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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    i'm always glad when this thread gets bumped up. thanks, tequiza!
  2. one need not stress about putting on makeup or looking one's best just to go to the drugstore or supermarket. really - people are more concerned with what they need to buy than with how nice your eyelids or t-shirt look. tune in tomorrow.
  3. thanks .hey, shorty, it just hit me, why have i never seen you drinking a white russian? do you drink those when you're in a more lounge or bar-type setting?
  4. (not laughing at what you said, but how you said it).
  5. that would be really sad .
  6. weyes

    Sex in a pool

    just letting her know she has many options open to her and that there are many solutions to this problem .
  7. yeah, seriously...?
  8. one should not ask for feedback if one is not prepared to take whatever it may be. tune in tomorrow.
  9. o, no - i want out of retail !!!i have a bachelor of fine arts in photography from calarts and was a photo researcher for corbis outline when i moved home to new york. i just couldn't find anything when i moved out here again. anything having to do with photo, printmaking, silkscreen, art at all, newspapers/magazines... i've wanted to take pics of the club scene as a profession for the longest time but haven't found a way to do that and get paid, yet . if anyone has any leads on anything, especially the last part, please let me know!!!
  10. sheesh, shorty, that sucks ! that is a tough one. well, if you feel you can't talk to her, you've gotta talk to human resources. that's what they're there for. not whomever's above her, but hr. when my boss was doing pretty much the same thing (back in ny), i went to hr (and i almost cried, too! i was embarrassed - i feel your pain.). it turned out that there had been quite a few complaints logged against her, and she got fired. good thing, too, 'cause her bad breath was polluting that joint. seriously, though, they're the people to see. and maybe your boss just feels threatened; perhaps she's already on her way out .
  11. well, the sticky may be old, but it's got a RIDICULOUS amount of info. check that out at the top of the page. but you can't miss spundae. i'm not sure who'll be there, but it's got a vibe that's unmatched. it's a great space, huge patio, humongous dancefloor, kickass lights, free fruit, food outside if you get the munchies... but the vibe is the reason to go. the people there are so friendly - no snobbery allowed. people are there to have a good time, so everyone's just laid back and set to do that . spundae used to always have the best djs, too - unfortunately, they now have competition, dj-wise. avalon is on saturdays too and they've been pulling in some big names. but the avalon clientele are the kind of superficial peeps that give l.a. a bad name, if you ask me. check out who'll be at spundae when you're here: www.spundae.com as for restaurants, that needs it's own thread. vague threads like this tend not to get much of a response; you may want to start a thread for that. but el cholo has my favorite mexican at a nice but affordable restaurant. sooo good . there are a few of them, but i've only been to the one on western. but you have to eat mexican when you're out here; you'll never eat mexican food on the east coast again. http://elcholo.com/ that's all for now!
  12. i'm sorry; i guess i misunderstood. i thought you meant you wanted to join for some extra money on the side or something . for instance, i have a friend who wanted to join the reserve just for the college money, and i told her that i didn't think this was a good time. i thought you meant something financial like that.
  13. weyes

    Sex in a pool

    i'd like to think that people here know that the pill and condoms are not the only available kinds of birth control. i'm not trying to be overly sarcastic, but browneyes seems more than confused. and if people here do not know about these methods - as they seem not to - then, as captainpec says, they should seek the counsel of a physician. it is obvious that the members of cp are not omniscient, and i, of course, am included in that group.
  14. it's hard to tell how tall shortystar is 'cause she's always jumping up and down !
  15. poo - i didn't get the job. it turns out that they had been in such immediate need of people that they hired a buttload of temps for the meantime. but after starting interviews, they decided that they just might as well keep the temps, since they already had been trained . i'm gonna transfer to another store, but i can already tell that the stores from which i have to choose have huge sticks up their asses. they were looking at the percentages of what i sell compared to whatever and hoozywhatsis and they didn't like my whatchamicallits... long story. seriously, these people need to get over themselves and realize that this is just retail!!! besides, how many warranties i sell doesn't determine my value as an employee. and you try selling them to tourists (my store is in santa monica, and i'd say 3/4 of our clientele is from out of the country)! i'm really bummed . i need a job that'll let me comfortably pay my bills (and buy blue/shorty some white russians ). if anyone hears of anything, please let me know!
  16. compromise, though it may be disappointing, upsetting, or a pain in the ass, is a necessary part of keeping balance in one's life. tune in tomorrow.
  17. then don't . and wake up and realize that there will be no drama in this forum.
  18. to joeg and i don't know you, bling; i'd send you too, but we've never spoken, and weyes don't get down like dat, dig ? jk! you seem like a nice guy. a hug from the west.
  19. i only went to san diego to go to sea world once; i wanna go to the zoo one of these weekends... anycrap, i live in l.a. and am moving to orange county at the end of the month. all i know about san diego is that i've heard the rents there can be pretty high. pm sassa; maybe she'll get it even though she doesn't come on cp much anymore. but socal is great. the weather has a huge effect on your psyche; it's more than just "nice to have good weather" all year 'round. and it really takes living here to see what i mean. you have to see whom you become to really know what i mean . the job market is for crap, though. but i highly recommend this move .
  20. it's hard to find unpadded bras now, for chrissakes! what's up with that, anyway ???thanks, weyes - sincere in the brassiere since 1990
  21. i think this is a VERY unwise time to join the armed forces if one is not willing to take up arms and ship out.
  22. i finally caught up with this thread (i was a li'l too jealous before, maybe ); glad you guys had such a great time! i know that i'll be able to afford to go sometime before i die . i've got my sights on next year!!!
  23. there are some, but ours, though small, is the only one without snobs and/or drama .
  24. it is within all of our power to improve our little worlds, be they in the workplace, home, internet , or just within ourselves. tune in tomorrow.
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