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Everything posted by shlonger

  1. truth is i had to install a whole new hard drive and motherboard on my comp, and lost a lot of my old songs. now i'm trying to download the ones i really need.
  2. shlonger

    Song ID

    I know this song was from last summer, but I thought it was called moonshine. Denny played it at DJAIS on saturday night, and it was also played on Sunday of Labor Day weekend at DJAIS. Had some robotic vocal right before the beat dropped.
  3. Isn't it time for VIP-Tech to rotate the cinderblocks on his trailer? The ALLIANCE is sooo hot right now... when are we gonna drop GrOpE (not referring to gropasaurus) on this board? I know, I know, we gotta tame the beast before we let it out of its cage. Stardo, you and dookie are gonna GIT IT.
  4. ALLIANCE will never be dead. We have a cult-like following and can, if we choose to, spread like cancer cells. Due to the strict enforcement and regulation of our acceptance requirements, we only allow a select few, if any to join. This keeps our crew, the ALLIANCE, a premier, exclusive, and prestigious one. The Warriors are the Ocean Community College to our HARVARD. Notice the trends we have started: The terms guidette monsters and guido fist pumping (among many others), the self-absorption topics, the junction of our people and giving our group a title. How can you try and bash something when the formation of your group was based entirely on our blueprint? Look at how quickly you tried to enlarge your crew. If Harvard were to open its doors to anyone, would it still be considered a top notch college? You Warriors can continue to emulate us, and try and be all you can be, but remember, YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS ME.
  5. I too will be taking a 4 week hiatus from the board and the US. I will be on an ALLIANCE mission/vacation until the last week of July groping the citizens of various countries in Europe, Northern Africa, and Asia. I will impose my groping tactics, and divulge groping strategies to these foreigners, and create a foundation and establish roots to make the ALLIANCE an international entity. Those who are interested in making a trip to learn irresistible groping techniques, just pm me and I will tell you my itenirary. On another note, was anybody else approached by 3 chix, at Headliners, who claimed they worked for FHM magazine and wanted 10 guys for a spread on the jersey shore. They also said they would be contacting me in mid-july. I can't say I blame them, but I don't belong in a joint-spread... I belong on the cover, in a feature article, on a bilboard, on the sides of buses and bus stops, on TV, on the boxes of CK underwear, in a bed with more than just 3 chix... and instead of that rainbow TV stations put up when they are simulating a test, they should put my face, it would make that annoying beeping sound pleasant, and increase ratings because the people would hope that they can catch that one minute of TV.
  6. It was in the second grade when I was eating my cereal, and I saw my reflection in the spoon when I thought; Wow Shlonger, you are really, really... really, ridiculously good-looking. FIVE years later, this is what I see when I look into my spoon, and the reason I use a metal spoon to eat everything. I look into reflective objects often, not only because it is a good source of happiness and relief, but also an aphrodisiac... However, I try not to look into pools, lakes, ponds, or any other reflective hydrosurface because I become mesmerized, causing my body to go into a relaxing, dream-like state, thus falling into the water and drowning. I also kiss my biceps often, and still have the best tan.
  7. So true. My friend, a native new jerseyan, is now the resident DJ at Light in the Bellagio, and when I was out there on Easter, the music he played sucked. I asked him why his music was predominantly hip hop and shitty house, and he replied, "that's what the crowd/managers want him to play". The music everywhere, except at Rain, which I highly recommend, sucked. Can't stand the music they play at Drais, Studio 54, and sometimes Rumjungle...
  8. Nothing personal jugs, but youthful??? Seaside is the over-the-hill, juice bag capital of the world. All the sauceheads packed into it like a can of sardines are riding on the crest of what was once their youth. TEMPTS is their outlet/therapeutic device which they use to combat the harsh reality of their age. They have a hard time letting go. True, there are a number of young, present and future syringe monsters who make up a small percentage of TEMPTS inhabitants, but the majority of people I've met at tempts are upwards of 28. I am not including the warriors in this group because I know none of you, but just wanted to make my point. Also, VIP Tech, retract your last statement, or I'll be forced to ruin the Warriors' sex life by walking into TEMPTS . This is not an empty threat, and those who've met me can vouch that my presence in itself is an automatic cockblock. Blame my parents who weren't aware that the random combination of their genotype would produce the rare, unflawed physical specimen that I am. On another note, I still have the best tan on this side of the globe, and none of it is fake bake.
  9. No, the warriors are talking about joining forces to overtake, and eventually run the whole eastern seabord. they are cool, and have no beef with us. just the preps.
  10. Warriors... Come out to Playyyayyy.
  11. Hey Dookie, H'ya Doin? (with a Bayonne accent)
  12. Hi BUTTY, Yeah, HEARBREAKKID is a friend/original member of the Alliance. Good-looking GAY, although not the best looking. For an intelligent person, he needs to receive some remedial english tutelage. I also think the person you asked me about is my friend Frankie. Sorry Goose, she pm'd me and said it was the guy who shakes when he dances. As long as she keeps it in the Alliance, we'll have no quams.
  13. Pip, where were you? I didn't see you this weekend. Will you be in Belmar this weekend? I'll be at DJAIS sat happy hour, and no idea sat night. Possibly the Hilton in AC so I can tame the wild beast which has become my gambling habit. Trying to induce overkill to treat the problem... may not be the smartest idea, but wtf? If not, anyone who needs to meet me, can probably catch me at headliners. Gotta run, I'll post more later.
  14. Nice grammar; Missing a few apostrophes there Hemmingway. Your bottom quote {Captain of the Pussy Posse} leads me to infer that you know you are a pussy, and the fact that you are the captain suggests you are the BIGGEST PUSSY of all your pussy, polo shirt wearing, Bar gAy patron-friends.
  15. It was the Crystal Watters song "Come on Down". TOOO FUNNY!!!
  16. Word son, word!!! Shoulda come to Surf Club like I told you for Sunday Happy-hour. Would've made up for whatever inadequacies Belmar presented for this MDW, with a surplus of MEATHEADS, and SUPER-GUIDETTES. Walking in the place smelled like AquaNet, and I think everyone received a few cc's of Sust with the price of admisson. However, I did get a prime tan in unfavorable tanning weather, and am probably one of the best tanners in the country, let alone the state. Anyone here see a guy in a construction hat and crossing guard vest in boxer shorts sweeping the sidewalk on 14th early Monday morning??? I thought I was seeing things. He had that outfit, with nothing else on, and would sweep, then dance with the broom to a price is right themed house song. Funniest thing I'd seen that weekend.
  17. Come hang out with us and see for yourself!!! You too will be victimized by a feeling of awe upon your encounter with us. The Alliance is like a cult movement. Those who don't know us will talk trash. Those who do, want to be a part of it.
  18. Thanks a lot buddy
  19. shlonger

