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Everything posted by italia23

  1. 1. his single with Beanie Man is sick 2. when I first heard him, there was no doubt in my mind that it was Biggie. 3. like someone said before, I think his likeness to Biggie will hurt him more than help him.
  2. good lookin. I'm gonna try and get this song and see if it's the right one. Thanks for your help.
  3. Bush - 56%. Closer than I thought it would be. Good site for undecided/first-time voters who need a step in the right direction.
  4. The present administration has already stated that they have no intention of reinstating the draft. Besides, such a move could not be made by the President alone. I hope you don't fall into this category of uninformed voter. http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0%2C13319%2CFL_draft_042304%2C00.html
  5. My mistake. And I agree with you that there are a lot of ignorant people out there. People that will be voting for both candidates.
  6. Are you implying that those who don't agree with your opinions are ignorant? I'll give you the fact that there are some crazy biblebelt people supporting Bush, and they probably would never change their opinion. But what about the 18-25s, a group that will have an effect on this election like never before. This demographic is overwhelmingly liberal, overwhelmingly pro-Kerry. Now, is this the age group that traditionally would sit down and read the newspaper, watch the 10 o'clock news? No. This is the age group that watches the Daily Show, and listens to hip-hop music. I can't tell you how many times I've heard friends of mine tell me that they're voting for Kerry "because I don't want there to be a draft". Uninformed voters come from both ways.
  7. na i dunno who sings it. i'm just gonna keep buyin every reggaeton cd i see until i find it lol
  8. what do you expect me to have? I don't speak Spanish.
  9. It's common knowledge and is in the news every election year. Hence, the creation of Russell Simmons' Hip Hop Summit, and Puff Daddy's Citizen Change.
  10. i don't mean to bother u but i need ur help lol. there's a reggaeton song that I hear everytime I'm out and I'm going crazy tryin to find it. I keep buyin reggaeton mixtapes but none of them have it. (it might be a few months old) It's definitely not "Oye mi Canto", "Dale", or "Yo Voy". All the puerto ricans go nuts when it comes on and sing the hook. it goes somethin like "oh-tay....oh-tay..oh-tay..oh-tah". does that help? lol. good lookin
  11. I don't care if Cat Stevens has a problem getting into this country. Since 9/11, thousands of people have been inconvenienced by new security measures. This is the world we live in.
  12. A Michael Moore pep talk. I'm so happy I'm not a Democrat.
  13. These polls don't mean shit. I know I've never voted in one.
  14. b/c the ACLU is too busy with their other nonsense.
  15. star and buc was the funniest morning show I ever listened to, on any station. i can't stand what hot97 has now. i never liked miss jones or miss info, i hated sway, i cant stand any1 on that show right now.
  16. I don't blame the Kerry supporters for this. The same shit happens at rallies for both candidates. This guy is an idiot for bringing his children to an event like this. What did he expect?
  17. I don't pay attention to the polls. No one I know, including myself, has ever taken part in them.
  18. I heard the 300C rides like a truck. It's a nice looking car though. Aside from resale value, has anyone heard of any physical problems common in the LS? (mechanical, electrical, paint, etc.)
  19. Serious question. How is Pres. Bush responsible for the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib? I'm not being sarcastic. I've heard people say that "blame goes up the chain of command". But I don't know any details.
  20. I really don't think John Kerry should be held responsible for the ads of MoveOn.org. The same goes for Bush and CitizensUnited.org.
  21. I agree, getting Osama is more important than anything else. However, I don't agree with you when you say we left Afghanistan to invade Iraq. We never left Afghanistan. Would we have had a better chance to get him if we had more manpower? Of course. I'm not going to dispute that. But as I stated earlier, I think Saddam was most definitely a threat. And from the very beginning, the President made it clear that the war on terror would take place on MANY fronts. You can't tell me that the Iraqi government had no connection to terrorism. The 9/11 Commission found that Iraqi officials held meetings with al-Qaeda higher-ups. Now, the Commission also found that Iraq never allowed them to set up in Iraq, however, terror groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and al-Aqsa have all been found to have ties with Iraq. Saddam Hussein had the equipment, the funding, and the balls to produce and use WMD. He was a threat. Saddam Hussein, himself, was a weapon of mass destruction. I think that invading Iraq as a political move is a ridiculous theory. Bush's approval rating was around 80% and he knew that a war with Iraq would bring dissent.
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