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Everything posted by weyes

  1. some days ya just gotta let yourself eat something decadent . tune in tomorrow.
  2. weyes

    tampons or pads?

    i used to be a heavy flow, 7-day girl ( x 100 ), so i had to use both. now that i'm on the pill, though, it's much lighter, so i'm ok w/ tampons. and linabina - how's this for too much info: my mom's flow was so heavy she had to use two super tampons and a pad all at once ! seriously, guys, you have no idea how much blood we see a year . we are women, hear us roar...
  3. weyes

    hating life

    and i'm sorry to hear everything, heretic. i'm with a lot of people on this, too - watch out for yourself and make sure you don't get hurt, first and foremost; that's not selfish, it's taking care of yourself, and no one else'll do that for you .
  4. weyes

    hating life

    no, tastey, alcohol is a depressant. here are some links, the first one being a site that dispels common misconceptions about alcohol: http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/healthquizzes/heal4651.html http://members.aol.com/brucertalbot/drugabuse.html http://www.doitnow.org/pages/183.html
  5. elizabeth taylor was gorgeous in her prime.
  6. do you expect girls to shave (hi again, it's me )?
  7. see - that's what i'm saying: that's not having a multiple orgasm; that's holding one back till you can have a real one later that happens to be more intense as a bonus.
  8. my hearing in my left ear's been going in and out for a long while now and i've just been attributing it to water getting stuck in it when i shower or wax or something (yeah, that's gross, i know). i'm gonna put those drops in and try to flush out my ears for a few days in a row and see if that'll help; hope i'm not losing my hearing in that ear .
  9. i work at a camera store/photo lab, and my hours and days are different every week. that has its pros and cons; if i want a particular day off, i can always get it if i ask enough in advance. my manager is really cool about that. and i tend to get the late shift, i guess, 'cause i'm late if they give me the early one, and too out of it to function properly . i suppose she figures i'm at my best on the late shift and other people are at their best earlier, so utilize everyone when they're most useful to the store (helpful in general and selling shit ). ooo - who was at honey, again? i'm on their e-mailing list, but i'm often not familiar with the music of the djs, even if i've heard of them. and i will most likely be going to see the east coast boogiemen on the 21st; you thinking of going then? * www.cued-up.com has a $5 guestlist for honey, in case you didn't already know .
  10. don't feel bad about missing that gig; it was really a disaster. the lines were ridiculous from the beginning - people who bought tix online had to wait on 2 lines: one to pick up their tickets and then get in the regular line . and the place was too hot inside for me to even get a good listen; i spent almost the whole thing outside. and the hours were changed from 9pm-5am to 3am-11am at the last minute (2 days before the gig), and switched to a wack venue, so a lot of people wanted their money back. that morning also happened to be father's day, so a lot of people had to be with their dads and couldn't be out all morning partying. fiasco - nothing less .
  11. weyes

    where's gmc?

    so, does that mean you found something ?
  12. i'll most definitely be going to honey on thursday, the 21st, to see the east coast boogiemen . for those who don't know them, they play real git down kinda house. cued-up has a $5 list, so it's not too pricey, and the vibe is really kick-back, except when the groove gets infectious . anyway, i'd be glad to have anyone with me , and the ecb really kick ass, even though they have an incredibly lame name .
  13. sounds like vegas to me - maybe that egyptian-themed hotel? just a thought.
  14. i wasn't necessarily referring to the death of someone, but that works, too .
  15. be aware of what you do and say; it has more of an impact than you may realize. tune in tomorrow.
  16. i really didn't know which board to put this on - it's not about sex, but about connecting on a very personal sort of level... a meeting of something beyond the mind, i think. *clicking*, i guess. i'm talking about when you find someone on the board whose threads you'll always open, no matter what they're called, because you know that that person will have something to say that'll interest you. and it's much rarer than those people whose posts you always ignore . this first happened to me very soon after i first joined cp. i was at a meetup in nyc setup by blueangel (r.i.p.), who had made everyone nametags with their screennames and real first names. just about everyone knew each other, and i found myself sinking into a couch, feeling really uncomfortable and left out. but a really excited guy hurried up to me and blurted out, "i was looking for you all night last week at twilo! do you know how many girls wear fuschia tank tops?????" i had posted that i'd be there wearing said tank top, but i ended up not going. but i had no idea who this guy was, and i didn't recognize his screenname. i didn't even post that much then, either, so i was kinda creeped out by the idea of someone on the board specifically looking for me at a club where i'd never partied before. but when i got home, i did a search on him. it turned out that he posted on just about everything i ever either posted on or even just looked at. and we also had a lot in common in our posts. we're good friends now . since then, that's only happened to me with a few other people, but it's wonderful. i love coming home and seeing what they've written that day. it's kind of like having a favorite author, entertainer, philosopher, and - when it's someone new, a friend-to-be, all in one .
  17. hey, i like me some britney, too .
  18. weyes

    hating life

    remember that alcohol is a depressant, and especially bad for those who are already depressed . ergo, i don't drink (makes things easier).
  19. weyes

    prince albert

    about the tobacco: it reminds me of that old prank call: you call a smoke shop and say, "do you have 'prince albert,' in a can?" and the purveyor says, "yes." then you say, "well, why don't you let him out?" then hang up, and die laughing. yep, that's exactly what happens .
  20. weyes

    prince albert

    at first i was really confused; i thought you were talking about the tobacco... you really had that done? when?
  21. hmmm... how d'ya figure there's a difference ?
  22. someone's thinking about you . tune in tomorrow.
  23. i've heard about cody lee recently, but i don't remember in what context (good, bad?). what's the deal with this dj? and i saw swedish egil when he was with armin van buuren. energetic.
  24. pvd will be here this year. i lovedlovedloved "out there and back" and'll even say that it changed me, but i've seen pvd twice now and he disappointed me both times. i dunno if i wanna spend all that new year's eve dough on a party i'm not all that sure i'll like. there aren't any other events i'd really like to attend, but just spending the night with some friends could be great . and to answer you, tequiza, giant moves from place to place, but hasn't been doing much lately. they really dropped the ball when pvd was here in june and fell out of favor even with some of their most devoted peeps.
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