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Everything posted by captainpec

  1. I'm sick of hearing people say "I was doing shots of Patron with my boyz last night..." I switched boats to Jamisson... Irish Whiskey that puts hair in all the wrong places...
  2. Your rotator cuff isn't bone so you didn't break it... it's torn. Usually it will mean pain for the rest of your life if it's really bad and you choose not to fix it. Sometimes physically therapy and rest will help, but depending on s*****ty, you might need to go under the knife. My bro-in-law had the surgery around five years ago and is relatively pain free.
  3. That pics not genuine... can't you tell the amount of airbrushing and bad photoshopping done... just look at the girls mouth... his skin looks so fake as well...
  4. Funny - I got that nickname back when I was 15 since I had huge pecs... I don't focus on them that much since they respond a lil too well to lifting and I don't want to be disproportionate.
  5. Last time I checked I thought the Mets had fairly decent pitching with the exception of the great John Franco. I think hitting is something they should focus on during the offseason... and stop going after has been players.
  6. Lucille Roberts has a special now I believe. You live in the city... me in Westchester and I just joined a gym for $99 for the year. Chances are they will close and reopen after six months, but even for six months, that's a steal. Anyway, I have three months under my belt already... it paid for itself.
  7. If you are plateuing - try: 1. negative reps, 2. weighted dips, and 3. Benching with a wider grip and bring the bar to your collar bone. Definitely got me results in less than a month. My "lady friend" told me just last week that my chest looked bigger and she had seen me last only two weeks earlier.
  8. Couple hours... also depends on the kind of protein you are consuming. Whey is a relatively quick absorbed protein as compared to cassein which the body takes longer to breakdown.
  9. captainpec

