JP, JV, Armand, Q-Bert, eddieB, Pete Tong, Bad Boy Bill, and Frankie Bones would teach me all of the tricks of the trade
  6. We're hitting up the Limelight. I haven't been there yet... Hopefully its got a good crowd and nice beats.... I'll let you know on Monday...
  7. Is Jason Ojeda spinning this Fri? If not, anyone know who is & what they spin? Also - It says they have house and Country - is the country in some small room waaaay off to the side? Also - how is Limelight these days on Fri? I hear Saturday's are pretty touristy/cheesy... HELPMEOUT!!
  8. The characters in that first room you walk into look like they belong in Applebee's or some cheesy restaurant, not a club. It would be nice if they had some trippy graphics instead... Like the circle silk screens they used to have at Tunnel - Is it true they brought those back?
  9. My girl gets sick to her stomach and bugs from about 45 minutes - 1 & 1/2 hours after dropping, then puts her hands up in the air and its goodness from there....
  10. My girl gets sick to her stomach and bugs from about 45 minutes - 1 & 1/2 hours after dropping, then puts her hands up in the air and its goodness from there....
  11. Yellow sunshines in '98 were amazing, but it seems like they had Meth or something in them - trippin for 6-10 hours then not eating for 2 days, barely slept at all, but they were the best - non-stop dancin.... Someone said they likes the Audi TT's - were they blue and thin? I tried some of those and they felt 100% fake - I had 2 and didnt feel a thing.
  12. Garcia Vega Green leafs are the best. Grand Premo's are the biggest Elegante's are 2nd biggest and Panatella's are smallest Phillies = bad move
  13. Either will their hair/balls, and livers (juice + bombs = cirrosis)
  14. I'm non-nasal.... But I love to Blaze, love to roll, but try not to too much tried 'cid and boomers, but it's been a while It's wierd, I wouldn't do coke or heroin, but I'll drop a pill which probably has one or both + other random stuff in it
  15. I'm non-nasal.... But I love to Blaze, love to roll, but try not to too much tried 'cid and boomers, but it's been a while It's wierd, I wouldn't do coke or heroin, but I'll drop a pill which probably has one or both + other random stuff in it
  16. It's certainly very sad when someone dies. there's no doubt about that. If you go to clubs for the music & vibe, and this guy did drugs and died and brought attention to the scene and the club gets closed, etc, then don't you have a right to be a bit upset. I mean, this does bring a bad name to all of us, if you say he is one of us. I don't think people mean disrespect to this guy or his family, its just that this is a message board about clubs/raves and the promotion of a positive club experience. When people die at clubs/raves, we aren't trying to be rude to the deceased by wondering about the effect it will have on the club world......
  17. People were cheering like crazy when Born Slippy came on - What did you expect them to do, sing the words in unison? - but It was kind of akward sounding when the beats turned way down all of a sudden It seemed like his set was very hard and upbeat, even the tranciest of the songs.
  18. best night I've seen at twilo, and we waited for 2-3 hours & were sober But it was still the BEST twilo's been - better than S&D or CC - although its hard to say any is really better than the other - they all rock..... (DJ wise, but the vibe hit me in the face from the moment I walked in on friday)
  19. We hit up Twilo this Friday and didn't drop or anything, just blazed a bit, but I realized how much the music/atmosphere/crowd makes us fired up, not the bombs. We stayed longer than our friends who dropped 2x... and danced more - theres no dopey part of the night when your sober. I will still roll once in while, but I now know that when people say "There's no reason to go to a mega-club if you're not gonna drop" that they haven't tried it yet. However, I must say that part of the fun was watching other people who were out of their heads just wildin out...
  20. We hit up Twilo this Friday and didn't drop or anything, just blazed a bit, but I realized how much the music/atmosphere/crowd makes us fired up, not the bombs. We stayed longer than our friends who dropped 2x... and danced more - theres no dopey part of the night when your sober. I will still roll once in while, but I now know that when people say "There's no reason to go to a mega-club if you're not gonna drop" that they haven't tried it yet. However, I must say that part of the fun was watching other people who were out of their heads just wildin out...
  21. PVD slammed the dancefloor anywhere he wanted to... At one point in the night, the crowd spread out a bit and I thought there was a fight, then this fat bastard was stumbling around precariously and grabbing at the air, then he fell on his ass, then it took 3 bouncers, one of my boys and some other dude a while to lift him up and drag him out of the club. He seemed older than 21, though. I wonder how many people get carried out of that place on a hot (hot=slamming and hot=temperature) night. PVD - 2 + 1/2 hours wait, but well worth it Hopefully the extra money they made by robbing everyone an extra $15 at the door (35-ridiculous)can go towards paying lawsuits and paying off Guiliani..... hee hee
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