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Everything posted by weyes

  1. while i take care to not tell people what to do in the column (i keep it impersonal by using the pronoun "one" instead of "you"), this wisdom of the year is some advice that i strongly suggest to all who read this. love hard . tune in tomorrow.
  2. this year there is just too much discomfort and drama about to explode in my group. everything means something and there isn't much relaxation to be found, unfortunately . if it were an equation it would look something like this:C broke up with B 2 years ago C still sleeps over frequently at B's house "without sex " (<--- or so says B) C has been seeing other people for 2 years B hasn't been out with anyone else in 2 years B still thinks C is coming back A is best friends with B A is starting to truly hate C B used to be best friends with D but isn't anymore D used to hate A but no longer does... let's just hope new year's doesn't turn back time on that we are all going to D's house i'd be naive if i weren't worried about the evening itself. the kiss ettiquette is not my top priority, of course, but i would like opinions .
  3. the sex board can't comprehend .
  4. taking hot bubble baths in winter is EXTRA nice...* tune in tomorrow for the wisdom of the year! *today's column may be lacking wisdom, but it is a strong suggestion from the bottom of my toes and up .
  5. i've never been in mutual love; i think if i had been, that might very well have been my answer . i've pretty much just had mediocre sex, so that's not the winner. affection is where my vote goes. as people on this board have said many times, spooning kicks ass!!!* or was that the sentimental kids on the bump board ?...
  6. lots of places have the l.a. and o.c. weekly: coffee shops, newsstands (ones that sell papers and magazines also have them to give out), some borders bookstores, eateries that are more geared to a fast-paced, indie sort of crowd... the wahoo's near me has 'em.
  7. some gifts are simply unable to be understood . (thanks are always in order anyway, however !) tune in tomorrow.
  8. i gotta say that i used to think it'd be a give and take sort of thing; guys eat girls' stuff, girls should eat guys'. then i discovered that i (i can't speak for other girls) actually taste good and men (or at least the ones with whom i've been) don't. it's not the same. perhaps the pineapple juice thing would help, but i have a feeling that that's just some . <------ don't turn this thread into one about that, now.
  9. ! this thread was supposed to be about things SAID in the bedroom that turned us off, not ass-fucking. i would like to point out, however, that that's where a guy's g-spot is, and that you guys are missing out on not checking into that. i'm not into any kind of anal sex (though i am a girl), so i understand being icked out by ass-play, but i'm not the one who'd benefit from it, so it's different for me. get to know your bodies, boys! anycrap, back to what this thread was supposed to be about: things said during sex that throw us off. there was one time when my bf and i were trying to decide if we were actually gonna have sex that night or not; it was early on in the relationship and i always had a rule that we wouldn't have sex unless he spent the night. things were getting close to sex, though, and he couldn't stay over, so we had to figure it out. i said i didn't know what i wanted but asked what he thought, and he said he wanted to "make love to me." i said i didn't like that phrase 'cause he didn't love me, and he said he did. that really pissed me off, 'cause he only said he loved me 'cause he thought it'd make me agree to fuck him that night. what a way to kill the mood .
  10. what do you miss most about being part of a couple: sex, love, or affection?
  11. i'm not sure which one that is, but the l.a. weekly (free) is the way to go . p.s. there's also an o.c. weekly (also free) .
  12. yes, double thanks to you, kzmes . thanks to you, anotherway and somebitch . yeah, diabolique, both are true for me, that i dance to remember and to forget, but i think to forget more than to remember. and sure, you can rock it .
  13. giving others gifts that one received and didn't like is bad karma . tune in tomorrow.
  14. someone who doesn't want anyone to catch him in the act. (bozo forgot to lock the door.)
  15. thank you all so much ! you are the best !
  16. showing someone how much s/he is loved is the best birthday present there is . tune in tomorrow.
  17. and the people we service don't even notice or care; that sucks.
  18. so uncool... i think the match is the worst.
  19. i wouldn't call you a redhead ...p.s. i wouldn't call you a freak, either, of course!
  20. one should check one's wiper blades tonight/tomorrow morning; we're in for a rainy week and californians often don't know the condition of their wiper blades due to their infrequent use. one shouldn't get caught in a dangerous, low-visibility situation! tune in tomorrow.
  21. o, lulubell, i know that zoos are mostly doers of good deeds; i've watched way too much animal planet not to know that . i just didn't know how you felt, and, as you said, it's not more beneficial for 100% of the animals there.
  22. one shouldn't feel sad or left out just because one doesn't have a christmas like one sees in all the happy movies; christmas is many different things and many different experiences to different people. that said, i hope everyone can make the best of it, this year ! tune in tomorrow.
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