    The Meal

    You are missing some of your box?
  10. Yeah what the retart above me said... Seriously speaking what is your goal exactly? To bulk up or to lose weight. You are attempting to bulk up by taking cell tech and protein, but then you are negating your attempts by taking xenadrine which is for weight loss. Both do not go hand in hand. If you are trying to bulk up (and are aggresive in your goals), you should be consuming a fair amount of calories, carbs and protein and LAYING OFF cardio/weight loss supplements. These weight loss supplements increase your metabolism to some degree and could be hampering your results. When it comes to bulking - if you want good gains you will have to accept a little tummy...
  11. Nutcase - I forgot to mention that these dollars are pre-tax contribution dollars (although if you reach the cap you can contribute post-tax dollars as well). The benefit to contributing pre-tax dollars is not only saving 30% roughly that the government would other-wise receive in taxes, but you may also knock yourself down to a lower tax bracket for income tax purposes.
  12. Here's the 60 second 401k explanation: 401k plan is an employee compensation deferral plan that is available at most (not all employers). In order for a company to provide a 401k plan for their employees they must meet/comply with certain ERISA requirements (Employee Retirement Income Securities Act - I believe). In short it's a deferred compensation savings program that entitles you (full time employees only usually) to deferral a percentage of your salary on an annual basis up to the IRS cap for each year (2004 the cap is $13k for 2004 its $14k). You are allowed to place money within your respective account each year (subject usually to working with your company for one full year). The money/contributions can be allocated amongst a variety of investment options usually ranging from 3 (city workers/teachers) to 20 (large companies). These investments are stock/bond and other funds with different growth strategies. The purpose with a 401k is that you save the money for your retirement. You are not supposed to take money out until your retire (65 I believe) and all of the income gained on these assets is non taxable until retirement (when you withdraw those assets I believe). There is a ton more that you can read about a 401k - you can borrow against the assets up to a certain percentage (max $50k) if you want to purchase a house. There are allowable withdrawals if you are experiencing hardship such as health or bankruptcy, etc.
  13. Must I teach you guys everything? Put all your money in the 401k. If you need a couple grand, take out a loan against the balance in your 401k. Therefore the 30% that you would be taxed on by the government is pretty much all yours. Yes, you will have to pay interest on that loan, but the interest is paid to yourself and you can net it against your 30% tax savings... still a win/win situation. You have the money and you have your stipend to blow. We won't even get into additional dollars that the money will appreciate to (hopefully) down the road or extra money if your employer matches. I blow tons of money, but your bonus is something you should put away. Enjoying it now is a great feeling, but 10 years down the road you ask yourself why...
  14. Shit I tried it again and scored a 55... guess it wasn't that hard afterall...
  15. Sending a friend a greeting card and came up on this... what's your high score? I just tried it once and scored a 16. Damn slut is hard to catch. http://www.egreetings.com/display.pd?path=8007&bfrom=1&prodnum=3064574&
  16. How can a baseball player in the outfield go after someone? Is he realisitically going to climb over a wall? Baseball players are in the worse situation for going after fans (same with FB and hockey). Artest was within striking distance of the fan that threw the drink and he acted. Who knows what the guy said to him. All I'm saying is that you don't know your reaction until you are put in the situation as stupid as it may seem afterwards. Lord knows I have acted on impulse many a times, most recently going after three skum bags in Fort Lauderdale cause I couldn't take their trash talking to a girl I was walking with... did she mean something to me? No, but it was the disrespect that got to me. Thankfully I didn't get in trouble with the cops that responded. Trigger seems like he had a similar incident as well. Impulse is a bitch and makes us regret things later on... "fight or flight" - it's human nature.
  17. Can we arrange a nationwide genocide of these guido kid that ruin clubs by taking their shirts off and dancing like fags? Where's hitler when you need him. EDIT: Don't know what's gayer - guys taking their shirt off in clubs or guys taking pictures of guys in clubs.
  18. I played a homeless vietnam vet with no legs and fucked the shit out of her in a wheelchair for a pack of smokes.
  19. We had a good party my first year, but since then, the "non-Catholics" and "lazy fucks" of the work place and not showing up for last year's party caused them to switch it to an afternoon party. Definitely not the same atmosphere when you party during the day. Doubt they will even have a DJ this time .
  20. So if you are standing in the street and get pummeled with a water balloon filled with beer. People are standing around you... let's make it populated and say you are in Times Square during lunch (so now you are the pun of the joke). Will you not go beserk and go after someone? Yes, you might be an ass and go after the wrong person, but if you see the one person laughing the loudest, do you not think you would probably go after that person? Whoever would just sit in the middle of the street or walk away is a punk. I am not saying he is 100% right... my opinion is the blame goes 50/50... he wouldn't have jumped in the stands if the beer wasn't thrown. Fans are getting a little too aggresive these days and the shit needs to stop. Pretty soon we are going to be like England and South America with the soccer riots. And I will say that yes he was stupid for jumping into the fans... you are representing your employer on the court. Oh well, hopefully there are plenty of celebrity golf tournaments that he can take up with his free time.
  21. I get 10%, but receive it annually at the end of February and put it all into 401k... why the hell would you want the government taking half of it off the bat and you can't see the 10-20% you get back until a year later... defer it all, you will be happy in the long run.
  22. Bowling is bullshit - ping pong is where the action is... damn, I can't even believe I watched that shit the other night on ESPN...
  23. So jumping into the stands warrants forfeiting $4 million in compensation? I would sue the NBA if I was him. There is no quantifying his actions to that extent of punishment. What will happen to the fans that threw stuff in the crowd? Nothing. Justice is the word. Let's not even try to compare this to Milton Bradleys incident... we all know how less severe the penalties were... Artest is just being set as an example. Why did the league never take action against Rodman? All sports are becoming a joke now.
  24. I think the suspensions were a little too harsh. Take away the fact that Artest is an idiot and "deserves" some sort of reprimand in general. I would put any player in the picture and hold the same reserve. Fans need to start growing up... they should never throw anything at any player, of any sport. Fucken low lives in Detroit. Reminded me of the idiots at Yankee stadium that used to throw batteries... the "strawberry" incident was funny though. Artest should have been suspended 20 games at most without pay. That judgement completely eliminated the Pacers' opportunity to do something good this year. What's fair is fair. And for the record, I hate the Pacers and Reggie Miller...
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