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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sandra collins has great taste in clothes, and space girl has a really dramatic aura about her:
  2. wishing illness on someone is an evil thing to do . tune in tomorrow.
  3. well, exactly how good are you? don't be shy, now !
  4. how does hpv affect a person? i can't believe i don't know about this disease .
  5. duuuuude - i can't believe nybeauty had the last word for this whole time; i thought i did ! the horror... the horror!!!
  6. one can't have things both ways - this includes meaning that one will not get one's way all the time. one gains, one loses, but in the end, it all pretty much evens out. tune in tomorrow.
  7. of course, i came up with it myself, as i do all of the daily columns! to think anything else is insulting! i am no plagarist, thank you very much!i forgive y'all, though, 'cause i'm just that cool . (no, seriously, i get asked that a lot; that's ok .)
  8. i'm from nyc and much prefer l.a. nightlife. the vibe in the few clubs i frequent (you do have to hit the right ones) is so friendly and positive; something i've never experienced in new york clubs (though i did experience that when i went to raves in nyc, years ago).saturday night, spundae is the place to go. it's my favorite club anywhere. it's at circus, on santa monica blvd. you can find all the info at www.spundae.com . i'm not sure who's there this weekend (darude and someone, i think), but the club itself and its attendees are always a great experience. as for sundays and mondays, i really don't know. i would pm alex90028 or go to his site at http://www.alexinla.com .
  9. my last ex seemed to have trouble finding the right hole on more than one occasion, which leads me to believe that he was trying to slip it in, while pretending it was a mistake. i never hesitated to give him direction in a speedy fashion, however !
  10. there's just no room for name-calling in this world. it's unproductive, limiting, and unnecessary. tune in tomorrow.
  11. i'm sorry to hear that, giantsucked ! my attitude about new year's is now that the simpler the plans are, the better the evening'll probably turn out. since people usually have so much riding on new year's eve, less is more, 'cause there's less to go wrong. but that's just what's been my experience.
  12. o, i never said you were, lina ; i do know you have a responsible attitude about sex.but i will say, from my years on this board, that it seems more people on this board HAVE had sex without condoms than have NEVER had unprotected sex, and we should all be smarter than that.
  13. i know it's , but, mizlissa, this is your second avatar that i have absolutely loved! the tvsnow is great, and i loved the sparkling lips you used to have. very nice. i just wish you'd leave them there for longer spans of time so i could enjoy them even more .
  14. i always go out with my boys - more often, i go out with my male best friend. they're all gay - maybe that makes a difference - i dunno. but they're sooooo much fun. girls can bring so much drama. and if some guy gets all gross on the dancefloor, i can just get closer to one of my friends and make it appear that we're together. protection is a wonderful thing .
  15. girls generally cut their hair more often than that; my hair grows 4 inches a year or so.
  16. i love parappa the rappa, dg ; rock the fuck on!!! but i hate those holiday ring tones; everyone keeps those on waaaaaaaayy too long. enough with the christmas ones, already! and i hate people that talk on their frikkin' cell phones and expect me to help them when they're in my store. you want me to help you, then give me some respect, asshat .
  17. hey, anotherway - i will have no sass on new year's day .
  18. ah - i finally saw digweed for the first time. my friends and i couldn't've been on line outside longer than 5 minutes. the entrance was tremendously speedy and friendly. once inside, i found a lot of changes to the palace since i'd been there last. i'd been boycotting the palace because their sound system had been head-splittingly loud, and earplugs didn't even help. but last night i couldn't find my earplugs as i was hurrying out the door, and it turned out that i was just fine. to all those who tried to assure me that the palace fixed their sound - you were right!!! it was great, and i'm so thankful. digweed played an absolutely killer set. not many djs can play for ten hours, but, even amongst those, not all can keep it interesting. just when he'd be hitting a lull, a bass groove'd kick in that'd bring us all back dancing. i couldn't stay till 10 am 'cause i had to be at work at 10 ( ) so i left somewhere between 8:30 and 9 and dropped a friend off at her hotel on the way. i got to work, washed up, and worked till after 6. by the time i got home, i was dead on my feet. but, what a night!!! i haven't had many great new year'ses - there's usually some stupid drama somewhere along the way - but this one was just fab. great music, great friends . i feel so lucky today. one thing, though, that keeps sticking in my head: as i was walking through a hall, a guy, who i had met once, 2 years ago, stopped me. "i knew you'd be here!" he grinned. "how?" i asked. "digweed, of course!" he exclaimed, matter-of-factly. now, i've never seen digweed... did he have me confused for someone else? i mean, i DID meet him once, but so long ago... i still can't quite figure it out. happy new year to all !!!
  19. i did not go to the giant party. it seemed like there was too much bs involved - the hotel tie-in becoming necessary in the end, only allowing 2 people in a room - boo!!! i went to see digweed at avalon, which was great! i'll talk about that in a "what did you do for new year's?" thread in a minute .
  20. as requested, here is the wisdom of the year. wisdom is not just gained through age and time, but through richness of experience and observation. if one fully lives life, puts oneself into everything one does, and tries to learn all there is from all one sees and does, wisdom is not far behind. happy new now!
  21. keeping close track of time around last call ensures no disappointment . tune in tomorrow.
  22. and happy to you .
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