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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. MEAT RAVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG Trancend I just peed my pants laughing... thanks, I needed that
  2. Really? I thought they let anyone - ANYONE - dance on the stage How can anyone managed to get booted from there?
  3. Egg~ I have a list for Glow... PM me. What's the matter, your friend Jasontowns isn't around? lmao
  4. I'm pretty sure that was the alcohol affecting your hearing...
  5. Was it ... "give me back my blankie you asshole?"
  6. I think I left it in your car PGiddy. Can you stop by and drop it off? Thanks. Oh and I need it by tonight or I will have terrible nightmares, even if I leave the nightlight on Meanwhile, PGiddy is selling tickets to his new concert "Ricky Martin Wanna-be's on tour" starting at $20 each. Comps for 13 year olds who want to scream his name and jump around the front row (VIP passes for all those willing to have pedophilic relations after the show). Guarantees to make you shake your bon bon
  7. Hahahhhahaha yeah that's what PGiddy does, too. "Fuck me if I'm wrong, but don't you want to fuck me?" and "Let's play house, you be the screen door and I'll slam you all night" That keg one was pretty funny -- I'm adding that to the favorites. Oh yeah and if you're clearly striking out try these: "you may not be impressed with me right now but you'll notice I'm the only one talking to you." "You may not be the prettiest girl here but beauty is only a lightswitch away."
  8. Alls I gotta say is that if you guys come down here and don't meet up with me and come visit I WILL KICK YOUR MOTHAFAWKIN ASSES! So don't forget about me -- especially Trancend and Siceone!!!
  9. Siccome Nuno avra ragione di qualcosa mai? I don't think so... I'll believe when I see but until then whatevs, it's the usual...
  10. Hey scotphreak! Long time no see -- where have YOU been? (That is to say if you remember me from waaaaaay back in August)
  11. PGIDDY YOU ARE A MORON! I told you to let me have the shirt, but no, for some reason you thought that you could do laundry better than I can. Well TOO DAMN BAD. No just kidding I'll take care of it. But go check out www.clubglow.com for the pictures (to be posted soon) and vote for me lol
  12. 714 6th St. NW (next to MCI center) PM me if you need list or anything
  13. Aww that sucks. I haven't bought the new CD but I loved the old one. I paid waaaaay too much to have it imported from England when I was like, 13, I actually forgot about it and left it at home when I came here and now you're makin' me wish I had it I guess I'll steer clear of the new one...
  14. HAHAHAHAHA! (the wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead) C'mon Shady just 7 more -- you can do it!
  15. Now now, blankies do not need to be part of this! You, on the other hand, heed thine own warnings or I'll be forced to kick your ass again
  16. You almost hurt my feelings What's the matter, you're not enjoying your celebrity status?
  17. Watch it, Ricky! HAHAHAHAHA yo can I get some tickets?
  18. Yeah PGiddy, I'm pretty sure you'll be worthless today :laugh:
  19. Augh Sice! You are SO not the good shopper. If you look hard enough (and smile cute enough at the guy behind the counter lolz jk) you can find them for much less. Now if you will excuse me I am going to go slam my head against the wall because I'm clearly the only frustrated optimist in the room
  20. Wow kids, I think I meant USED... i have found some items that fit well within the price range and i will also be able to get a hookup through my friends at the dj store at home, but i'm not home to ask right now. Soo.. back to the question.... PS Trancend - :bigfinger :bigfinger
  21. wow that really did take only 10 seconds for you to respond
  22. ...and I don't know what to get myself. I am looking to keep it cheap (like no more than say $450), I haven't touched the stuff before but I don't want to waste my time getting something I'll have to replace in 10 days anyway 'cause I need something better/more sophisticated. Anyone have advice on what brands to look for, to avoid, what kind of mixer I should grab myself...? Thanxxxxxx
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