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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i've written about these differences so much on this forum, but they're so dramatic, they really are noteworthy. keep in mind that these are all my experiences, not black-and-white facts (there really are no such thing ).the age "thing" plays a big part in the differences in nyc's and l.a.'s nightlife. i was a raver when i lived in nyc. raves there are held in clubs and are 18+, making them organized, and properly run and staffed, to start off with. the djs are also of a certain calibre. in l.a., however, the raves are all ages, and the promoters take advantage of the attendees, who are almost all under 18. the venues are sub-par (if not entirely disgusting), they are poorly staffed, and the djs are not all that hot; i've been to some out here where djs had problems matching beats - no joke. the worst part, though, is that the kids don't seem to notice or care. they're all too fucked up. for the most part, the l.a. rave scene has become a bunch of teenage zombies not there for the music, and barely able to move, much less dance. *note - it was not always this way, and there are still exceptions to the rule from time to time. in contrast, the l.a. club scene is incredibly well-run. i don't think i've ever had to wait longer than half an hour on line in l.a. the people here are incredibly friendly, and are unpretentious, no-bullshit people. people don't push in lines for the bar or the bathroom... i can start up a conversation with just about anyone. the djs come on when they're supposed to almost all the time, and the vibe is incredible. the door guy at spundae hugs everyone before s/he enters. what better way is there to start off your night? keep in mind, though, that i go to the same few places (spundae, red, and liquified and giant's events), for the most part. but the clubbing experiences i've had in new york have been terrible. i've stood on line for hours, numerous times, in nyc, and i even had tickets. the security guards have gotten ALL up in my business while frisking (if you know what i mean), and i've been basically disrespected by all staff. fellow clubbers either give mean or indifferent looks - no smiles in the bunch. i once told a girl in the bathroom that i liked her top and she looked at me like i had the plague, said nothing, then turned away. people seem more invloved in appearances and gossiping than in dancing or enjoying the music. the only contact with new people i've gotten is the guys groping me on the dancefloor. getting my coat back at the end of the night was always a free-for-all, complete with sharp pushes and shoves. i think the clubbers in l.a. are so nice because they're former ravers in the once-well-operated-and-experienced rave scene. and i think that the ravers in nyc are so nice because they're in a rave scene somewhat like the one l.a. once had. but the nyc clubbers, for the most part, aren't former ravers, and are often not new yorkers, but include many people trying to fit what they think "being new york means" - namely snobbery and apathy. i guess this is what it comes down to, for me: when there is mutual respect and people feel like they can be themselves, people will have fun. and fun is contagious .
  2. beware - eating not enough fiber can be just as uncomfortable as eating too much. tune in tomorrow.
  3. tell him i say, "happy birthday." i met him at my first cp meetup and was out with him at my second (and last) time at twilo. he probably won't remember me by name, but my b'day wishes go out all the same .
  4. i've been there; they had some funny peeps when i went . beware of the winning tix thing, though; i won ten tix twice from them, and most of the comedians on the second visit were there on the first, doing the same bits. live reruns are a really un-funny disappointment .
  5. it sounds like there's an owl outside my window.
  6. three pubic hair threads on the second day. i'm not surprised, but still saddened .
  7. ah. i like my steak medium rare.
  8. thread #3 in 2 days. i'm only surprised it wasn't 10 by today.
  9. notallthere did one, too. i knew you guys couldn't do it .
  10. respect time zones! remember that using the phone at noon on the east coast does not guarantee that the person on the other end will receive the same call at noon . (a little thought-provoker for today .) tune in tomorrow.
  11. i have to add scott hardkiss . i haven't seen the man in years and i was listening to a disc i have of his today. he may have a whole new sound by now, for all i know, but i loved his stuff and he had great energy back in the day.
  12. there seem to be only american nominees - it's not really very international... and spundae has to be there for best vibe nationwide !!!
  13. there wasn't a "breaks" area at scott bond. do you only say that when they play breaks in the other room, or is that just what you call the room where you take your breaks? ( ) hope you guys have fun!
  14. hoo boy - i'll answer that tomorrow, when i have the day off !
  15. i don't love that many people; there are people in my family who are included in the "i don't love" category. mandatory feelings, be they of love or anything else, are not true feelings. unconditional love is not something inborn, whether we'd all like to believe that or not. duty, loyalty, affection are other things altogether. without even entering into the whole "first time" discussion - hearing it's reassuring, much like a hug. perhaps some people above don't understand those, either. no. i am a sincere person, and know that these words aren't to be taken lightly. i would expect that the people that i love would respect me enough to not lie and tell me they love me when they don't, either. tha'ss what I'M talkin' about !!!
  16. not a mood, i know, but my feet are so cold!!!
  17. i don't know what'chu talkin' 'bout, joeg , but koky's clip is barbaric .
  18. good job, kids - made it through day one.
  19. a friend of mine just told me that tonight; i was miffed that no one had told me earlier when they knew a long time ago . he's playing at avalon, though, and i won't go there till they turn it down a notch (or ninety), so i wouldn't have gone anyway. it sucks that avalon's bringing in such good djs these days .
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