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Everything posted by weyes

  1. by "turning our clocks around" i mean that we usually stay up till mid-afternoon and go to bed around then, then wake up some hours later, messing up the whole weekend; we no longer live by the usual hours by which most people live :goofy: .as for the in-n-out ( ), we stopped at del taco on the way home 'cause it was open. but he always pays for my broke ass anyway 'cause he's a saint and the bestest and my angel and my sugardaddy to whom i need not give sugar... o, i'm getting all misty ... without friends, where would we be?
  2. having your period can be a show-stopper (odd way to use that phrase ).
  3. i don't see how a man's masturbating would be more interesting/better than masturbating, as a girl .
  4. i think she looks like a stick insect and she can't dance. i don't know how she passed the "spice" test. but where can i find the baby spice thread ?
  5. weyes

    This is Me

    i haven't seen you on the board in a long time, apotheosis! (i don't post in new york anymore, though.) hope all is well!
  6. yeah, red is at least 80% asian, i'd guess. but doesn't that go with the territory of trance? red is generally trance; on nights when the main dj is house-y (i.e. donald glaude) there's a markedly more integrated crowd.as for the status, it depends on your number of posts, not how long you've been on the board. i think the whole notion of status is silly anyway; these titles don't mean anyone is more interesting/valid/cool than anyone else . hell, you could just postwhore and that'll make you a "god" and beyond!
  7. yo' mama's so fat...: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=116617
  8. i had been disappointed because i was going out with my omniscient friend last night, but we weren't going to have our customary 2-person afterparty at his place . i always look forward to those nights 'cause i don't see him all that often, and turning our clocks around and having a weird, surreal weekend together is soooo much fun. but then it turned out at the end of the night that i had to drive him home from the club, which meant funfunfun (he lives 30-40 away from me, and by then i'm usually too tired to drive home to my place)!!! yay! the more time with a friend, the better . i just wish he lived closer .
  9. weyes

    [ Hot Men ]

    gimme a break! vin diesel looks exactly the same in every one of those pictures . if you must post more than one and make an epic thread, how about posting multiples of people who are capable of more than one expression?
  10. well, i had been all set to just be there for good time's sake, but space girl kicked ass !!! she's much more sophisticated than she used to be - fewer starts and stops. and her music was less repetative than before. (though she was only granted an hour-long set ). i believe it was hendo who played right before her (i always get hendo and kosho - both residents - mixed up), and he was seriously dopeass, too. alicia, who started the night off, sucked, big-time. i got my dance on in a big way . so, i met bluecenterstar, formerly known as shortystar! we both have a large affinity for both stars and blue - kinda freaky. the girl is a ball of energy, and nothing less !!! with all her jumping, we were almost the same height . she made me shake my space girl's hand. if only the new security regime at red hadn't taken my camera . i'm doomed to never get a real picture of her . red has to do something about their opening djs sucking. i think that the $10 we save by getting in early my omniscient friend more than spends getting drinks while we hate the music. it wouldn't matter if we were enjoying it, know what i mean? but all in all, a really good night .
  11. i apologize for the lack of the column for the 4th and 5th; i was staying at my omniscient friend's house, otherwise known as time's bermuda triangle, which now has a playstation, but still no computer. damn, that simpsons' driving game is hard . anyway... here's the column for today: an argument against "a picture is worth a thousand words," which i find is also true, the written word is very powerful. while it doesn't have the definitive tones or gestures that a live interaction would or the expression that a picture would, the vagueness of personal letters and notes is what makes them so dangerous. trying to decipher what the author meant can easily lead a reader down a wrong path, and, if the piece is never discussed, a misunderstanding is easily reached. and the permanence of words committed to paper (or screen) can bring unintended feelings back to the reader again and again. choose words carefully, mean what you say; clarity is key. tune in tomorrow.
  12. i'm hurt, x. i've seen a lot of "i can't sleep" threads lately; just thought i'd try and help . it's 3:22 a.m. as i'm writing this, so i'm obviously cured of insomnia - thought i'd share the wealth . and i had more to add, seeing as i didn't write wisdoms for friday or saturday (wasn't home ), but now you just stepped all over me... i don't know what to do ... ah, me; the pressure of writing this column ... but i'll recover .
  13. seriously!!!!!!!!!!! i would never waste that precious sleep time! what is up with people ?
  14. VENUE: RED (AT ARENA, ON FRIDAY NIGHTS) LOCATION: SANTA MONICA BLVD & LAS PALMAS NIGHT YOU ATTENDED: FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2003 PROMOTION: NO Decor: 10. i've always liked the setup and flow at arena. places to sit in all areas of the club, ways to get upstairs on both sides, and i loves me a mezzanine! Only drawback about the setup: only one room - no choice between 2 djs. Patio: 6. sucks. always too crowded, there's rarely an empty seat, and the 2 doorways to get out are always jammed. People/vibe: 8. people are nice, but sometimes there are a few too many cracked-out peeps... Parking: 10. i park right across the street, generally, but the lots right next to the club are $4 or so, i think. Cover: $20, or $10 if you sign up on their website - www.nexxez.com before 6pm on thursday and get to the club by 10pm on friday. (10pm sharp, people! they're not kidding!) Best thing: relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. absolutely no attitude or pretentiousness to be found, ever, and i go to red regularly. Worst thing: sometimes the opening djs can suck - hard. Would i go back? i would, and i do!
  15. also check out the sticky at the top of the l.a. board for any other info you may be looking for, and you can pose any other questions there, as well : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874&perpage=15&pagenumber=1
  16. hope to meet you, blue, tomorrow, at red ! i'll be wearing a white tank top with a glittery blue alien on it (astrogirl from liquid sky design), so flag me down if any of y'all see me, ya hear ? (there are also pics of me on this board, if you do some poking around in the l.a. forum <------ resident pic whore .)
  17. weyes

    [ Hot Men ]

    i'm sorry, y'all, but he was hot when he was young: (that's chevy chase.) harrison ford:
  18. weyes

    [ Hot Men ]

    not trying to take your thread, girl! you know yer my pal; with how many other people on this board do you think i have running jokes ? but you know what i mean, when threads get all clogged...but i am impressed at your resourcefulness (in finding all these pics).
  19. weyes

    [ Hot Men ]

    steve mcqueen :
  20. weyes

    [ Hot Men ]

    naughtybabe, could you please just do ONE picture per guy? otherwise this thread will be really, really long, and it'll be a big mess . pleasepleaseplease?????????????????? i'll put some up, too .
  21. weyes

    Thong lines

    hi, wideskies !!! i've missed ya 'round these parts !!!and seriously, if i were so concerned about wanting people to think i'm not wearing underwear, i wouldn't wear any .
  22. weyes

    For Anna Lovers ;)

    damn - i was hoping it was gonna be a thread about anna nicole .
  23. another thing to keep in mind is that one's crotch (male or female - ) is a closed place that, like one's armpits, doesn't get much room to breathe. sweat happens.
  24. weyes

    Bad Ass Dolls lol

    the separate page opens, but nothing plays .
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