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Everything posted by weyes

  1. buddy - you've got it all wrong. first of all, it's spelled, "eunuch." second, eunuchs still have penises; they lack testicles.
  2. that one always creeped me out a bit ... there's just something messed up about a snowman with a moustache .
  3. my back is fine, it's my boobs themselves that hurt .
  4. instead of getting angry and frustrated at people one doesn't understand, one should accept that some people simply cannot be understood. tune in tomorrow.
  5. yupyup. is that the same movie with the abominable snowman (bigfoot) in it?
  6. weyes


    not seeing him yet... thanks, but my birthday is the 27th !
  7. o, shorty, i you so much for the offer!!! we've decided just to chill at our friend's house, though.i really do have to go out soon and hang with you; i miss you !
  8. of course not, and i resent the implication !!!i think the only person to whom i ever gave negative points was jonyquest. i wonder why people are giving you negatives, lbell... and i've been trying to give out more positive points, too, but it won't let me. the thing is, i only give them to people i think legitimately deserve them, and that's not many people. that's why cp won't let me give it to the same people over and over !
  9. although making gifts seems like a thrifty way to go, it often ends up costing more than buying them. one should fully evaluate ALL that will go into making a present before one is sure that it'll be cheaper than buying one (i.e. making a cake sounds cheap, but if one doesn't already own the pan, a cooling rack, and all of the ingredients, all that adds up.). tune in tomorrow.
  10. fuckin'-a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. being that (as i said before) i hate christmas, i can't stand the traditional ones like miracle on 34th street andit's a wonderful life. so, as for my favorite, i'm stuck between bad santa and the ref. what about you all?
  12. i hope you don't !!!hope you have fun at giant's party!
  13. says my best friend: "[when a high-pressure system develops over the great basin, it pushes hot air in a clockwise motion from the desert. these are the santa anas.]" yeah, lbell, it's weird; not like any weather i know. new york never has windy, hot weather like this. hmmm.
  14. making a to-do list serves no purpose if one doesn't consult it. tune in tomorrow.
  15. i hope they weren't otherwise close; that's a little harsh of a punishment for real friends (even though real friends wouldn't not rsvp)...
  16. i hate christmas altogether, but christmas music annoys the shit outta me. working in retail makes it even worse; i'm bombarded with it all day. what christmas song do you hate the most?
  17. i am happy to say that i do not consort with liars .
  18. when invited to something, it is most polite to respond (whether with a yes or a no) as soon as possible. tune in tomorrow.
  19. o, no, i mean when a person can hang out with his/her friend and that person's significant other = 3 people. the fact that the friend feels comfortable merging the friend and boyfriend/girlfriend worlds together is a good sign, as is everyone getting along, and everyone having fun. when someone feels that s/he always has to keep his/her time hanging out with friends separate from when s/he hangs out with his/her bf/gf, something's not quite right.
  20. i just figured out how to text on my phone. it can be fun, but it takes forevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver...
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