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Everything posted by weyes

  1. it would be, if he didn't habitually talk about how people "aren't hot enough at club ____" or how some people "aren't hot enough to act snotty." i don't know anyone else on this board who gauges the worth of a party on the looks of its attendees or gives people the right to have a bad attitude if they look a certain way.
  2. just gotta point out that men lie about their height the way women lie about their weight (and age, sometimes). everyone says i must be taller than 5' 9 & 3/4", but i'm not; i'm just taller than most guys who say they're 5' 10". i'd deduct an inch or two from what most of these guys have said.
  3. i'm gonna start at the beginning of things and say that when a guy bites my lip (during a good kiss, of course), it's all over .
  4. born and raised in manhattan, went to college outside los angeles for four years, moved back to NYC for 2 years, then moved to LA proper for 3. moved half an hour south of LA a couple of weeks ago. welcome to the OC, bitches !!!
  5. anniversaries are a funny thing, especially in romantic relationships. one shouldn't get too upset if one's significant other doesn't remember the couple's anniversary of certain things, because different events are significant to each party. for instance, one person may remember the date of when the couple met, while the other may just remember the date of when they were first officially going out. what really matters is that the couple is together and celebrates the relationship everyday in its own way . tune in tomorrow.
  6. today marks the second anniversary of the wisdom of the day! i started it on april 15, 2002 and have written every day (minus about 20 days or so) since. what a long, strange trip it's been - so far!!!
  7. i've never met you, so i can't say i know you, but it still amazes me that that seems to be the most important thing to you after all these years .
  8. mark your calendar, write on your hand, use post-it notes, set your alarm on your computer, have friends remind you; do whatever it takes to not miss important dates and appointments. if necessary, do all of the above. tune in tomorrow.
  9. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyesssssssssssssssssss!!!!!
  10. originally, or where do i write from now?
  11. i haven't been to the glass house since my college days. ah, the memories ...
  12. death affects different people in different ways. one shouldn't feel that s/he is SUPPOSED to feel any certain feeling, but should just feel free to feel whatever comes naturally. tune in tomorrow.
  13. my friend has points with some hotel program; he earns 'em and spends 'em. it rocks, and it's absolutely the only way to go !
  14. i've never seen bullseye or bbbooom, and my former cp crush ain't on the list !!! p.s. to sexxyh: if we were to go by ONLY personality, would you have posted a different list (no offense to anyone, just wondering if the list was posted because most of the guys on it have posted their pics)?
  15. aww, phobik, you're the most !
  16. no salary is worth being treated like shit at work. tune in tomorrow.
  17. weyes


    best of the recent !
  18. she frightens me . i find her eyebrows disturbing (i don't understand why so many people massacre and pervert their eyebrows... wtf?????); they make her look like an alien of some crazy sort. and i don't understand plucking them to death if she's gonna draw them back on. what's up with that? people, eyebrows are your friends!!! she's also wearing too much makeup, and i don't like it when people wear tinted glasses indoors. i'm with glowgrl on the barbie lipstick - no good. and it looks to me like a rodent died on her head. her smushed boobs look painful, and i don't know why she has a deck of uno cards in her pants. i wonder if there is anything about this woman that is natural.
  19. there are 10 spots allowed on a poll; why didn't you put 10 girls on it ? nevermind ...
  20. do a search if you really wanna know; posting 'em once was enough !
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