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Everything posted by shlonger

  1. wasn't planning on it, although dogekid will be there, but you've inspired me to at least consider it. also, who ever said I'd be at deko on thursday. Its the city for me during the week... remember, I'm big time.
  2. I smell weakness... ordering the dutch guy coffee and carrying it over to him can take its toll on you.
  3. 1. I drool when I see my reflection. You would too if you looked like me. 2. I'm guilty of lying to you when I agreed to hang out w/u. Ouch! 3. I don't drink because I am happy with my reality, and don't need an outlet. Your state of inebriation allows you to escape the horrors of your reality. That's why you enjoy it. Bigger OUCH! 4. If it wasn't stardo who called me after deko... I wonder who it coulda been? 5. The title of this thread should be ATTN: Shlonger aka Irresistible. The sight of me is like a revelation. 6. Drop it... you'll never win. I'll post my pic, and this argument will become a moot point.
  4. Plus, they don't wanna get into it with me. They are afraid of the consequences, and the wrath of the shlong. They would also be lying if they defended you. You still need to explain, on the other thread, why u kept mentioning anal beads to me at deko.
  5. another cyber tough guy... my sources tell me that you're a joke. I think your annoyed by the fact that the girls you like love me. Being you, there's no other therapuetic way to deal with your shortcomings. I think suicide is your only option right now.
  6. That's what she meant to say. Dogekid, the rumor you heard is true. But they are just 2 of the ever-growing population of shlonger fans w/shlonger shrines. But, they are very sick and twisted. Stardo told me she wanted to use a strap-on and bang me from behind; and siciliagrl kept whispering the words ANAL BEADS in my ear at deko. I just smiled, pretended I couldn't hear them, then ran for the hills.
  7. more like u want shlonger to smile back instead of ignoring you & your friends' existence. ask yourself this: why is your phone number on my caller id at 3:15 a.m., roughly 1 hour after deko? everyone wants a piece of the shlong...
  8. your damn skippy... thanks hype. Did u wear the tie to factory? nice meeting stiffler, hype, notallthere, hunnie, laurie, tommytempts, and anyone else i forgot to mention. nice seeing brian1500, piro, and neena again. not nice running into siciliagrl and stardo. Pow! Ooooh! Ouch! -Perfection
  9. yea, after i watched the movie, my phone rang almost immediately... I didn't wanna pick it up. those who saw the movie know what i'm talking about.
  10. Its like 6th sense meets Blair Witch .
  11. My bad... misinterpreted the whole family concept. I thought you were talking about CP... had to go back a few posts to find it. Smells like someone's getting tough. Its pretty easy making half-ass empty threats while hiding behind a computerscreen. Are you sure you can handle my phenomenal 5'6" 158 lb. diesel frame? You might wanna call for backup.
  12. Fuck you and your family; this CP family bullshit gay? Siciliagrl brought us into it... If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen... rdntheshortbus... i hear its more like got hit by a short bus. Here's your fuckin smiley Now go fuck off, and ride your short bus into a tree.
  13. Relax buddy... It's obvious that you had nothing to write about, so you had to nitpick. I find your post neither funny nor relevant to the thread. Don't make me search all your posts and prove that you are being hypocritical. Nah, don't have the time. Dogekid, how was that Carvel after deko? No more hydroxycuts for Greg, and have you ever seen a wild babboon jerk off??? Too funny... oh and you did tell Kim's dad your name at 3 in the morning. ou812, in response to your post... I did nothing to deserve this. I actually think siciliagrl and stardo did this because they crave my attention, which they weren't getting that night at metro. Studs like us, u know, we gotta spread the love. How is/was London? I'll pm you when I have more time.
  14. Who do I pm, call, ask for, etc. to place myself and a few on the list? Thanks.
  15. Didn't expect anything meaningful or insightful to come out of you, however I underestimated your spelling skills. Never knew you made it past the three letter words. Your mind is primitive, and your writing technique is cave-manish.
