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Everything posted by weyes

  1. listening to the rain can be a great way to forget one's troubles; take advantage of it! tune in tomorrow.
  2. a co-worker of mine who's been in a relationship for more than 2 years and is madly in love was telling me that his s.o. is a prude, which i found odd, as my co-worker is a straight-up perv. "he doesn't even like dirty talk," my co-worker said. i don't know if their love will carry them through what my co-worker finds to be a somewhat dull sex life or if the relationship is doomed because they have such different attitudes towards sex . food for thought.
  3. it's a totally stupid survey, but it just came to me as i was bored at work today and i knew what would win if i asked in the sex forum . what about it, people? if you only had those 2 choices, would you rather be thought of as a prude or a slut?
  4. and it looks like the black delegation has something to say: "you can have colin powell --- only if you take condoleezza rice, too."
  5. sorry, lina; i interpreted THIS post to mean you didn't like 69s. i'm sure you can see how i got that from this. cut me some slack, will ya ?
  6. clean out your bathroom regularly and throw out any expired medications. it'll give you more room AND let you know what you need. case in point: i thought i had cough syrup to bring to a sick friend, but it turned out that it expired last year. there's no point in me having it around and no point in me offering an ineffective remedy to someone! tune in tomorrow.
  7. some breeds are notoriously louder than others. siamese cats, for instance, are known for being particularly vocal.
  8. weyes

    your last fuck

    you MUST be kidding me !!!and to darrellg and sugar: that is absolutely the sweetest ! as for my answer: 6
  9. my fave is lying back on the bed with my legs bent at the knees on the edge of the bed and feet on the floor, with the guy working from the floor . it really gets me open really well. that's not all that comfortable for him, though, if you're thinking of his knees. and i'm with lina on not liking 69s.
  10. i have to disagree with you on this. i've told this story before, but i have a female friend who's about 5' 3" who was going out with a 6' 4" man. his dick was too big for the largest condoms on the market. they tried a whole box of 12 of the biggest they could find. my friend gave him oral during the whole process of trying to find condoms that fit and started to consider getting the pill, since they had been in a monogamous relationship for more than a year and had been tested. eventually, though, she got too scared of having such a huge thing inside of her (keep in mind that she is petite) that they ended up never having sex. needless to say, the relationship didn't last .
  11. the fast lane isn't always the one moving the fastest. keep vigilant and you'll reach your destination with the greatest speed possible. tune in tomorrow.
  12. i lost my favorite star necklace a few months ago . but i got a star ring and 2 star bracelets today . they said they'd start calling people back the first week in march. i'm way overqualified for the job, though, and i know 2 people who work there, so i've got a better chance than the rest. one of the interviewers went on a business trip with my friend (and only my friend) for 3 great weeks, so that's a big plus. when i mentioned them at the beginning of the interview, both of my interviewers said, "ooooo..." i think that was a good sign . i am so ready to quit my job!!!
  13. let me know how much that ticket costs, anotherway; i'm curious. sorry to hear that!
  14. one should drive slower in the rain and be careful of hydroplaning; if hydroplaning does happen to occur, braking hard can cause a bad spin. beware of the fast lane, too, as there are often big puddles there .* tune in tomorrow. * some of today's wisdom was inspired by trancekyd .
  15. yep, as iamsamurai said, that's called when a cat's "in heat." tell your boyfriend this, if he's against it right now: "fixing" the cat will keep him from going into heat again, which means he won't be so miserable and lonely anymore .
  16. if there are things that you think might need a bit of discussion before trying, you're probably right, but that doesn't mean you need to be afraid of the discussion or that it has to be a big deal. just talk about it casually and say you'd "just like to try it." my last ex tried to fuck me up the ass without our discussing it and i didn't appreciate that .
  17. weyes

    Sex Question

    i have a female friend for whom sex is and has always been painful. part of it is just that she's small (5' 3" or so); i don't know how big your girlfriend is. is she irritated or sore? if she's irritated, she may be allergic to latex; if you switch to non-latex condoms, that should help. also, not being lubricated enough can be the biggest problem as far as any kind of soreness or irritation is concerned. if you guys aren't getting thoroughly wet (really, really wet), buy some k-y or other lubricant. i have friends for whom that's worked wonders .
  18. i was just thinking of some things my mom said... she told me, when i was about 13, "never say no to a date." sheesh! i prefer to have a say in whom i go out with, not just accept any old anybody. and a sketchy one: "a little dirt never hurt anybody." i guess that one depends on the context, but it sort of reminds me of my mom's practice of just scraping the moldy parts off of old cheese and eating the rest ...
  19. if one starts to feel tired while driving, it is important to get off the road!!! buying a snack or a drink or taking a little walk can really help revive a person. (some people suggest taking a nap in the car, but i don't find that to be a safe practice.) tune in tomorrow.
  20. while it is important to live in the present, daydreaming about the future can be really motivating . tune in tomorrow.
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