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Everything posted by e-tarded

  1. yes you can, well at least i know it works for me. everyones body reacts differently though. try it and find out ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  2. Scour is much better then Wrapster, it's such a pain the ass to use. If your looking for any media files, they are all available on Scour. If you use napster though you should get napigator, it lets you choose which servers you wanna use. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  3. I have seen people affected the same way you have explained, when using mdma. Everyones body reacts differently to it. Also how often have you been rolling. Your tolerance level may have increased and lessened the effects pills have on you. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  4. MDA lasts anywhere from 8 - 12 hrs MDA Effects: POSITIVE extreme mood lift increased willingness to communicate increase in energy (stimulation) ego softening feelings of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others feelings of love and empathy forgiveness increased awareness & appreciation of music increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell) profound life-changing spiritual experiences neurotically based fear dissolution sensations bright and intense urge to hug and kiss people NEUTRAL visual distortion appetite loss rapid, involuntary eye jiggling (nystagmus) restlessness, nervousness, shivering change in body temperature regulation NEGATIVE inappropriate and/or unintended emotional bonding tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later mild to extreme jaw clenching (trisma), tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding (bruxia) muscle tension increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water) hyponatremia (don't drink too much water) nausea and vomiting headaches, dizziness, and vertigo (general with high doses or frequent use) post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks mild depression and fatigue for up to a week severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon) possible neurotoxicity (controversial) possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-07-2000).]
  5. You could do them the next day if you wanted to. If you really want some good info check out http://www.erowid.org or www.lycaeum.org ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  6. I called limelight, and they said the event was still on, but they have no lineup info. All they know is its 18+ and 25 bucks ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  7. 6 ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  8. If you wanna drive after drinking, and you get caught. You deserve all that they give you. You may think your driving isn't impaired and you can drive perfectly normal, but for most people thats far from the truth. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-06-2000).]
  9. Parliament Lights ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  10. I believe they should be seperated so that one of the children may live. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  11. Yeah the ones I had were great. Nice and long roll, lasted about 9 hrs or so. No 8up feeling the next day ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-06-2000).]
  12. Are you allergic to nuts ? The key starting material obtainable from essential oils is safrole. While this component is present in oil of nutmeg there is only about 6% present. A much better source of safrole is oil of sassafras, where it is present at about 80%. Safrole is usually converted to isosafrole for MDMA synthesis. MDMA and MDEA are very different both chemically and in terms of their physiological effects from safrole and it would be a stretch to link allergies to oil of nutmeg with allergies to MDMA/MDEA, but I know of no studies which have looked at this. That said, people can have severe allergic reactions to nuts, e.g. peanuts, and indeed to peanut oil. Potentially, these persons may be allergic to other nut oils (e.g. oil of nutmeg). It is not clear that if one is allergic to a particular nut oil, that person would also be allergic to other nut oils as well. If a person *is* allergic to oil of nutmeg, then that person could potentially be reacting to the safrole present in nutmeg and could, in turn, be sensitive to MDMA or MDEA. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-05-2000).]
  13. I hope he doesnt show up as the special guest, I get to miss this GateCrasher Event for Groove Attack II up in Niagra Falls ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  14. Verve is also another name for GHB ... ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  15. guess I am the only one not working, just awake, and will be for the next 5 hrs. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  16. The town I used to live in in NJ Port Monmouth, there was an old house called The Spy House, it was used during the revolutionary war by either the americans or british. I forget exactly well anyhow I saw several ghosts there, no i was on any drugs. there were several: a little boy name peter, a woman about 25 or so in a white wedding dress and an old woman. at first i thought i was seeing things, but the woman who was the caretaker of the house told me about the ghosts after i described them too her. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  17. nice image of xoom.com ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  18. yea ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  19. yea i have after posting this item about 100 times on different boards I got wise and saved it as a text file, so I could just copy and paste from now on. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  20. take about 3 decent size caps and a few stems. really depends how fucked up you wanna get. try about 1/2 an 8th, see how it hits you, and then if you want take some more. i usually take about an ounce, but my tolerance is high. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-01-2000).]
  21. -HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) 5-HTP is a metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan. it is the direct precursor of the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin, the one associated with calmness; it soothes and comforts us from worry and stress. Stress causes the heightened release of serotonin, and if the stress lasts too long, it leads to serotonin depletion. Research strongly implies that boosted brain serotonin serves as a "stress immunizer." Serotonin seems to play the role of regulator to the ups and downs of mood disorders. Low serotonin levels are associated with irritability, aggression, impatience, and anxiety. Evidence suggests serotonin inhibits aggressive behavior in experimental animals and humans. Abundant laboratory research suggests there is a deficiency of serotonin or serotonin activity in the brains of most depressed persons., Suicidal patients show a significant decrease in serotonin levels. Most antidepressant drugs, including tricyclics, lithium, MAO inhibitors, and SSRI's (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Luvox), have this in common: they boost serotonin levels. 5-HTP differs from tryptophan in that it slightly increases the activity of an energizing neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, as well as the calming one, serotonin. in some clinical trials, 5-HTP outperformed tryptophan in treating mood disorders. it has also proved therapeutic for some who failed to respond to standard antidepressant drugs. The greater the agitation associated with depression, the more likely the response to 5-HTP. The usual dosage range of 5-HTP is 150-300 mg. per day in divided doses. A conservative starting dose is 50 mg., then boosting by 50 mg. every five days. A majority of responders notice a favorable mood effect within three days of beginning supplementation. in one study, of those who did respond, 80% did so within one week of therapy. Side effects are rare but may include mania, anxiety, and dermatitis. For some people, 5-HTP has a very narrow therapeutic window; the proper dosage may lie within a range as small as 10-25 mg. per day. if its antidepressant effects fade after a few weeks, it may be necessary to supplement 5-HTP at a different time of the day with a low dose of the complementary amino acid L-Tyrosine, to further raise the norepinephrine level or to eat more meat or other Tyrosine-rich foods. 5-HTP is able to pass the blood-brain barrier more easily than tryptophan, but to maximize its effectiveness it should not be taken along with protein food. one product manufacturer suggests taking it 45 minutes before or three hours after a protein meal. Ecstasy usuage depletes serotonin. You can pre-load all week taking the recommended dosage, and then take it about 5 hrs before you are going to roll. also taking it on the comedown is not going to bring your roll back up. all its going to do is maybe keep the 8up feeling away the next day. it takes approx 8hrs for 5-htp to be metabolized by the body, and remember 5-htp is not serotonin, so the effects arent immediate. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-01-2000).]
  22. what about the storm parties? ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  23. its confirmed scott bond, matt hardwick, ashly casselle, robbie nelson are the dj's, the american tour is just going to be their resident dj's ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  24. 100, The airlines lost my luggage a couple of months ago, which included 500 records. I am still waiting for a check from them. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  25. taking it on the comedown is not going to bring your roll back up. all its going to do is maybe keep the 8up feeling away the next day. it takes 8hrs for 5-htp to be metabolized by the body, and remember 5-htp is not serotonin, so the effects arent immediate. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
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