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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i know the lyrics to most songs - really, i'm very good at that, even with songs i hate... but i can honestly say i don't know the lyrics to that song and i am impressed that you do. i'm impressed, but i don't know what to make of it ...
  2. hey, blue, is that you in the red mailer? the picture is stretched out, so it's kinda hard to tell, but it looks like you in the last picture on the right hand side.
  3. stay alive - don't drink and drive .
  4. when did this thread turn into a goonies thread ? i'll admit i wasn't familiar with the first 2 posts, but the third ["heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy, youuuuuuuuuuuuuu guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysss!!!"] is synonymous with the electric company, first and foremost. that was its biggest catchphrase. i dunno about all this goonies stuff .
  5. there was a not-too-bright guy i had a HUGE crush on at my work a couple of years ago. i always wore my huge raver pants to work since there was absolutely no dress code and nobody cared, and all this guy would ever say to me was, "been to any raves lately?" or things like that. he was kinda shy, too, and didn't know what else to say. the company was having a picnic one weekend - my company was HUGE and it was one of those morale things - and my crush happened to come by my dept. to drop something off. "so, are you gonna go?" he asked. "i hear it's gonna be a big rave!" "nah. you don't even have the right clothes to be at a rave," i said. "what i wouldn't give to see you in my pants." i don't know if he really missed the meaning i didn't intend or if he just pretended to, but he didn't say a thing about what happened to be a poor choice of words. my co-workers, on the other hand, who had heard the whole thing, didn't let me live it down for months .
  6. relationships are built on a few key components, but trust is a biggie and absolutely essential. without that, you've got no foundation on which to build. getting emotional ties can become your downfall if you don't act while you're still thinking clearly. i don't recommend sexxybabydee's approach with all the "tell her to fuck off" jibberjabber, and i hope by that she just means that you have a right to be upset. it's good to avoid messy breakups and unnecessary unpleasantness, because you'll probably run into her again, and hey, if things can be easier and smoother, that's always the best route to choose. but, one last thing: break up with her in person, not on the phone. everyone deserves that respect.
  7. weyes


    i can't get over how well-cast it is :aright: !!! all of the actors seem made for their parts. i see emmys in this show's future...
  8. i believe that the deal is this:egg roll - contains shrimp spring roll - does not contain shrimp but they're otherwise really similar. just get spring rolls instead !!!
  9. i love the mayan . i won't put up an official review 'cause it's been a very long time since i've been there and i've only been twice, i think, but i'll be there for pvd and i can put up a review after that - if you don't beat me to it !it's an old, beautiful club, though, with a few levels and therefore a choice of where to hang out. the dancefloor is huge, and i seem to remember that the lights were good. the smoking patio was really crappy, though - just the alley, and very loud. i don't smoke, but i like to go outside when i need a breath of fresh air after dancing a while, and the alley is so cramped that the air isn't fresh. and with the volume so loud out in the alley, it's not the best place to converse with yer pals. last time i went, there was a lot of text-messaging going on . there was loads of well-lit street parking if you get there early enough, and my friends and i are real early-arrivers. i recommend that in general, as a clubgoer. and, seeing as this will be pvd, you should get there early to avoid bullshit lines, even for pre-sales. o, and i can guarantee the vibe will be electric and positive; it always is for pvd out here !!!
  10. and whyyyyyyyyy will you not be in attendance, hmmmmmmm???
  11. do not wait till the last day of any transaction involving the dmv . i am now an hour and fifteen minutes more tan than i was this morning . tune in tomorrow.
  12. people say he's a sellout a lot; i don't know anything about him, so i can't say. i recently got really pissed at someone on another board because she said in a "rant" thread that she (all quotes will include the smileys that she used):"hates snobbery ." then in a thread the next day she said: "you guys aren't actually excited about oakenfold, are you ?" and the next day, "oakie just plain sucks. [not a matter of opinion.]" the way i see it, "sellout" is mostly a subjective term. everyone wants to make money; some people just do different things or go to different lengths to get it. i always used to call michael jordan a whore for endorsing the insane amount of products that he did (coke, nike, mcdonald's, gatorade, just to name a few), but who am i to say he didn't really believe in those products? and he did do a lot of good works with that money; he didn't just buy himself seven suvs with it, like most pro athletes do today. one could say that he lost credibility every time he added another product to the long list of products he endorsed (i think he did), but he still kept raking in the contracts, so i guess it didn't hurt him all that much. and think of it this way: he still played basketball the same way he always did. i would hope that the reason so many people call oakie a "sellout" is because he changed his style to become more suitable for people he never used to respect. if that's the case, i would agree with them.
  13. yeah, seriously, blue; to what breaks room are you referring ? i was, but it was for my omniscient friend's birthday, and he decided he'd rather we go to see dj sammy at red for our celebration. i'm not attached to either of them; all i know of oakie is a few minutes of the swordfish soundtrack i heard at a music store listening post years ago and all i know of dj sammy is that "heaven" remix. i seem to recall liking what i heard of the swordfish soundtrack, though, and i can't STAND that "heaven" song !!! but my friend gets to pick the place, 'cause it's his day .
  14. why is this in drama ?
  15. we're gonna turn it on we're gonna bring you the power we're gonna light up the darkest night with the brightest day in a whole new way... i never thought i'd use the afro smiley !
  16. chicago deep dish pizza is in another category of pizza than sicilian and whatever the round, thin crust is called (i forgot ). i don't consider them to be competing against each other, as they are so different. i can't for the life of me find decent pizza out here in california.
  17. weyes

    Going on 2 months

    yeah, seriously - these threads are just too hilarious x 1,000,000!!!
  18. all right, kids, alex90028 found us the location - a place to catch a drink or a bite that has no age restrictions: kachina grill 8948 santa monica blvd (corner of santa monica & robertson) west hollywood, CA 90069-4902 we just need to decide on the date. we've got 2 choices: * sunday, the 19th * sunday, the 26th i'm gonna take a poll that'll end on october 9th, and that'll decide the date. all are invited!!! write in what you think is a good time to meet, people.
  19. it is rude to wear sunglasses or headphones while talking to someone . have the respect to give people eye contact and your full attention! tune in tomorrow.
  20. no can do - my brother is visiting from new york and thursday is the only night he can see me. we just had a little tiff on the phone 'cause i couldn't get off work; i work till 9:15ish. he has other people to see on the other nights he's here... bleh.my next scheduled club appearance is red on the 10th for dj sammy . he's not my choice, but it's my omniscient friend's birthday, so he gets to choose where we go. i'll have a good time no matter what, 'cause it's his birthday, so it's all good . i'll post a roll call or something; i'm sure someone here'll be going!
  21. avalon and spundae should be keeping this town set for good lineups now that they're up against each other. nothing like competition to get some peeps to try their best .
  22. calling a musician/artist/performer, etc. a sellout because s/he becomes successful makes no sense. one should be happy that one's favorite talents succeed. one can see it this way: the more people that get reached by these people, the more lucky the world is. one shouldn't be so selfish and silly as to want to be the sole fan in order to keep a "hip" or "underground" reputation . tune in tomorrow.
  23. weyes


    o no, i don't base my opinion of him on that one night; i base it on everything of his i've ever seen .
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