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Everything posted by weyes

  1. with summer here, it's nice to hang out outside on our porches, in our yards, etc., at night. one should keep in mind, though, that there are neighbors who go to bed at a decent hour. keeping the noise down at 11pm at the latest is a good way to keep neighbors good ones . tune in tomorrow.
  2. what does "glow" mean, in this sentence?and will somebody please tell me, what the hell "boriqua" means? i've been wanting to know for years, for chrissakes !!!
  3. weyes

    who else is....

    hello? i'm falling a sss leeep
  4. i'm on the pill for reasons other than birth control as well; my cramps were disabling and now they only just hurt a little, relatively speaking. but you should stop taking the pill right now!!!!!!!!! i know how hard it'll be when you get your period again this month, but try and make sure to get to a gyno before it and you can skip the cramps. it's important that you're not on a drug that does this to you; you were lucky that you didn't pass out in a more dangerous place.
  5. i have a friend who i don't see all that often 'cause he lives a bit of a ways away, but when i do, i often end up spending 2 days over at his place. the sun'll start setting and i'll be comfy and i'll be thinking about how i'd love so much to stay but that i probably should go, and then he'll say, "what time do you have to be at work tomorrow?" and i'll know that we're in for another night together . at this point i almost assume that i'll stay as long as i can, 'cause that's what we do, but i try to make clear to him that he should just kick me out whenever, 'cause otherwise i could just stay forever .
  6. verbally setting boundaries is always prudent and can never do any harm. whether talking about personal space or what are some inappropriate topics of conversation w/ you (touchy subjects, things that disturb you), these boundaries are ok and are fine to demand of others. setting these verbally is important because, even if you think they're implied without words, some people may need to hear what is and isn't appropriate directly. tune in tomorrow.
  7. it's gotta be because you get there too late, lostin310; i have never, in my whole two years of going to spundae, gone with a girl (my crew is all boys), and, devastatingly hot though i may be , i don't think i alone get the 3 or 4 of us in ahead of the rest of the crowd.always buy tix ahead of time, get there early, and you won't have a problem - i tell you true.
  8. yeah, really, kittn; you lost me on that one .
  9. i did post it; i asked the new york board a couple of times what was going on that weekend and barely got any responses. i also told the l.a. board that i was going away (my column wasn't up every day, as it always is; some of my vacation, the 12-16, was spent in rural maine).i'll next be in nyc around christmas time (but flying back to l.a. on the 26th, for sure); there'll be a cp meetup around then, won't there? some sort of holiday gathering?
  10. i like georgeacasta's better . but why get it on your back side? you spend most of your time on it anyway. i never understood that . why do you want a tattoo you'll never see?
  11. weyes


    there's no cure for herpes.
  12. people will do almost anything to have their own birth children.a friend of mine in high school's stepmother went through menopause prematurely, in her 20s. but she so wanted to have children that she had her sister agree to donate eggs and fertilized them with her own husband's sperm; she had them implanted in her own uterus and had twins. i can't even begin to imagine how much money they must've spent on all of that... and, as you say, there are so many needy children out there. my own stepmother wanted to have a baby, but time was running out, as she was in her early 40s. she had gotten to the point where she was injecting her own fertility drugs at home. it's not right.
  13. thanks so much for the pics, bigsteve !!! i love it when cats get jealous of the computer and start walking all over the keyboard ; our cat at my mom's does that. and your pics are nice too, mala .
  14. waiting or expecting verbal apologies from those who won't or don't know how to give them only leads to pent-up anger and resentment. tune in tomorrow.
  15. ooo - beware of the poof !!! you don't brush your hair, do you? that can lead to poofiness, as well. i can't brush my hair; it gets huge if i do. i just comb it with a wide-tooth comb when it's wet and then it sorts itself out from there .
  16. lostin310, i have no idea what you're talking about . i have NEVER, and i mean NEVER waited longer than 10 minutes - that was at their new year's party - at spundae. the only way i can possibly imagine that you'd have to wait with presale tickets is if you show up late. my friends and i always get there around 10-10:30 and only wait for around 2-3 minutes, sometimes less.spundae is the name of the night; it is saturdays at circus, on 6655 santa monica blvd., at las palmas. red is also the name of the night; it is fridays and has just moved to the los angeles entertainment center, 333 s. boylston st., in downtown l.a. spundae is generally house and trance, while red leans more towards trance (though it's been known to have house every now and again).
  17. my favorite line is, "hi, my name is _______ [enter name], what's yours?" lines blow !
  18. well, the cp search engine sucks and i couldn't find one of my spundae lovemaking sessions, but i'll try and be brief and say that it has, by far, the best vibe of any club i've ever been to. the door guy hugs almost everyone who comes in (most bouncer types don't even smile), which starts the night off right. people are genuinely friendly, and the place is so image-UNconscious that people wear what they feel like - no conformity or uncomfortable dress code. the patio is l.a.'s largest, with tables, seats, and benches, and there's free fruit, if you get there early enough, as well as some cookin' for sale. it's got a waterfall... it's gorgeous. the club is never overcrowded or too hot (seriously!!! that's impressive), and the music isn't so loud that your ears ring at the end of the night, even without earplugs. and, most importantly, it consistently brings in good talent. i always recommend buying tix in advance, but i do that no matter where i go. if you do that, the most you'll ever wait is 3 minutes. i spundae forever !!!
  19. you took mine! well, this one'll say hello in his place:
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