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Everything posted by shlonger

  1. It's Boasting, not Boosting, and should have been lowercase. Also, the word is Legit, not Ligit.
  2. As one of the founding fathers of the alliance, I feel it is my duty to point out that you once propositioned a cp member, on a different thread, to join you in overthrowing the alliance. For it is that comment alone which shows your feebleness. Apparently you recognize the power and domination of the alliance, and the only thing you can do is act in envious fashion by recruiting persons to join forces with. The alliance does have enemies, but these enemies do not dare cross the boundaries of a cp message board war, and a personal war.
  3. This country was built on these atrocious barbaristic acts of terrorism that lead you to conclude that you can not trust Arab-Americans. What was done on tuesday, was done to the Native Americans, only on a smaller magnitude, after they welcomed the pilgrims here with open arms; only to have those same people they shared a thanksgiving dinner with turn around and stab them in the back. Their Women were raped. Their leaders were scalped and stoned to death.That term, Arab-Americans... what does it mean to you? Arabs who were born and raised here? Ones who came over on a boat and gained citizenship? Because neither of these apply to anyone associated with tuesday's events. Those guys were all here on Visas. Now, the only solution would be to close the borders to everyone. We shouldn't let Italians in because they run organized crime operations. We shouldn't let blacks in because they will rob and shoot anyone at any given moment. We shouldn't let Irish people in because then we would have a lower rate of deaths caused by or associated with alcohol. We shouldn't let Latinos in because, well... then our lawns wouldn't get cut. Keep the Jews out, then we won't have to deal with arrogant money grubbing assholes. Keep the arabs out and end the threat of terrorism. Wait, Timothy McVeigh wasn't arab!!! Obviously I was being sarcastic with the previous analogies, so sorry if I offended anyone. My point is, terrorism is a world-wide problem, and even by keeping arabs out, terrorism can still develop from within. Also, your trust for Arab-americans should not diminish because of what happened. Do you trust Jews after they persecuted your lord? Would you trust a pilgrim if you were Native American? The truth is, it will take time. Get that feeling of hate out of your system, because that is what caused this heinous tragedy. Time heals wounds, and I know this because I lost 3 friends in the disaster, and not one hour goes by when I'm not thinking of them. In case anyone thinks I'm bullshitting, you can look them up on the missing persons list... names are: Robert Tipaldi, Jude Safi, and Richie Cagianno. All three are brooklyn guys, and Rob, aka Lil Rob was in my fraternity. I saw all three, 3 weeks ago at DJAIS. I spoke to Jude the Sunday before it happened. They all worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, and their families are holding on to whatever hope they can hold on to. Rob just bought a house in Brick, and was doing very well. Jude and Richie were very bright guys with promising futures and I'm sure that all 3 are undoubtedly in a better place where nothing of this sort will ever happen. I hope to see them there in the VERY distant future, or better yet, I hope to see them here in the very NEAR future.
  4. Moron, First and foremost, the word is infested, not invested. Go back to grammar school where you belong. Second, you are obviously ignorant. When the US dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima, who did they kill? Answer: Innocent people going to work. Does that make the US terrorists? I know you are probably thinking that it was different then due to the fact that it happened in the midst of a war. But the resentment these arabs have is somewhat warranted. When they see their relatives' or friends' heads blown off by an Israeli with a gun which has an engraving that reads "Made in Pennsylvania, USA", wouldn't you be pissed? I'm not justifying their actions whatsoever, but I am saying that you need to open your fucking eyes and stop believing everything you hear. The government, in conjunction with the media, can manipulate and hide anything to get the public to believe whatever they want to. The only people in this world who are not corrupt are children who aren't able to comprehend. Even 5 year olds have been tainted and nurtured into their beliefs by whoever raised them. I sure as hell was. I am more distraut over the unfortunate, deplorable events that unfolded on tuesday, due to the fact that I worked 2 blocks away when it happened, and I lost 3 close friends in the bombing. Luckily, the other 30+ people that I personally know that worked there are alright. However, the three that were closest to me (besides family members), are now gone, and I have to deal with it. I do not want a war with an entire country because I do not feel the country should be held responsible for the act of radicals; especially when they still don't have concrete proof that they are directly linked to Bin Laden. The problem is terrorism, and globally, we should work together to end terrorism. Easier said than done. In fact, I don't think terrorism will ever end, because hatred and vengeance are natural emotions that one will develop at one point in his/her life. But as a person who is half palestinian, and half guido, who was born and raised in Jersey, I would be more than happy to "sit down and settle" any disagreement that you may have. Also, I think you are a pussy and soooo stupid that you cannot come up with a well thought out response to anyone. All you do is curse and say you fuckin whore... Typical of the redneck, piece of shit, white-trash that you are. PS I THINK IT'S TIME TO ROTATE THE CYNDERBLOCKS ON YOUR TRAILER.
