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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. VENUE - los angeles entertainment center LOCATION - downtown l.a. NIGHT ATTENDED - friday night, red *SPECIAL NOTE - this was red's second week at its new location Decor: 8. not pretty, exactly, but i love the setup. People's Niceness: 7. ok vibe, but it definitely didn't feel like the old red. Street Parking: deserted neighborhood; i think even i would recommend the $5 lot. Cover: $10 in advance if you sign up on their list online at www.nexxez.com and get there before 10; otherwise $20 Best Things: this new venue has three rooms (as opposed to the old one's one room). the crowd was also incredibly mixed; red used to be almost entirely asian. it was nice to see a more diverse group. Worst Thing: the place and its staff have no personality. i'm gonna miss the animated and friendly door guy at arena/circus and my favorite bartender. Things You'd Change: put locks on the bathroom stall doors! i don't know what the deal was with that, but none of the stalls in any of the ladies' bathrooms had functioning locks. Would You Go Back: yes. i love red. but this past week the music was terrible all night; i'm hoping that was just a fluke.
  2. also try www.afterhourpowerla.com . i've never been there, but they run to 9am, i think. and, sheesh! i can't go into how much i love spundae anymore!!! i've just done it too many times on this board! i'll see if i can dig up a link. and red has just moved to a new location; i'm gonna do a review of that tonight.
  3. all right, i've let you all have your fun. now it's time for me to get the last word, as nature intended .
  4. where's vicman? this is his favorite foodstuff!
  5. ah. it would be plain as day if we had accents on cp.
  6. did you read my post above? helllloooo????? anybody home ?
  7. you can see the skies/streets in all of the clubs in l.a. . yay for patios!!!!!!
  8. hey, how about a thread of pics of your kitten? you can post a new one every now and again. it would be most appreciated ... pleasepleaseplease???
  9. i don't know if these are the kind that have pillowcases or not; if they are, it's easy. blood pretty much comes out with COLD water and soap under the tap if you rub the soap in with your hands and sort of scrub it against itself, that's it - as long as you do it right away. but, if you've let it sit, it'll take longer. if you can throw them in the wash, use COLD water, and there's a stain remover called zout (not shout) that works pretty well.
  10. a friend of mine in college slept around a lot, but always, and i mean always used condoms. but condoms aren't 100% effective, even when used properly, and she got pregnant. she had no idea who the father was, and, even though she had been drinking and smoking weed and even did mushrooms once while pregnant before she found out, she decided to keep the baby. all of her friends, though, including me, didn't support her in that decision. firstly, we were her friends, and knew that she was not ready to be a mother, and secondly, we knew that a child would not be able to get what was needed from our friend as a mother, at this point in her life. our friend got mad at all of us, but our not supporting that decision really was supporting her. she finally got an abortion when her own 13-year-old little sister told her she thought she should. everyone - even the unborn - benefitted in the end.
  11. dance that juiceheads do? just a total shot in the dark; i really have no idea. that's my guess; let me in on it. o, and no jokes, please .
  12. seriously, peoples, step back; i can't even find joeg these days !
  13. my brother sits on the couch with his hand down his pants like al bundy (married with children). i don't know if he's scratching or readjusting while he's picking around down there, neither of which i care for, but taking his hand out of his pants and then smelling it is definitely not something i need to see .
  14. weyes


    your kittens (i liked your last sig, too) and bigsteve8's make me feel all squishy (awwwww) .
  15. shampooing your hair every other day while still conditioning it every day can lead to amazingly soft, healthy hair . tune in tomorrow.
  16. there is such a thing as getting too much sleep . tune in tomorrow.
  17. there are loads of places! there are a lot of just afterhours places, but i don't know anything about those (except for a.d.); you should ask lalate. my two favorite clubs are spundae and red, and they both go till four. but check out our sticky, always at the top of the page. there's a lot of info there, as well as a shitload o' links ta help ya out : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 o, and when giant has their events, which has become more and more often, they go till 5 or so. giant only brings in big name talent; danny howells is coming on next friday, the 18th, @ the palace, in hollywood.
  18. i was at red the other night, which was its second night ever at that location, and that venue has also just been renovated very recently, so it's practically a new place. two guys asked me if i go there often .
  19. check out our sticky, always at the top of the l.a. page; it's chock full o' info : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874
  20. the learning of true wisdom can't be rushed. tune in tomorrow.
  21. the results of the poll so far have shown what i suspected; i'm just shocked that there are no in-between votes (all men voted one way, all women the other - no preferences not being counted).
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