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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    i prefer "biznatch," biotch .
  2. o, hey, cody, i'll have to give you a link to my danny review when it's finished. i got 2 pics of him (or so), but i haven't gotten my film developed, so i dunno what came out. the pic you have of him is weird; his hair was on the longer side and straight on friday. i don't know why it's curly in your sig . even though the palace (where i saw him) isn't particularly humid, all clubs are, to some degree. i'd think, if humidity is what makes his hair go haywire, it should've been curly the other night. i was talking about his hair in a previous post, so, by now, you should've done some research for me .
  3. weyes


    whattup, biotches?????????????????????????
  4. weyes

    Thongs out?

    well, i missed the pic , but i'm sure there was way too much pubic hair involved, anyway. j/k!!! seriously, though, how many times do we ladies on this board have to tell the guys that victoria's secret is that she sucks? poor quality, she .
  5. weyes

    "how'd we do???"

    these are people with major issues, dg . i don't generally run into people who display such major problems in the span of a few hours - the first few i've known them.
  6. thanks, all ! i am still totally flying high about it . all i've been thinking about all weekend are the good things in my life . i've been going down memory lane from years ago till now, and all that seem to come up are the happy times . i wasn't wearing anything skimpy that night, but i was happy and confident, and that made me sexier than anything .
  7. weyes

    "how'd we do???"

    i dunno, dg - that's a lot of pressure. and sometimes i wouldn't know what to say till more time had passed. can you always review things that soon after they're over?
  8. i love her, too!!! she looks like such a genuinely nice person, and was great on saturday night live. it's so great to see an actress/actor that i've only seen in drama do comedy so well. but i never noticed her boobies are so little until i was watching snl with a friend and he pointed it out; on alias i remembered her having bigger boobs. i guess they were padding her and i just didn't notice . wtf??? spies can have little boobies!!!
  9. no one knows quite how to push your buttons like your family , but you can learn which topics of which to steer clear in order to avoid unpleasant or angering conversations, if you work at it . tune in tomorrow.
  10. color me dense , but how do you sleep?
  11. or they know that "everyone" doesn't solely consist of celebrities .
  12. yeah - the guy i'm talking about was trying to gain status, which, i think, is much sadder.
  13. ok, lalate, cool ! i'd just add date, as well. VENUE: THE PALACE LOCATION: VINE, OFF HOLLYWOOD NIGHT YOU ATTENDED: FRIDAY, MARCH 14 PROMOTION THAT NIGHT: NONE Decor: 8 People's Hotness: (didn't really notice one way or the other) People's Niceness: 8 Street Parking: forget about it Cover: $20 in advance - danny howells & ashley casselle Best Thing: not too crowded Worst Thing: way too loud. got a pounding headache, & not for the first time Things You'd Change: turn down the volume!!! Would You Go Back: never. second time there, second headache. and i brought high-quality earplugs this time.
  14. people have age issues ... i think it's funny how so many of you say, "i'm _ years old, turning _ years old in _ month." it reminds me of little kids saying, "i'm 6 and 13/15ths!!!" only a couple of things bug me about my age: 1. wanting to be married at some point 2. dreading the day that my friends don't wanna party anymore. most of my friends are in their 30s, the rest mid-20s, and i feel like i'll probably out-party everyone .
  15. what's that (i'm not up on my cold weather fashion )? or do you mean shearling, maybe?it rained today. i stayed inside and laid around, listening to it outside . ah, to have a day off on a weekend and have it rain when i don't have to work . i slept too much, though, and am now wide awake at almost 3 am .
  16. ALL these people are busted . weyes scared ... but i don't understand why people care so much about this simon guy. i don't watch american idol, i've only seen last year's final episode and clips, but what makes him the ultimate authority on talent, and why should we give a shit about what he says, in general? people forget that whether a lot of people (though i agree, not all) deserve record contracts is a matter of opinion.
  17. sorry it's so long, but it goes really fast !
  18. it wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be . i broke up with him (all he wanted was sex; that wasn't cool with me) in march, 2002. i ran into him 3 weeks after that at the club where we first met, and he behaved so abominably that i was a mess for a while (it had been hard enough as it was). that night he showed that he never had any respect for me (he was fucked up and tried to hook up with me like i were a prostitute), but it also showed how much of an ass he was, and it was upsetting for me to know that i had stuck with that for so long . but i only go to the same clubs, and there aren't that many in l.a. that play my type of music to begin with (small world). i'd been paranoid about running into him for a while now. last night, i heard my name called from behind, turned around, and there he was. "haven't seen you in a while," he said. and then, "are you ok ?" he was lowering his head, looking up with his eyes, with the face on the smilies above, using a tone one would use to someone who's just suffered the death of a loved one. "yeah," i said, not understanding his tone or look at all, "why wouldn't i be?" "o! hey, now! don't take it like that or anything!!!" if he had been wondering if i still hadn't gotten over our 3-month relationship after a year, i think he's gotta take a bit of a reality check. this run-in was great, 'cause he really made a fool of himself, once again, and when we parted company, i not only wondered why i had been so worried, but actually enjoyed the meeting. there's no way anything he could ever say now could bother me, for so many reasons . i just hadn't had enough faith in that. it's kinda like earthquakes; when there hasn't been one for a while, people get nervous. then a minor one hits that no one even feels, and people feel safe again .
  19. weyes


    gmc, break up with her, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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