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Everything posted by italia23

  1. I think a lot of these people saw the evidence of a minor relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda and exaggerated it so as to back up their support for Bush in this poll. However, I refuse to believe that Republicans are less informed than Democrats.
  2. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me either, being that the government declared a global war on terror. Looks like I'll have to deal with you and the rest of the fantasy-land liberals marching in the streets again.
  3. Agreed. But there are still undecideds out there, although I have never met any, who will take everything into account when deciding on a candidate. You can say to yourself "It's a stupid movie, it doesn't mean anything.", but it could unknowingly effect your decision. Which is why I hate the fact that it is impossible to find an unbiased source of information, aside from the 9/11 Commission Report.
  4. lol, let me first say that as a Bush-supporter, I disapprove of this move by Sinclair Broadcasting. I don't think that this is very fair, the same as I felt for Farenheit 9/11. But the media definitely has a liberal slant. I'll give you Fox News and MSNBC, but I'll take the non-cable networks, Hollywood, MTV Choose or Lose, all music outside of Country, Air America Radio, and almost all print media. Sobeton's own citation of an article written by Juan Gonzalez is an example of this. This is a man who took the time to write a page 2 article bashing Ronald Reagan, just days after his death.
  5. There are many misinformed voters out there (especially my peers, 18-25 year olds) but it generally comes from both sides. Personally, I feel that a lot of people vote Democrat because it's the "trendy" thing to do, and it is fundamentally easier to be a Democrat (the have's vs. the have-nots argument). But if you think about it, Republicans will always have Bible-toting Southerners and the like.
  6. This isn't really relevant. I'm sure if you ask a skin-head from Alabama or any other Nazi sympathizer, they would probably support Bush. It goes both ways.
  7. I used to be a fan of theirs until they started with shit like this. I kind of wish all artists/actors would stay away from it, but I guess I'll get over it.
  8. You should probably know this. There are some Democrats who supported the war in Iraq, like John Kerry. So again I ask you, if John Kerry is elected President, do you think that the people who support him should go fight?
  9. I'm sorry that there are some soldiers that are sacrificing so much for something that they don't really believe in. But I can tell you that I've heard a number of accounts in which the opposite was true. There will never be a war that the entire nation agrees on. And there will always be American soldiers thinking "Why am I here? When can I come home?" no matter what war it is.
  10. "...I actually voted for the $87 billion, before I voted against it."
  11. What about the Kerry-supporters that approve of the war in Afghanistan, or even Iraq for that matter? You wish for them to be drafted as well, right?
  12. France is a leader in the European Union and owes A LOT to the United States.
  13. lol. I'm a fan of George Bush but I'll admit that I like Cheney better.
  14. I'm tired of everyone posting these articles on this message board. Mursa is right, almost all of these articles are extremely biased. Nothing is objective, deep down inside each writer has his/her opinions and will unknowingly skew the facts as to fit that opinion. There is no real antitode to this other than to pay attention to both sides and try to glean your own personal opinions from them. But even then, you're bound to have your own preconceived bias.
  15. African-American. It seems as if Barack Obama is on the fast track. 2008 - first Italian-American president? RUDY!! and don't forget, John Kerry is Jewish.
  16. With regards to both substance and style, I think Cheney took it. I expected Edwards to do much better, taking his courtroom experience into account. His stuttering and blushing really hurt him. Edwards response to gay marriage was on point, and exposing Cheney's votes regarding MLK and Mandela can hurt a lot. But Cheney did exceptionally well on foreign policy. The only problem I have is the administration's concept that Iraqi elections in January equates to progress. Aside from that, Edwards couldn't hang. Too bad this will be overshadowed by the President's poor showing Thursday night. I'm not convinced that the VP debate will have much of an effect. favorite points: Cheney: "I could answer that but I'll need more than 30 seconds." Gwen Eiffel: "That's all you got." Cheney: "Gwen..." Eiffel: "Mr. Vice President?" Edwards: "We need to tighten sanctions on Iraq..." (Iran) Edwards: Oh, I broke the rules again!
  17. honestly, I'd rather take the ex-alcoholic than the two-faced sleazebag. lol
  18. I am anti-Rock the Vote.
  19. The trend of this debate was an accusation/explanation volley. Kerry doing the accusing, Bush doing the explaining. Nothing new was revealed in this debate, however, to the undecided voter John Kerry showed a calmness and strength that was lacking in the President. That is the way these 2 talk: Kerry speaks like a politician, Bush does not. There differences in debating styles, coupled with the fact that Bush was constantly on the defensive, led to an exceptional showing by Senator Kerry. Personally, I think that the substance of the President's answers/rebuttals was adequate, but his style was sorely lacking. I feel that the Senator made a few promises, where Bush was thinking "How does he plan on doing this?". It is very easy to make promises such as these, but it's not as if this is something that's never done by EVERY presidential candidate. Bush was on the defensive for the entire hour and a half. However, rather than using it as an excuse for Pres. Bush, I will attribute it to Kerry's talent as a skilled debator. There is no question in my mind that Kerry won this debate, and if I was an undecided voter I would probably be leaning in his direction.
  20. No, aside from the Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr, I think they are mostly foreign jihadists. The majority of which were brought in at the behest of Abu Masab Zarqawi. At least that is the way I came to understand it. This is a Washington Post article actually taken from antiwar.com. http://www.myantiwar.org/view/22300.html Foes of U.S. in Iraq Criticize Insurgents Clerics and Militiamen Decry Violence By Edward Cody Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, June 26, 2004; Page A01 BAGHDAD, June 25 -- Key Iraqi opponents of the U.S. occupation expressed unease Friday over the wave of insurgent attacks that killed more than 100 Iraqis a day earlier, and rejected efforts by foreign guerrillas to take the lead in the insurgency and mate it with the international jihad advocated by Osama bin Laden... "Which religion allows anyone to kill more than 100 Iraqis, destroy 100 families and destroy 100 houses?" raged Samarrae in his sermon. "Who says so? Who are those people who do this? Where did they come from? . . . It is a conspiracy to defame the reputation of the Iraqi resistance by wearing its dress and using its name falsely. These people hurt the Iraqis and Iraq, giving the occupier an excuse to stay longer."... Samarrae said he had learned that some Iraqi insurgent leaders have begun to clash with Zarqawi loyalists, insisting the jihadists do not represent the "right and true resistance." He warned against those who he said want to tear the country apart in the name of Islam and suggested they were foreigners who should not be part of Iraq's conflict...
  21. These terrorists in Iraq are mujahideen, there to "defend the Islamic faith against the Infidels". Whenever there is fire in the Middle East, these are the people who run over and pour gasoline on it. It's been like that for years. (i.e., the Afghan-Soviet war) As for the administration taking them into account prior to the operation? Well, I don't know. Are you in some way implying that Saddam had a hostile relationship with terrorists in Iraq? If that's the case, then you are wrong. It's a proven fact that Iraq harbored jihadists from Hamas, Hezbollah, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.
  22. yeah. this is the one. good lookin out. otaah otah noche otrahh
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