  5. Capone, you are a wise man who apparently has a mind of his own. You do not buy into what the media feeds the mass population, and are smart enough to know that there are many hidden facts about what goes on in the middle east. I like that you think for yourself, and you use rationale and logic when formulating a thought or opinion... We obviously see eye to eye on this subject.
  6. This is a warning to anyone who will be in Vegas from the 17th until the 24th of September, in the year 2001. There will be a guido invasion beginning with guido team alpha who arrive on the 17th. Guido team bravo will arrive on the eve of the 19th, followed by team charlie on the morning of the 20th. Upon arrival, we will unleash hell to any female monsters we see roaming the streets, casinos, clubs, or anywhere in the vicinity of the entire west coast. We are globally reknowned as DIVINE creatures, and upon our site, you will feel as if you have had a revelation. We will leave no female ungroped, and the only safe haven would possibly be either Area 51 or Afghanistan. Guidette monsters should be overly cautious due to the instant magnetic attraction that a guidette would normally have when being in the vicinity of a member of our alliance. Monsters with an abundance of cleavage should also beware, for silicon to us is as analogous as blood is to a shark. To find us, you can either search for the large female congregation, bowing their heads in worship, for we will be at the epicenter of it. Another important fact is the only shrines and monuments of the GUIDO ALLIANCE memebers being built in vegas. We will leave Vegas and anyone who is fortunate enough to meet us in awe and yearning for more. That is a guarantee. Although this week has been pretty hard for all of us I would imagine, we will show these terrorists that they can take away our towers, but they cannot take away our freedom nor will they stand in our way of conquering what is rightfully ours (any female rated 9 or higher).
  8. You are an ignorant fuck. Go get an education. Read my post under Kill Em All.
  9. I appreciate everyone's response and am glad to see that none were confrontational. I understand that people would normally have a reaction as xcracker did... in fact, my first impression was somewhat similar to his, even though I am part palestinian, but that comes from the thought being beat into our heads, daily, by the media. I completely agree with the fact that this was done by an animal, not a person, but an animal who has no conscience, and has a misconception of the idea of fighting for your country. Whoever is responsible for this, should rot in hell, with all who were involved in this unbelievable attack should. I am still in shock, and relaize how lucky I am today that i took off of work today. I work 2 blocks away from there, and my co-workers have already told me numerous horror stories. Along with that, and on a less important note, its a shame to see such beautiful structures of the most beautiful skyline of the best city in the world go down. Does anyone have any thoughts of whether they think they will replace them? I personally feel that people would be afraid, as will the city, to put another skyscraper there in case there is another such attack in the future. You never know what could happen, and I cant stop thinking of what would have happened had I taken that path train in today.
  10. Just to avoid any confusion, I do believe that it was Bin Laden, but the previous response was just to open everyone's eyes on the true politics behind "terrorism".
  11. Remember if they shut down our borders, none of US would be here too. I am part palestinian, and part guido... my thoughts on the matter are on another post titled Kill em all, so check it out.
