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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    Love Vs Sex

    i agree. when each has truly earned the other's trust is when both are free to fall into the best kind of love there is.
  2. what do you think of platform/go-go dancers in regular (as in not strip) clubs (i.e. spundae, red, avalon)?
  3. i sent pms about the meetup to the following (in alphabetical order): alex90028 bassbiznatch djslimshaney globalgroovin happykittn laughingbubble lrcn phobik poccnr sandiegino sim01 steviediggler tequiza tylerprod zstarprod if i forgot anyone, i'm sorry , and it's totally a mistake on my part!!! all are invited. if anyone can think of anyone i forgot, please pass the word along !
  4. one can never book anything too early when it comes to tickets and services. make sure you get a good place in line and a good price! tune in tomorrow.
  5. thanks so much for the pictures, d !!! that's a good point. my family's cat always gets angry and mopes around after every visit to the vet. she hates going there more than anything, i think.
  6. do your kids try to make you eat them? i hated it when mine did th- o, wait...jk ! p.s. i'd like to see some more pics of the little ones, when you get a chance .
  7. when sick, making the effort to hack up that phlegm is really worth how it can make one feel .* tune in tomorrow. * sorry to disappoint or gross anyone out, but that's what passes for the column when i'm this sick .
  8. it's better in the longrun. now he won't feel horny and unsatisfied all the time. now when do we get to see some pics of the kitty ??????? i want pics!!!!!!
  9. weyes

    Sexy Lady Gif

    i don't see any pics here .
  10. just thought i'd say it before one of the guys did in a mean way: if you've never had a guy come in your mouth, how do you know cum's salty ?
  11. yeah, seriously. if she needed more support, she could've at least worn a strapless .
  12. so, hey, i just thought i'd clear something up before the meetup . my name is pronounced: w + like "wise." that's where the "wisdom of the day" (which is totally tongue-in-cheek, by the way ) came from. it's through observation (among other things, like experience) that we gain wisdom, etc., etc.; that's why i have an owl as an avatar, blahblahblah... most people think it's pronounced "way-ess" at first, so i'm just sending out a heads up .
  13. i just checked out the website; it's really gorgeous . i'd be much obliged for any help .
  14. i guess people don't look at the "gender" field much . that, or they think the owl looks masculine and is supposed to represent me. but i'm surprised at the number of people who don't know what the word means.it's ok, though; no one ever gets my screenname, either. maybe i should explain that on the meetup thread, so as to avoid any confusion that evening !
  15. before moving, it's a good idea to everything as early as possible, even if it seems like there is plenty of time. the end of the month can certainly sneak up on a person ! tune in tomorrow.
  16. i loooooooooove spinach raw . but if you put enough dip on any raw vegetable the vegetable will seem good (yay for dip!!!!!!) .
  17. weyes

    show ya wang!

    the poor dear .
  18. my first name actually means "lovable." no kidding ; you just can't beat that !p.s. i'll write down what i'll be wearing as we get closer to the date. i also know what shortystar and anotherway look like (let's make sure he gets in), but if it's dark, maybe the balloon idea would be a good one .
  19. glad to hear you had a good time at wmc . hope you wore your sunscreen !and, as shorty (that's bluecenterstar!) said, i didn't get the job . but you work in publishing, eh? for what magazine do you work? i was a photo researcher for corbis outline (the stock photo agency) when i lived in new york. do you know of any photo/research-related positions around?
  20. i'll close this thread. follow the link to the new one . http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=217361
  21. yep, berries, you should just re-register, especially 'cause you just started out. getting your name changed is a HUMONGOUS hassle; i wrote DaVe (this site's main admin) repeatedly about changing shortystar's name back (that's what it had originally been anyway), but he didn't do a thing till he happened to meet her in person in miami. i guess she made more of an impression in person than i could via e-mail, which only makes sense! (even if i am the moderator of this forum ) the only problem is, as shortystar said, that you'll have to register under another e-mail. hopefully you have a work and a home - or 2 for another reason - so that won't be a problem. if you still have issues, though, pm me, and i'll bug DaVe with a flood of e-mails ! *o, and sinrider, i'm female!!!
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