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Everything posted by weyes

  1. putting off getting gas till the last minute almost always guarantees that one will be late for something. getting it when one has free time makes one sure to never be caught in a jam. tune in tomorrow.
  2. o, no, i really do have good luck, i think; i hope i don't sound like that on this board . this night was just something straight out of the twilight zone. and thanks for the spundae offers . i'll have to see what's up with my friend trancekyd; i hardly ever have weekends off and i do this weekend, so i'd like to see him. i haven't seen him since early january, and that's way too long!and sevan17, at some point that night one of my friends said to me, "this music isn't going anywhere." i call that kind of music being "in park ."
  3. weyes


    spundae rules! weyes' favorite club, 4 years running !!!
  4. there is more than one 3.2 megapixel sony, so i don't know how to help you, exactly. if you give me a model number, i can tell you . but if there's a button on the back with a picture of a clock, you simply press that.
  5. weyes


    having an mba from harvard is less substantive than being sexy, to you?
  6. when one is at a bad party, one has to be realistic at some point and consider whether or not the party has a chance of turning itself around. there's no point in self-torture, and no shame in leaving early. tune in tomorrow.
  7. omigod - it was like a bad dream . as soon as i finally arrived at avalon after being stuck in traffic for way too long, i didn't like what i heard. prince's "kiss" was blasting out the door, shaking the windowframes. now, i love that song, don't get me wrong, but it is not something to which i dance or want to hear at a club. when i got inside, the lobby was too dark to see faces. i was supposed to meet my friends there or the smoking room, and there was no way i would've been able to find them in the lobby, so i tried to get upstairs. the layout of the club has been changed since new year's, when last i went, and lots of doors were blocked off. i was scrambling all over the place, trying to find a way downstairs, and being stopped by a locked door at every pass. as i raced around, i wondered what kind of parallel universe i was in. the music was terrible, there were girls dancing on the stage in underwear and furry knee-high boots, and the crowd had a very standoffish vibe. it didn't feel like a giant event in the least. a lot of people gave up on giant a long time ago, but i've consistently had fun at their events. then again, i didn't go to the disastrous oakie grand opening or their new year's fiasco. when i caught up with my friends, one was really sick. we spent the evening going back and forth to the bathroom for puke breaks for her, and, i'll tell you, those were more interesting than the music. i much more enjoyed talking to people in the bathroom than i did listening to that music, which was going absolutely nowhere. hernan cattaneo, the headliner, was better than dj icon, who preceded him, but not by much . horrible. i didn't dance at all the entire night. after a while it occured to me that i'd rather be home eating my leftover mac and cheese. i'll only attend another giant event if it's a dj i absolutely love.
  8. seriously, would anyone actually wear this to a club (i found it on a "sexy clubwear" site)?
  9. tell me about it! when red moved to the laec, the bathrooms got disGUSTing. i don't understand how people can cause such damage to a bathroom. o, and i wasn't particularly fond of the fact that none of the stalls had a lock .
  10. a common mistake to avoid on valentine's day - calling up the ex. doing so never ends positively. turn off the cell, make sure there are no quarters around for pay phones, and save your dignity and sanity this valentine's day ! tune in tomorrow.
  11. fuckin' bitchass hostile takeover kiddee ride reject high-voiced lyin'-ass bossy dumbshit
  12. i can't believe doctors can do this to people and still sleep at night . whatever happened to the hippocratic oath?
  13. sometimes it can be easier to take care of our loved ones than it is to take care of ourselves. don't neglect number one; one can get just as consumed by a lack of self-love as by hate from others. tune in tomorrow.
  14. the listings are currently unreliable, but not for long, hopefully. those haven't been updated for a couple of years, and i'm taking them all on myself (that's more than 700 venues!!!). sorry about that; i've been working on them for a few weeks now and encountering a lot of bugs in the system while i've been at it . i'll let you know when they're in better shape .
  15. weyes

    ATTN: weyes

    the pms have been sending really slow lately and people tend to click 2 or 3 times when they're impatient. that's probably all that's happening, but i'll look into it .
  16. i think most of the guys went and got boobs 'cause they had the most deformed dicks on the planet ...
  17. "super-tight, like prom night."
  18. cutting valentine's chocolates in half with a sharp knife ensures that you won't bite into one you hate .(and, you can pawn them off on other people .) tune in tomorrow.
  19. all righty, everyone, as a part of cpla's expansion and improvement (did you think it could get any better ?), we're now going to produce a weekly newsletter, complete with top event and venue picks, articles, and photos. this will be sent out weekly to registered cpla members (if they wish), of whom there are almost 113,000. this is great exposure for a budding reporter and an excellent way to break into writing professionally about "the scene." this writer will be paid on a per-newsletter basis. please send writing samples to: mgrla@clubplanet.com thanks, weyes
  20. i have so much work to do; i don't know where to start . and so many errands to run... and this is supposed to be my day off!!!!!!!
  21. weyes

    The Republic

    welcome, luv2club714! nice to have you here .
  22. thanks, lalate! and happy v-day to all !
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