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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. my friends and i are going out this friday to celebrate a sister's 21st; funny that you'd be doing the same !!! we're going to red, this being their second week at their new location. here's their site: www.nexxez.com you can sign up on their "redlist" to get in for $10 (instead of $20) if you get there before 10pm. my omniscient friend says, however, that you get in for free, until 10:30, if you are wearing at least 50% red, meaning a red top, or red pants/skirt. i haven't seen that in print, but i don't call my friend omniscient for nothing . sign yourself up on the redlist asap, though, just in case. this week red has swedish egil and holly adams as its djs, as well as kosho, one of their residents, but i believe those are just the peeps in the main room. red goes till 4 a.m.
  2. sometimes, even when people ask for it, they don't want to hear advice. the asked's knowing when askers just want "yes"-men and when they really want consideration and guidance will help askers get the result they are looking for . tune in tomorrow.
  3. i liked ashley casselle, but only saw him once and don't remember his style enough to describe it. i guess that's telling, in a way. he's trance of some sort. but, unless they renovated since june 2002, grand avenue blows. i went to see pvd there last june and i barely heard pvd because it was so damn hot in there that all i could stand to do was stay outside. and consider this: the gig was from 3am to 11am, and the late morning l.a. summer sun was still cooler than inside of that damn club. the downstairs was entirely separate from the rest of it, and there was no flow in that joint. but i would hope something's been done to fix some of those issues by now.
  4. i'm wondering if these roles are necessarily gender-assigned . when spooning, ladies and gents, do you like to be the spooner or the one spooned? (and then, of course, there's always the "no preference option" for you undecided peeps.)
  5. lostin310: ! i guess it does look like that, as i read what i've written ! but these are the things i don't let myself have, not the things i eat on a regular basis. none of this stuff is in my house right now - i swear! i've gained weight since moving back here, too, sassa, but i totally attribute my gain (i dunno about yours) to the lack of excercise in my life. when i lived in new york, i walked everywhere. now i just drive all the time and go out dancing once a month or so. i do eat too many carbs, but i think an exercise regimen of some sort would help me out a lot .
  6. danny howells is gonna be out here again this month, but he's gonna be at the same venue as last time - one to which i refuse to go because it's too damn loud . that place will teach you a whole new meaning of the word "headache." unfortunately, it's been booking most of the bigger djs recently . if it doesn't get its system fixed, i may have to learn to get used to a life of missing deep dish and howells and who knows who else . not cool...
  7. i own this board at night, muthafuckas !!!!!!!! y'all's asleep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. ben's on spring and thompson is my fave; that's lower than nyu, in soho. that's not the one to which you're referring, is it?
  9. weyes


    x 1,000,000!!!!!!!!!
  10. weyes

    Sniff test

    i'm with you; i think the only reason why pussy odor ever gets bad press and ballsac odor never does is 'cause guys are writing the papaz - it was all a finger-pointing conspiracy 'cause they were self-conscious about their nuts !!!
  11. weyes


    cute picture.
  12. weyes

    favorite cp people...

    i've always loved embodiedhate ; thanks for making him come out of hiding, sassa .
  13. paying bills as soon as possible is always best. if a bill is due in ten days, you may not be getting another paycheck before then anyway, so holding on to the money has no advantage, and you're just risking getting charged a late fee. tune in tomorrow.
  14. i had to work . i didn't even get to eat a hot dog :( .
  15. don't listen to a THING tastey said; i think he learned all he knows from stereotypes he believes off old saved by the bell reruns. and having them dubbed must've made them even more jacked up. mind-numbingly, jaw-droppingly ridiculous that he actually believes that crap.* anyway, "good" people are everywhere. as joeg said, "there's no specific place to look," but, as sexxyh said, girls who like to have fun and dance are not necessarily "bad girls." people tell me i'll never find a good guy in a club, but i always counter with the fact that i have a lot of clubbing friends who are all great, stable people. many are even in long-term relationships. and, hey - i go clubbing, and i'm a fine upstanding citizen, a faithful partner, all that jazz! therefore there are other people like me there, or, at least, that's my logic . i can't be the only one in the place with these values! and going to a place you'd never go - just to look for girls - will most likely land you someone who doesn't share your true interests. *pardon me; maybe it was degrassi junior high. i really shouldn't make so many assumptions .
  16. those have always been my two worst fears. people always dole out the "love will come in its own time" crap; i don't know if that's true or not, but my belief in it won't affect it either way, so it doesn't matter. all i can do is wait and see; nothing i can do about it. people can talk all they want about not needing other people, total independence, etc., but that's a crock. we all need each other, and there's nothing wrong with that. that's what we call friendship and love. people marry for many reasons, but one is because the 2 involved don't want to be separated from each other, ever. having a ceremony and signing a contract make it formal and make it feel safe. we write about love and commitment on the sex forum because it's all linked; one big search for the closest closeness possible - though it's impossible to tell when that's been attained or even if there is a limit to it. ...i'll stop here...
  17. yes, or a mentally handicapped boy; i'll let you have that.
  18. that theory wouldn't explain why they'd be attracted to you more than to anyone else.i'm with lollie60; i've found that people of similar builds do tend to be attracted to each other.
  19. weyes

    women with hips

    <------- l.a. face with an oakland booty
  20. weyes

    For the Ladies

    am i the only one on this forum who doesn't like this type ?
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