  12. Quick to point fingers xcracker. First of all, I think that was an ignorant comment made on your part. You seem to believe that arabs condone such actions when its really actions of radicals. These radicals are all over. Remember Oklahoma City, when everyone was so quick to assume it was arabs, but it turned out to be your average cornfed white countryboy. Even if it were actions by Arabs, once again, they are extremists who feel that their government hasn't done enough for them, so they take actions into their own hands. Second, the reason for the rejoicing in jerusalem and the mid-east is because of their resentment towards the US govt due to the history of the US continually siding with Israel because taking care of Israel is in America's best interest. The US doesn't see the palestinians as being oppressed, when that is exactly what they are. I know, because I have seen everything first-hand, and I've seen what they do to Palestinians over there. Of course, everything we see is manipulated by the media because the media and this country are run by JEWS. It would not be wise for Arab's to do that, but I heard on the radio that there is going to be retaliation for what happened to the innocent people here. Now if the US decided to attack Palestine, who have an inferior military, which probably couldn't even take the alliance, the US would be doing the same thing that had been done to them. All this stems from what is being done to the Arabs in their homes. And if America claims they don't support this type of behavior, they are hypocritical because they do support Israel who are closet advocates of this behavior because they continually practice it daily. In no way am I defending what happened, in fact, I'm totally against it, and am deeply distraut over what happened. I spoke to my friend from college, whom I work with 2 blocks away from the WTC, and he is traumatized. I skipped work today, but he said that on the way home, after evacuating, he saw the buildings collapse, and was also, literally, walking over dead bodies. This was a well thought-out plan, and was only done by raadicals, arab or not, who for some reason or another wanted the US's attention. This is a tragic day in US history, and whoever did this now has America's undivided attention. Hypothetically speaking, let's say that this act was done by Israel, we would never know because it would be covered up by the Jewish-run media, and the US will pin the blame on an Arab scapegoat, much like a conspiracy theory. Reason for this: How does America benefit from Palestine?...they don't, so why burn bridges from Israel, who by the way have a military which can and probably does scare the US military, when they can pick on the helpless country, sort of like the guido who picks a fight with the small kid rather than the juicehead. Well, things could have been worse, they could've bombed belmar. I have a few other points as to why the NSA didnt shoot down a plane going from Boston westbound to LA which was traveling south for some reason. I was under the impression that the US had protection for the city as in missiles aimed at NY in case a plane penetrated fly zone restrictions. Maybe because it was a charter plane. But the FAA and traffic control play a big part because when a plane is flying at such a low altitude in an air zone which it should not have been in, someone should have been notified. Where was the communication between the FAA and the proper authorities, once they realized the plane wasn't on the right course, and/or upon realizing it was being hijacked. Shoot the plane down, even though it had innocent people on there, they were going to die anyway. By the way I am part palestinian, and part guido, and if you still feel the way you do, and anyone else, I will happily better acquaint myself with you, and we can "iron" out our differences. You obviously are not educated, and dont have a mind of your own to think things out before you make assumptions...much like the rest of the US population. Anyone who wants to further discuss this, can e-mail me.
  13. Rocketfuel, you must have been referring to shlonger when you said you had a meeting with god on your last birthday, and if you are so lucky to be embraced by the GUIDO ALLIANCE, or just guido team alpha (gropasaurus, monsterguido, and myself) on your birthday, your depressed feeling of turning 25 will turn into instant euphoria. You will not need any drugs to get you to that feeling of ecstacy, just a mere graze by one of the guidos will do. Unfortunately, I was not at DJais on Friday night because I had a wedding to go to, so that definitely wasnt me who was groping you. However, I would not be surprised at all if it were Gropasaurus or one of the other members of the alliance due to the fact that no guidette monster is safe from groping manuevers. Wherever we are, every monster, single or not, will succumb to heavy groping action by one of the members, and the fact that you said that there were 2 hot guidos groping you makes it apparent that it was unquestionably a member of the alliance. Keep us updated on what is going on with your birthday, or whenever you do go to carusos, and upon sight of us, you and all your lil guidette monster friends will have revelations. To find us, just look for the best looking guidos, pumping their fists, with red bulls in one hand, a coke in my hand, and a guidette in the other. Do not hesitate to interrupt any groping taking place, as we are eager to meet you and all your guidette monsters. Also, you may hear me calling out nabuc, JBR, chosenone or joey carbone's names, as I want to introduce myself to them.
