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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. i'm going to have some Spanish...roasted chicken with red beans, yellow rice and maduros...mmm yummy! ------------------
  2. some of those have to be made up, no? people aren't THAT dumb, are they??? very funny tho ------------------
  3. that can't be real, can it??? i didn't think it could open up that much unless you were having a rugrat!!! holy crap!!!!!!! ------------------
  4. eeewww, exit only thanks... ------------------
  5. i was there on sat too, and i was pretty unhappy! i was looking for a nice pick me up after blowing out of the limelight and didn't get it from JP. maybe that's why i'm soooo looking forward to the weekend...to make up for sat night!! ------------------
  6. a good personality able to appreciate all those ridiculous philosophical discussions i like to have... beautiful eyes rimmed with long curly lashes perfect for butterfly kisses and full lips to nibble on... ------------------
  7. OK, to the people who are ignorant enough to think that all the black guys are pulling in all the chicks - what are you completely dense or soemthing?? maybe you just notice the black guys in clubs because they are few and far between... oh, and are you guys so concerned with the largeness of black penis because of the smallness of your own??? get over it! besides just because a guy is big, doesn't mean he knows what to do with it! ------------------
  8. coordinating traffic at this here ad agency... ------------------
  9. check your pm's ------------------
  10. yo mama!! i'm joking, i couldn't resist! please don't send any men after me... ------------------
  11. i can find a groove to just about anything except country and death/heavy metal. amongst my top favorite genres: progressive house/trance, classic jazz/blues, contemporary jazz, r&b, and what i call contemporary folk (sarah mclaughlin, tori amos, heather nova and the like) although i haven't decided if this is the right name for this genre... ------------------
  12. they hop on because it's commercialized! it's sort of drummed into the masses, so that eventually they like it. just because something is good doesn't mean it will be commercialized. and just because something is bad doesn't mean that it won't be. most of the commercial crap out there is just that, crap! illustrative of both of these points is little miss spears...will anyone argue with me that this girl is sooo much more talented than many other singers out there?? hell no! but she sure is commercialized, ain't she? and the teeny boppers just looove her! ------------------
  13. i think it becomes commercial when it's commercialized. and it is starting...ministry of sound and dj keoki have commercials for their cd's on mtv! also, commercialization happens through air play on mass media such as radio. fortunately, this is still sort of underground - in nyc anyway... now, my problem with this is that things always seem to go down hill when the masses get hold of it. when something is hot, people start jumping on the bandwagon, even if they aren't really that into it, and big business has to get their piece and start churning out cookie cutter crap! all those ridiculous boy bands are a good examples of this. just my 2 1/2 cents... ------------------
  14. back in the day, me amy my girls used to break...and we carried linoleum around with us! used to set it up right there in the middle of the sidewalk cause we were do bomb!! or so we thought for the life of me i can't remember teh name of our crew...but we got sweat shirts made up and everything! ------------------
  15. there's one there too? i go to the one on st. marks place bet. 2 and 3 aves, tower records and believe it or not, the wiz, sam goody and coconuts...i guess progressive/trance music is starting to become more mainstream... ------------------
  16. i had an ex who cheated on me throughout the relationship... i realize through restrospect and experience that he did that because he had something to prove...to himself mainly. he needed to prove that despite the fact that he was an Uuugly mofo (and he was, gosh, i don't know what i saw in him, and it wasn't $$$!!) he could get lots of girls. when a person is secure, confident, knows what she/he wants and needs, and is honest with her/himself and others, there is no need for cheating. when a person is selfish, insecure, immature, co-dependent, wanting their cake and eating it too and etc., she/he use those things as justification for her/his cheating. what is sad but true is that there will always be cheaters looking for the greener grass... ------------------
  17. work less? i would loooove to work less and party more...but one does have to maintain one's lifestyle. and believe me, i don't feel guilty... ------------------
  18. i swear on sunday evening i was already ready for friday! i just can't wait for the weekends. i feel as though i'm rushing my life or something, by wishing the week would hurry up so i can go out dancing! tell me it's OK that, although my official age is 28 3/4, i'm a forever 18 y.o. party grrrl who just wants to have fun, and Never "settle down". a gal whose biggest worries in her "adult" life continue to be what to wear this weekend, and what she's going to have for bfast/lun/din. who lives for the weekend and loves to dance that booty off!! i really don't feel like the "adult" i imagined myself to be when i was younger. i don't feel as though i've left the adolecent stage yet!! please, someone, tell me this is OK?? ------------------
  19. aaaah, quit your bitching you guys...i don't get out of work until 6:30!! well, i guess that's because i don't start until 10:30. ------------------
  20. i like the tunnel, but hey need to raise the age limit... ------------------
  21. oooo that was baaaad, but funny!! ------------------
  22. i have to say that while i don't hate my job, it is certainly not my dream job. that would have to be something i could do from anywhere i am, using my laptop and cell phone! party planning would be cool... ------------------
  23. i vote mexican! ------------------
  24. hey, muscles are all good!! i looove a well defined man with hills and valleys of muscles. oh yes i do! what i don't like are those guys who (like their silicone babe counter parts) get sooo damn big that they look like someone forgot to stop blowing up the ballons! they have to do that walk around themselves (because their thighs are overlapping eachother) and they can't put their arms down to their sides...how do these guys wipe their butts? there is just no need to be that big, but hey to each her/his own. ------------------
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