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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. Just so that I can remember what went down for me... Arrived Wednesday night, then went to the Buzzlife party at Maze I spent 20 minutes waiting in the wrong line for another party there (Aquabooty, with Miguel Migs and co, on the roof), which was list-only. Then I went to the right line, and got right in. DJ's I saw there were: Crystal Method, Hybrid, Jody of Way Out West, Micro. Lotsa breaks. I would later see Jody again at Dance Valley and Astralwerks Thursday: Iberican Sound @ Townhouse hotel - on the roof! Nightclubcity @ Billboard Live (I also wanted to go to Insanity @ Honey, and Shameless @ Sabor, but Honey was closed and I wasn't able to stay long enough to make paying cover for Shameless worthwhile - too bad, as it seemed to be quite happening ) Nikki Beach for a short time, while waiting for Opium Garden to open for Dance Valley Dance Valley - why was I the only person there who didn't see Tiesto in the house??! Friday: Thumpradio event @ Surfcomber poolside - a friend of mine was spinning there DJCentral pool party @ Clevelander Balearic People : Ibiza Sound @ Joia Astralwerks/Naked at Nikki Beach Radio1 @ Opium Garden for a short time PVD @ Space Saturday: Ultra, from open to close La Troya Asesina @ Level For Sunday, I finally had a chance to hang out on the beach, but then it rained!
  2. ULTRA was an awesome adrenaline rush for me... very well organized too... well... at least until late in the night, when too many people wanted to go to the main stage for Underworld and PVD, that the cops had to close it off for a time. I finally was able to get in at 12:15 am, and was somehow able to get to the front row. Strange thing was that the area wasn't too crowded at the time, and actually many people left before the end. I'm sure all who was there will never forget the major skipping on a CD that PVD played. The other main stage had some weirdness as well. I left Tiesto early to see Rabbit in the Moon, who started late, and went longer than scheduled, which is probably why I wasn't able to get in for Underworld. After RITM, George Acosta was supposed to go on, but apparently he didn't show up. And I guess none of the later DJ's were around at the time, so they had the band that was scheduled to close, go on. It seemed like there was at least half an hour of dead time there, as the stage was silent and the area cleared out during the time of breaking down RITM and setting up the next band. And does anyone know the band Kevens??? They played at the time Picotto was scheduled to go on. MP came on afterwards. I thought he would close, but I'm reading about some other band rushing him off. I think most of the MP crowd were people who couldn't get in for PVD.
  3. In case you didn't already know that it rains a lot (though usually not for long) in Miami... http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USFL0316?lswe=miami%2C+fl&lswa=WeatherLocalUndeclared&whatprefs= What kind of setup will there be at ULTRA? If the stages are in tents, will there be enough room for everyone? Or should we all prepare to get soaked (if not hit by lightning )? For those from NYC (and points north), bring something warm for the trip back. http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USNY0996
  4. Did anyone else go to SF on Friday, to find out there that only advanced ticket holders were being admitted? For those who did buy tickets (either for this night, or making up for the previous week), how packed was it inside? I got there at around 12:15 am, but then the bouncer said it was "pre-solds only". I saw other people similarly get turned away. There was hardly any line! It probably is quite hard to anticipate in advance how many people will actually show up on a given night, but... If it was posted somewhere that only people with pre-solds were being allowed in, then where was it? I also didn't see much info about how to buy tickets online. So everyone who got in to the club made the trip to Satellite beforehand? Someone did post a link for buying tickets, and though I didn't check it until after coming back, the only ticket shown for sale was for the March 7 event I had also signed up for the CP guestlist, and mentioned being on the list but they didn't honor it. The email about the event had a link for just the list, not for buying tickets. What's the point of having the list for this event?
  5. a bit late, but is there any list for the event at Sessa?
  6. Might be the last (though brief) stop before I head to the airport and back home Do they have a place to store luggage?
  7. Twas quite fun, especially for the price! DaVe kept his shirt on, but there was one woman who had a little bit of exposure. She also made a bit of a scene in the men's bathroom. Great idea for going to APT afterwards! They were doing their Tuesday iParty Too bad the whole crew left before I got my 7 minutes of fame on the iPods. I had to wait an hour and a half to play, but it was a blast and I got some positive responses. I guess I did ok for the first time even touching an iPod.
  8. Safest bet is to park in a garage, but if you want to take the chance, Look for the streets with the alternate side parking rules signs Those are usually ok at night. BUT READ THE SIGNS! There are many in that area west of 6th Ave (so you might have to walk a bit). Usually there are many spots vacated on the side being cleaned at 8:30 am the next morning.
  9. With the unfortunate events that happened in Chicago and Rhode Island, will the clubs and cops be tighter on number of people allowed in at the WMC parties, making it harder to get in? I'm all for having a safe environment, but I'm thinking there could be the possibility of ticket holders not being able to get in, like what happened at PVD @ Roxy over the weekend. That may mean needing to plan accordingly. Hopefully people in Miami now can give some insight...
  10. It is possible to do the White edition (which is over 4th of July weekend) then either the Love Parade or the Black edition the following weekend. Maybe with a stop in Ibiza in between. I might need my vacation time for other stuff, but it's sounding quite tempting
  11. It doesn't apply to me, but I'm sure it will for many. They were mentioned to the people who were in line when the Roxy closed its doors (probably under NYPD orders). Something about sending the ticket or confirmation back. If anyone is in the know about whether or not this is indeed happening, please give details!
  12. I think the recent events did have something to do with the cops "closing" Roxy (for a short while), which I'm sure you'll read about in other threads or hear about. also, I heard something about Made Events selling 500 more tickets than max capacity. I guess that is helpful for latecomers, but not if everyone is coming at the same time. Was there any spillover into Arc as a result? Or did they have any problems of their own?
  13. WHat's your idea of "hot"? It's gay on Saturdays, and I believe 21+ Fridays are either special events (by whatever promoter rents out the place) or (I've heard) a hip-hop night. That is usually 18+ They used to have Sexy at the Roxy on Fridays, but that is no longer happening.
  14. Yup, at midnight, I checked out the line while waiting to meet up with a friend (which would happen elsewhere in the city)... the line had already reached 19th St, so around the corner then around the next corner. We finally made it to Roxy at 2 am, and the line was longer than what I saw before. At around 3:30 am, the entrance was in sight, but at that time, the cops said that the club had already reached max capacity (for fire codes, which by the way was 2100), and was not letting anyone else in. So they told everyone in line at the time to leave the area. There were 2 NYPD cars there. I had heard rumors that they (or the fire department) might even go in and shut down the party. I came back later on, and they let ticket holders in, I guess after the cops had left the area and some people had left the club. So I got in at 5:30 am, and salvaged some of the night.
  15. For some post-clubbing fun... be careful out there... http://www.weather.com/weather/alerts/?alertId=3401&dbSeq=null
  16. Does anyone else here have parents telling you not to go to clubs, because of this (and the Chicago) incident?
  17. The death toll will probably rise as time goes on and more bodies are found
  18. Is this a worthwhile discussion, in light of recent events? I think the NYC clubs have their act together more than the places on the news, but just in case... Do you know where all the emergency exits are, at the clubs you frequent? Maybe we could do a listing of that or something, for the big places. I read that at the RI incident, there were 3 exits that were pretty much unused.
  19. Dang, this has just not been a good (edit: ) month so far for the club scene in general http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,79161,00.html
  20. Does anyone know how long his set will be? It's usually 6, but I heard it would be 4 this time Maybe going to Denver the next day has something to do with it?
  21. you weren't watching the Joe Millionaire finale ?
  22. if he (or this event) doesn't get snowed out
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