  14. That person in search of Joey Carbone was, indeed, shlonger. I was also looking for Nabuc, JBR, and Chosen0ne. Just wanted to introduce myself. I ended up running into pipdaddy at DJais on Sun, and if you read his post, you would know who we r if you were at DJais that night. Pipdaddy, you're cool, and the thought of beating you never crossed any of our minds. It was your friend who beat that idea into your head, and I kept telling him it was cool. He was looking out for you...good friend. Anyways, I walked by 105 10th and called out joey carbone everytime, I also yelled out clubplanet, and probably rated some of the girls as they walked by our house. Hopefully you all have a clearer picture of who we are now. Everyone have a good winter, but i cant wait til next summer, but next stop... Vegas, then we return to what's rightfully ours...the guidette monsters in the tri-state area, and fist-pumping guido music.
  15. Drama, you have just revealed yourself. I know who you are, and you definitely don't remember who I am because I met you briefly on the night of your husband's bachelor party, although its hard to believe that one would forget such a beautiful face. If it weren't for my superior memory, and my incomparable intelligence, I would have been baffled as to who you are. Obviously you know cyphead, and for that reason as well as the fact that you are a nice girl (if I am correct about who you are), I will refrain from getting on your bad side. I wish you and your hubby the best. At the same time, I don't think you should be confrontational with anyone in the posse, and I hope that they arent with you. Obviously Monsterguido didnt know who you were, and I'm sure he wouldnt have said anything mean if he did, but you did take a shot at all of us by saying we had too much time. Obviously we don't, since we have less posts than any member of this forum. I guarantee you have more than any of us. Like he said, we are all established professionals: Silverback will be a surgeon in a few years, I'm a trader, though i was on my way to med school until wall street came calling, Grope is an investment banker, a number of us are in sales. We all graduated college with exceptional GPA's and are all well-spoken and well-educated. Fuse those factors with our physical attributes and you can see why we are not conceited, rather, we are convinced.
  16. Keep believing we are all the same person and you will be in store for a RUDE AWAKENING:blown:
  18. Hey everyone, it's been a while. I have been very busy perfecting perfection, but I finally found time to update everyone. Didn't see some of you on church on Sunday, you know that's where I spend most of my time, but I am omnipresent. For all those who were there, I applaud you; those of you who were cracked out at surf club, go to confession ASAP. Remeber I know who you are. DJais was alright this weekend, not as good as it had been the previous 6 Sundays. Every guy wanted to fight me because I was hogging the ladies once again, but when they took one look at who I was they bowed in submission. Upon my arrival and invasion of DJais everyone in attendance rushed to the nearest bar and bought bottles of Poland Spring. DJais had sold out of water bottles within one hour of my incursion. The reason was that the mere sight of me gives you a feeling of euphoria and ecstacy. Those lucky enough to have held a dialogue with me, thought they had been having a prophecy. My touch alone was solely responsible for the orgasmic reactions of many females who had merely walked passed me. Monsterguido, Fleximus, Gropasaurus, GHBoy, and I had cleaned house, and struck fear into the eyes of Joey Carbone, Johnny Black Rock, Chosen0ne, and Nabuc. We were looking for all of you, and we understand that you pussies didn't realize who you were fucking with. We understand the reasons for your fear, when I look at myself in the mirror, I have mixed reactions. If I were a female, I would be mesmerized, captivated, and beseiged at the sight of a man that looked like anyone in my crew. If I were any other male outside of my circle, I would be alarmed, envious, and demoralized at the sight of any member of my crew. Then I realize that its myself in the mirror, and know that God himself couldn't have generated a better depiction of the human race. Unfortunately, I am a rare breed, and had God taken just 1% of my beauty and spread it out evenly, this earth would be a bunch of walking Brad Pitts and Laetitia Castas.