    Song ID

    Anyone know the song with the gladiator humming theme where maximus is walking by the wheat through the door?
  20. Your name is very original and creative... FAG!!!
  21. summer of 200, that is WAY BACK. You must be very old school, and i hope i am still partying, let alone living, when i'm your age.
  22. Prince Aziz was right about what he said. All he asked america to do was open its eyes. I think he should have stated it before the WTC nightmare, but, unfortunately, it took a deplorable event such as that to have someone with that kind of money and power to say it. You are just bitter because you are a fucking jew. The pulse, I have nothing against you, as your comments about guilianni are true. The comment the prince made wasn't as senseless as you say, but it was a bad time to say it. Obviously, giving a check for 10 million should indicate his stance on terrorism, but he did say that "our palestinian brethren are being slayed daily, while america turns the other cheek". This statement is as accurate a statement as you're ever going to hear. My only complaint about Guilianni is that he is a strong supporter of Israel because NYC is a bunch of jews (I guess you can't be perfect). This country is run by jews,, and that's why america does turn the other cheek when hearing of palestinian affairs. It is the occupation that causes palestinians to blow themselves up on busses. But we never hear about the palestinian adult men who get pulled from their homes by israeli troops, get taken to a field, where they are tortured and left for the vultures. We never hear about the cause of the palestinian violence. The cause is the israeli occupation, specifically the barbaric attacks by the israeli army. They have a history of immoral actions. Just look at Sharon's history. We never hear about this because of the jew-run media. Tribal, if you have something to say, we can meet up, and I can better ecplain myself.
  23. I recognize this quote as one which was previously used by a member of the ALLIANCE. Originality, as well as hair, and endowment, are commodities which are scarce to you, and are abundant to us. These are reasons for INSECURE individuals (yourself) to show antipathy towards beings (the ALLIANCE) who have attained a state of Nirvana (a supreme being). While our existence is beneficial to this planet, yours is malignant and is analagous to a cancer cell, and we must make you go into remission. If you are not familiar with how cancer cells function, here is a summary. In all types of cancer cells, there is an overproduction of a protein called Bcl-2. This protein acts as a bulletproof vest and protects the cell from anti-cancer therapies such as radiation, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy. The alliance is similar to a developing anticancer treatment by way of antisense therapy. Basically, we target any cell which overproduces Bcl-2 and shut off its ability to produce this protein, rendering the cell susceptible to other forms of anti-cancer treatments. In a recent experiment, which I read in the Lanceot Medical Journal, 12 terminally ill patients, who were given less than 2 months to live, were treated with this new antisense therapy. 2 years later, those 12 patients were still living, and their cancer, went into remission, the oldest patient being a 98 year old woman. Basically, my point is, a member of the alliance, although capable of killing you, most probably will not. What he will do though is beat the living shit out of you, stripping away what little confidence you have and leaving your candy ass to the likes of tempkid, who is going to break your teeth.
  24. I haven't been to 151 since early last year, and I don't know how their new Saturday night party is. I am looking for feedback from people who have been to it as recently as a month ago. I passed by it on Saturday night and it looked sick, the line was crazy. I need to know info on such things as the people at the door, how easy/hard it is to get in with a bunch of guys, opinions on the crowd, music etc. We can bring girls if we have to, but we'd rather meet some there, which will happen either way, but is more of a hassle when you bring girls with you. I guess either way there is going to be a hassle, either at the door, or meeting some guidette monsters. My good friend is a promoter there, but whatever he tells me, I usually take as promoter talk. It's my friends b-day on saturday, and we are all deciding on a place to start the night off.
  25. The Alliance will make their presence felt tonight, all who care to find us, you'll know who we are... pipdaddy, you're the man, I'll try and look for you, and somehow you are in one of my pics from Belmar this summer. It'll be a good time, I'm sure you'll agree. Don't know what I'll be wearing, just look for the most gorgeous guy in the club.
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