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Everything posted by weyes

  1. he's back to prove that, not only can he sing, but he can write and produce. yes, everyone - the half of milli vanilli that didn't kill himself is back, and girls, you know it's true: he's hothothot!!! here's the address to his site: http://www.fabricemorvan.com/
  2. i wish, mamax . i don't know to whom you are referring...next time i'm in nyc (that should be around x-mas) i'll make sure i do come out and see you and the cpny peeps. till then, i'll just hang on to the last word .
  3. i didn't have it for a year or so at one point in my life. i was put on the pill to bring it back because the docs said that wasn't healthy and some other blahblahblah mumbojumbo . party poopers.think of this, though: if i lost my period altogether, i most likely was infertile. when on the pill, i have a .1% chance of getting pregnant. i, as someone who never wants to have kids, figure that birth control won't ever be much of a problem for me, in general. cool, eh ?
  4. i know i'm not a guy, but i think it's nothing short of disgusting. check out this one, though; it takes the cake:
  5. i've never met you and i already know that your boobs are just right (as strange as that sounds!). the pics on this site show a very lovely girl (with a boyfriend who backs that up about every day . sometimes you make me jealous !).
  6. i would consult your doctor before messing with your hormones, just to be safe .
  7. yes, i am aware that "x" is used as an abbreviation for "christ" or "cross" [i.e. "deer x-ing"]. i was not born yesterday . but, just as some people playfully pronounce "x-mas" this way:"ECKS-muss," i thought that, perhaps, a name modification (a la "p. diddy") might have taken place. thank you, though, for addressing my question .
  8. weyes


    a seal walks into a diner and sits down. a waitress comes over and asks, "what would you like?" and the seal replies, "o, anything but a club sandwich."
  9. one need not be afraid of all that goes "bump" in the night . tune in tomorrow.
  10. i know . we all have to pick a place and time that's convenient for everyone; not a club, 'cause we won't be able to hear each other and people won't be able to agree on music. going out for drinks/coffee/dinner sounds best, to me . last time we had trouble agreeing on where to meet, so we'll have to start a brainstorming thread a little while before your return! keep us posted !
  11. "fcuk" stands for "french connection united kingdom." these shirts are on sale at french connection stores in the united states and elsewhere.
  12. helllllooooooooooooo ?!
  13. f' to the newbie haters. rock on!
  14. she wasn't in striptease, she was in showgirls. BIG difference. do not confuse that crappy demi moore movie with the best picture of 1995 .
  15. her right side is terribly bitmapped at the waist . that's really crappy photoshopping.
  16. they also say that christina is a nasty, mean person, and that britney is generally nice and gets along with everyone. did i miss something? are people calling her what sounds like "ecks-TEE-na"?
  17. ritz camera sells that new for $149!!!!!!!!! (not directed at darrellg; directed at fearlesss.)the 2500 is a great little camera, but its settings are automatic; there's hardly anything manual you can adjust. don't know if that matters to you. and if you can afford 3.2 megapixels, that's where i'd start. as darrellg says, the 3500 is pretty much the same camera, it just has 3.2 megapixels. i like the swivel 'cause it protects the lens; the camera can take a beating (relatively speaking). phew. let me see what else there is to which i wanna respond... bigsteve8's right when he says, "But as long as it still works, camera is a camera, just can get better resolution and better options. . ." but prices have been consistently dropping like crazy as technology gets better and better. i would just wait for something that's of good quality to be within your budget .
  18. conditional forgiveness isn't true forgiveness. tune in tomorrow.
  19. the yellow pages are so fast, getting the correct government numbers is really hard without the blue pages, and calling 411 can be sooo pricey.
  20. i don't know about the newbies to which you are referring , but that's no way to put out the welcome mat !
  21. where have i seen a pic of those kids in your sig before? and while we're at it, where have i seen the monster guy in your avatar, too? they look familiar but i can't place them.
  22. don't forget the good old phone books - the white, yellow, and blue pages. yes, kids, they're still useful!!! tune in tomorrow.
  23. i think it's crazy enough that california has hand, star, and heart icons available as choices on custom license plates. from what i understand, though, the money the dmv charges for those plates goes to building better highways and whatnot. anyway, the plate i saw today was: :heart:KMLTOE !!! yeah, bro; that's how to rope in the ladies !!!
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