  19. Hey everyone, it's been a while. I have been very busy perfecting perfection, but I finally found time to update everyone. Didn't see some of you on church on Sunday, you know that's where I spend most of my time, but I am omnipresent. For all those who were there, I applaud you; those of you who were cracked out at surf club, go to confession ASAP. Remeber I know who you are. DJais was alright this weekend, not as good as it had been the previous 6 Sundays. Every guy wanted to fight me because I was hogging the ladies once again, but when they took one look at who I was they bowed in submission. Upon my arrival and invasion of DJais everyone in attendance rushed to the nearest bar and bought bottles of Poland Spring. DJais had sold out of water bottles within one hour of my incursion. The reason was that the mere sight of me gives you a feeling of euphoria and ecstacy. Those lucky enough to have held a dialogue with me, thought they had been having a prophecy. My touch alone was solely responsible for the orgasmic reactions of many females who had merely walked passed me. Monsterguido, Fleximus, Gropasaurus, GHBoy, and I had cleaned house, and struck fear into the eyes of Joey Carbone, Johnny Black Rock, Chosen0ne, and Nabuc. We were looking for all of you, and we understand that you pussies didn't realize who you were fucking with. We understand the reasons for your fear, when I look at myself in the mirror, I have mixed reactions. If I were a female, I would be mesmerized, captivated, and beseiged at the sight of a man that looked like anyone in my crew. If I were any other male outside of my circle, I would be alarmed, envious, and demoralized at the sight of any member of my crew. Then I realize that its myself in the mirror, and know that God himself couldn't have generated a better depiction of the human race. Unfortunately, I am a rare breed, and had God taken just 1% of my beauty and spread it out evenly, this earth would be a bunch of walking Brad Pitts and Laetitia Castas.
  20. You forgot shlonger, silverback, cyphead, and fleximus...but you are right, we cant turn our heads to see what's behind us because we know...its the same thing as what's in front of us and on our sides...female congregations.
  21. NEWSFLASH Goodfella... Steroids do not affect brain cells. They affect your androgens, but they do not kill brain cells. Also, I bet 80% of the people on this board had to use a dictionary to look up most of the words i used in my previous posts, and for that reason, I am keeping this one simple enough, that it would be filed under juvenile at the public library. I, in no way, am justifying the use of steroids, in fact, I am anti-drug. I have never done them, nor do I plan on doing them. But the simple fact of the matter is, I am sticking up for him because he is my friend, and we are better than everyone ever created. The world did not start rotating until it was blessed by my creation and introduction into this world. I was the final piece of the puzzle, and together we form like Guido Voltron. We rule everywhere we go, and are not confined to just a local scene. If you do not adhere to these ubiquitous beliefs, you are highly dillusional or chemically imbalanced, and will soon take notice to the "Herd Effect". Remember, everyone believed the world was flat at one point, and now we look at them as if they were idiots. Again, if you need to find us, you can catch us at a female congregation near you.
  22. Keep Doin Your Steroids Fellas, Maybe You'll Start Feeling Better About Yourselves.
  23. For all you Tempt heads, GHBoy symbolizes u trashy people who revolve your life around a sweat box satiated with guys who have thorn bushes for arms, and can't tell me what satiated means. I do not fear writing this, because I know I will not offend any of you readers due to the fact that if u can read this, you have surpassed maximum cranial capacity for tempts, therefore, making you overqualified to loiter in such a place. And if that is the case, then, by the end of the summer, you will have diminished your intelligence quotient, just by stepping in the door. I do not have time to write now, but soon, more will follow.
  24. For those of you who don't know, THE CREW consists of Monsterguido46, Fleximus, Cyphead, Silverback, myself, and now Gropasaurus. So anyone who has anything to say....Bring It!
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