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Everything posted by weyes

  1. naw - all i have going for me is the color of my eyes.
  2. mine's 46"; no shame in having the bootay .
  3. it can be more distressing to deal with unpleasant or sad situations/topics late at night than at other points during the day. tackling these problems and issues early on, when one is stronger and won't face having trouble sleeping, is a good idea. tune in tomorrow.
  4. weyes

    Sorry Sexxybabyd

    that's what i'm saying, though, dg - i'm seeing a lot more "you're hot"s and "great pics"s than negative comments.
  5. weyes

    Sorry Sexxybabyd

    who's trying to dis her? most of the people i see, while advising against the implants, are kissing her ass.
  6. aww, thanks, you guys , you're so sweet!
  7. weyes

    Sorry Sexxybabyd

    you are loving every minute of it and you know it.
  8. weyes

    I wanna FUCK

    x 1,000,000
  9. weyes

    your type>>>>

    you said this in another thread and i still don't know what you're talking about .
  10. i don't see why the current events mods wouldn't be able to move stuff ; all mods can, as far as i know.
  11. just a reminder - this thread is for reviews. no promos, please . (comment made in reference to a post i deleted, not in reference to anything here at present)
  12. true perspective is understanding that not everyone can see things from yours. tune in tomorrow.
  13. i don't know what this "nip and tuck" thing is, but it's all about "queer eye for the straight guy."
  14. i challenge you to, in my over 5,305 posts, find one that consists of solely: i have done one-smilied posts before, but they were always more meaningful smilies .
  15. once again, but understandable, this time ?
  16. it's a lot like high school up in here sometimes .
  17. i had no idea women could be so uncouth ! (if you think it's women, that is) men tend to rub their body parts all over me rather than grab mine. once, however, i was leaning on a mezzanine railing at arena (in l.a.) with a friend when my ass got slapped, and pretty hard, too. i turned around, and some guy was walking away, looking back at me, and grinning. wtf?!
  18. i never notice their pants unless they look bad; i'll never be one of those "nice pants" girls. but i don't like sweats and i think guys look terrible in shorts.
  19. a 5' 2" friend of mine was dating a guy who was 6' 4", and when the night came that they finally decided they were gonna have sex, they discovered that he was too big for the largest condoms on the market. they went through the whole box of 12 trying to get one to fit, but no dice (he said he hadn't had problems with them in the past; it had been a while since he'd had sex last). they had been in a monogomous relationship for a long time and my friend considered going on the pill, but she eventually just got too scared of having sex with him at all. ya gotta feel sorry for the guy - guys wanna be so big, and where did it get rick ?
  20. i'm with dee on this; these "best awards" usually just end up hurting feelings, getting nasty, or forming peeps into cliques that shut out all but the postwhores. don't get me started on the divisive "hottie of the month" .
  21. eeew, dg, i don't like her makeup at all - her eyemakeup included. but i really hate it when women put lipstick on outside of their natural lips .
  22. i'm missing something here ... wasn't housediva4real sticking up for babyd?
  23. weyes

    this girl...

    i don't think she was fishing for compliments. my feeling is she was most likely overcome by how amazing the sex was, connected that to the fact that you two don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, and was trying to say that any girl would be more than lucky to have you; she was trying to say that you are an open and giving enough person and ready to have the real thing (friendship, sex, love, the whole shabang) with someone, if you want.
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