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Everything posted by weyes

  1. getting stoked for alex's confirmation or change of venue idea ...
  2. i don't drink, so this doesn't really apply to me, but there's so much to respond to in this thread !!! o, no. my friends do. in today's economy, ya gotta !!! sheesh, blue !!! i thought that mixing was a sure route to getting sick (beer then liquor, never sicker. liquor then beer, never fear). and for those of you that don't know, blue's what some might call "petite" . i can't imagine you drinking all that without yakking all over the place! as for what i drink through the course of the night, generally i buy a bottle of water, then refill it in the bathroom for the rest of the night. seriously, folks, call me cheap if you want, but my broke and thirsty ass is not gonna spend $4 on every teeny little bottle of water. filling up in the bathroom is a common and widely-accepted practice in ny, where i'm from, and i do note that the distinction is that new york tap water is good, but i can deal with l.a. tap water for a night .
  3. when taking public transportation, explore multiple routes!!! there may be a quicker one than the one suggested by "experts" . tune in tomorrow.
  4. when an out-of-town friend or family member is planning a visit, it's best to solidify plans as early as possible. it may seem silly to make plans for what to do weeks in advance, but it ensures that you will see each other. leaving things till the last minute can easily cause schedule conflicts. tune in tomorrow.
  5. ooo, that does sound tempting ...really, though, that's not cool! and even if your conscience doesn't keep you in line, remember that clubworld isn't all that small (especially in l.a.) and you most likely will eventually run into that person again. it's better to be known as a decent person that just said, "no" instead of being that person that keeps running and hiding behind speakers all night !
  6. we have yet to see proof that that's really him, and we all know about his vast collection of porn and his web wizardry ...
  7. i hear that red bull + vodkas are particularly sickening; i've never had one. but, considering that red bull makes me feel a little ill and alcohol does the same, it follows that putting them together would be a bad thing !
  8. i'm just drawing a blank . that doesn't reflect on l.a.'s djs, though; i just tend to go to bigger venues, and they don't give l.a. djs much time. i saw dj sol once, though, who played one of the best opening sets i've ever heard.
  9. weyes

    Ban jonyquest?

    is that true, or did he only strip that power from mods who were abusing it? first of all, i think he should've only taken that power away from people who were misusing it, but i used it just recently on the forum i moderate. someone had posted a really disgusting thread graphically describing at length how she was raped by ozzy osbourne, and that stomach-turning trash had no place on the boards --- nevermind the fact that it was slanderous.actually, if mods are misusing their power, they shouldn't be mods. that seems pretty straightforward to me.
  10. i wish my roommate were cool. i live so close to red; it'd be great to come back to my place and chill after going there, but he wouldn't have it . anyway, i'm working all weekend . but we gotta keep this thread on topic! keep on alex's back to give us a location so this doesn't all get lost in the shuffle !
  11. i'm not a snob; i was just trying my very best to solve the problem. your second sentence is appreciated and more accurate (see my first sentence)!
  12. learn how to say, "no" to people who ask for your phone number. if you don't want to give it to someone, don't feel obligated to do so! after all, it's better to turn someone down and not lead him/her on than to have to have an awkward discussion on the phone . *note: fake-numbering is just wrong . tune in tomorrow.
  13. weyes

    Ban jonyquest?

    i think the moderators should be deleting his threads; they just take up space that should be reserved for real topics. i'm not generally in favor of censorship, but this guy isn't saying anything at all.
  14. age differences matter more when the younger person is that young. we all sort of reach a plateau as far as maturity is concerned at some point, and i just don't think that most early twenty-somethings are on par with mid-thirty-somethings, when it comes down to their abilities to be in a serious relationship.
  15. weyes


    silly ...
  16. just awaiting alex's reply about the age requirement at this cantina place. sounding better and better .
  17. all right, sassypants ...of course, the second time, i brought earplugs. i even bought expensive ones recommended for concertgoers, construction workers, and whatnot. but that barely helped. that place was just outta line; there was no way around it (i'm using past tense in the hopes that it'll be improved before i decide to go there next ). and blue, i don't know if you meant that you wanted to get me to stay liquor-free or not, but i really don't drink. i think that time you saw me at red was my fourth drink this year or so. i only drink when things get waaaaaaaay too boring or when my omniscient friend buys me champagne. he twists my arm sometimes ! seriously, though, alcohol always makes me sick, to some degree, and i very rarely drink.
  18. cameron diaz is doin' well on her own; she doesn't need him to stay in the spotlight.but i think the relationship's creepy, too. age differences turn me off when the younger person is that young.
  19. weyes

    Big Tits

    it really is sad . she has a kind of pretty face, too.
  20. ok, alex90028, just pick a place that fits the description: 1. quiet enough to talk 2. no cover 3. reasonably priced drinks and things to munch on 4. no age requirement and we'll pick a sunday. i think we all agree that it's ok to give you control over that; we trust your judgment !!! no more stalling!
  21. i've been there twice, so it was both times. once for deep dish, once for danny howells .
  22. lalate posted his answer in the wrong thread by mistake, but this is what he said: Lee Dyson for funky house. Rebecca Sin for house. and this guy that scats to house... forgot his name.
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