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Everything posted by weyes

  1. 2-in-1s tend to dry out your hair, but, as linabina says, guys don't have to worry as much, as they generally have very short hair. and i only shampoo my hair every other day but condition it every day - almost like tastyt's regimen . but i once had a friend tell me, back in the day, starting off as though she were about to say something really deep, "do you know what your problem is, [my real name here ]? you use drugstore shampoo." it was the kind of thing that only she'd say with as much seriousness as she did; ghhhhhost, you have no idea!!!
  2. i've run into my last ex twice now and both times he looked and acted like a complete ass !
  3. 15/16; i bet we're all getting the same one wrong !!!
  4. weyes

    Angelina Jolie

    i think she looks like a stick insect with monkey lips and ill-proportioned tits.
  5. there's no reason to ever lie to a friend - even to tell white lies. even if what you have to say may hurt his/her feelings - if it's important enough that discussing it is necessary , it's important to remain truthful about it. tune in tomorrow.
  6. i hate it when guys give me the "i've got pull at better places than this" stuff or drop names. lacks class.most of this thread is just foolin' around, lalate; i hope you are, too .
  7. as is often said, driving is a priveledge - not a right.
  8. it can be easy to mistake an explosive fit for genuine anger. sometimes people just need a little time to cool down. tune in tomorrow.
  9. just check it out this tues. .
  10. visiting a friend at his/her workplace - if his/her job is such that visiting is acceptable - can make his/her day much brighter , or even make his/her day, period . tune in tomorrow.
  11. from all that's been said about this man, i don't know how much of this he'll ever understand or remember. i wouldn't worry about him having a guilty conscience.
  12. there's a wealth of information on our sticky: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 check out the links; they'll lead you to what's going on . you'll love it here!!! p.s. i'm from new york, as are a few other cpla people .
  13. weyes


    i've been missing the jotd; thanks for bringing it back .
  14. yo, magellanmax, you still owe me a picture, fool !!!
  15. i'll start off by saying that this is the ONLY reality show that i've liked, and that includes going back way into the early 90s, when they all began. the ONLY one.but you should see it, phatman; it's all done in a high-spirited, good-natured way, and these men all know it's more about having fun than changing the world, one man at a time.
  16. i don't think what's depicted above is considered "missionary" !!!
  17. plants are gifts that keep on giving, but only when given to people who can keep them alive . to have a better chance of a long-lasting present, give cacti or succulents, which are hard to kill, or more than one plant (or both!) . tune in tomorrow.
  18. i work in santa monica, and today a co-worker of mine who had the day off stopped by with some bags of vegetables and said he just saw the most horrible thing he'd ever seen. i'm sure by now most of you have heard about the 86-year-old man who drove through the farmer's market and killed 9 people, including a 3-year-old child, and wounded 50 others, 15 critically. my co-worker said he saw the car drive through and just hit bodies, making what sounded like one explosion after another, nonstop. when the car had finally come to a halt, there were bodies and blood everywhere, and a woman trapped under a car. "some people wanted to lift the car and get her out," he said, "some said we should wait for help. but a bunch of people just lifted the damn car and moved it outta the way." it's so abstract till you hear about it from someone you know. he says he's not gonna be able to sleep at night for a while. but i'm so angry about this. old people should have to take road tests every so often; they're unsafe drivers. poor reflexes, bad vision... i don't need to get into this further, but i've been adamant about this for a long time. i just saw pictures of this man on the news, in fine condition, looking like he has no idea of what he's done (reports say that he seemed confused) and i'm angry, 'cause this all could and should have been prevented. i'm angry and very, very sad. http://ktla.trb.com/news/local/ktla-me-smcrash17jul17-lat,0,542799.story?coll=ktla-home-1
  19. i can't believe no one started a thread for this already. i saw the season premiere last night; it was on at 10pm on bravo, out here. the idea of the show is that a team of gay guys, each member with a different area of expertise, makes over a guy and his apt/house in preparation for an important event of some kind. this first one was a scenic designer - sets and such on broadway/for films - who got a gallery show for his personal artwork, mostly paintings. he needed a makeover and his apt. was a disaster. the 5 guys *culture *fashion *grooming *food & wine *interior design got to work and made this mess of a man into a cutie and his hovel into a nice little place. they showed the reactions of everyone at his art opening (the team had to watch over a live camera feed), and the guy's female best friend looked as shocked as shocked can be and like she wanted to jump his bones right then and there. the transformation was all in one day, and you'd never believe it, with all they got done . great show !!! did anyone else see this?
  20. that's what i was gonna say !!!!!!!!!
  21. my birthday has sucked almost every year for as long as i can remember. i won't go into specifics, but it's at a bad time of year. last year was the best one i've had in nine years, and here's how i did it: i set up a gathering myself way ahead of time and invited people to meet up at a club (that offered us reduced admission 'cause it was my b'day). i knew that my real friends would come, and i just figured that the ones with boyfriends who said that they may or may not come probably wouldn't. if they came, i thought, that'd be nice, but i really wouldn't let their presence make or break my night. i had a great time with the friends who would've come no matter what . happy birthday - i've been there too, and trust me, you won't always be .
  22. i didn't know what she meant, either.------------------------------------------------ and your eyebrows have some makeup on ! just bustin' yer chops !
  23. my ex was quiet, and that bugged me. it felt like he was holding back 'cause he didn't wanna come across as weak; he had some power and image issues . i think it's a common role, though, in american culture, that men think they have to fill; i think they feel that they're supposed to be quiet. i once had a female german roommate who said that that sure isn't the case over there .
  24. there's a difference between dirty and abusive ! x 1,000,000 !!!
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