  16. Wow, that ish is long. Didn't realize it, I just kept going. Sorry about the long post everyone. Was supposed to be my last of the day, but now this is. Oh, and Siciliagrl and Stardo, who are we kidding? When you two saw me you were both mesmerized... I have that affect on people. And the rest of you, you all need to meet me. I will be at deko, and you can form a line. I will be signing autographs from 1:45 to 2:15. Ciao
  17. In the rare few moments each day that i can sit down and log onto this tangled web of an internet I find myself compelled to read the drivel posted by you peons because all it makes me do, is laugh. People posting hundreds and even thousands of times to this nowhere place. Spending hours contemplatiing insensible comebacks to my intellectual postings. When will you learn that I cannot be deterred by adolescents like yourselves from speaking my mind.Like my signature states, I am a true Men (not the braggadocios that most of you are) who have conquered that belief deeply ingrained by our castrated society into the male psyche--that one cannot be great, that one must merely be ordinary. I have propelled myself outside of the conformity of the masses, and are paving the way for the future, for themselves for you and most importantly for our future male children, so that when they are brought into this world, they may know what it means to dominate and not fear reaching for greatness. The goals of my life are far different from the goals that all each of you has set for themselves. I am relatively young and I have already garnered the admiration of my peers and the respect of the elders of my profession. So much so that the mere raise of my eyebrow or the slightest skepticism on my part will send people 10 and 20 years my senior scurrying to recheck their figures and assumptions. You all strive to attain similar status in your lifetime. It is often said that great minds think alike, but I am cautious to limit the scope of that expression to only the intellectuals because small minds often think alike too. Look at how many have come to bash me with dellusional opinions. The excessive hallucenogenic drug use in NJ clubs is evidenced by your mis-stated perception of me. The truth about me is I amundoubtedly, the most significant, influential, and divine creature to ever grace this message board, let alone the universe. That's right, ME....Shlonger. I dare any other to step into my dome, as I will leave you with a feeling of frustration, awe, and envy. The contours of my body are carefully crafted and carved, that you will know such a creation is indeniably celestial, if not God himself; the equivalent of German precision with regards to enigineering. Ladies would need one calendar year, without sleep, to trace every line in my stomach alone. I dont need to introduce myself to anyone. If you need to find me, just look for the multitude of females, gasping for air, as I stroll by unfazed with the blowjob I am getting from YOUR girlfriend. My sheer touch alone makes women quiver. My arms are scaled prototypes for jumbo jets. Call me Narcissustic, but when I look in the mirror every morning, I only regret one thing... Why couldn't I have been more athletic rather than soooo BEAUTIFUL and STUNNING. It's a cruel world... The truth is what it is, and if I deny any of these material facts, I would be doing an injustice to the world, but more importantly, I would be lying to myself first. I do not go near pools, rivers, lakes, or oceans, as I fear I may drown after being captivated and mesmerized by the relfection of myself in the water. You are a mob of peons. In trying to belittle me you serve only to emasculate yourselves. E Tu Brutus? You fools are like a pestilance and I have grown very tired of you all. I again admonish you to heed my warning. When the time comes I will battle you all. Do not say that you have not been given advance notice of the great supplification. You will wish you had never liked club music when I get through with you.
  18. Hey... I thought that picture captured my good side! Neena, you just put yourself on my shitlist.
  19. Wanted to start a new thread cus i don't fell like searching for that other one. Plus too much habwash on that other thread. This one is for hunnie who hasn't had the pleasure of meeting me yet. One day, hunnie, one day your time will come. I present to you, the man, the myth, the legend, shlonger:
  20. yeah, my st. john's season tickets were right next to his last year. i have the hookup at the ticket office. he really is big pimpin. not the best looking guy, but he's got a nice life anyway.
  21. Too many to list, but I used to hang out with Marcus Shenkenberg (real moron though). If anyone wants his number just pm me.
  22. I'm the kitten that looks into a mirror and sees a lion.
  23. I'd like to know how and why everyone picked their signature. Some are self-explanatory, others need elaboration.
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