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Everything posted by italia23

  1. I wish. Star & Buc was my favorite. Better than Stern, in my opinion. I think it would be smart for Power 105 to make a run at them, but I guess they have the veteran respect for Ed Lover.
  2. Are there any places at night that play hip-hop during WMC? And also, how is South Beach during the weeks before the WMC? I will be in Ft. Lauderdale in March and was planning on going to Miami for a few days.
  3. Hot 97. I can't stand the morning show, but the rest of the on-air staff is better than Egypt, Deja Vu, Cherry Martinez etc.
  4. You are clueless. Are you in the military? Do you support the war in Afghanistan? If so, then why aren't you signing up? Did you vote for Kerry? Do you know that he would have went to war with Iraq as well? So, if your logic follows, all Kerry voters should enlist as well. An overwhelming majority of the military supports the President and the war in Iraq.
  5. I'm about half-way through it, althought I haven't had time to read it in about 3 months lol. I started it at the end of the summer and will probably finish it when my semester ends in a couple of weeks.
  6. that's a sick picture of Guerilla Black.
  7. Hopefully the next album won't have too much Game on it. He's okay but I like the old G-Unit Radio days (50, Yayo, Banks).
  8. One could only hope. But unfortunately I don't see it happening.
  9. Her and Kris used to get down in their car in the parking lot outside of PNC Park. She's in this month's FHM (lingerie issue)
  10. The movie should definitely be shown in prime time with a parental advisory screen after each commercial break, and parent should decide whether or not their child is mature enough to view it. The D-Day invasion was a milestone in U.S. and world history, and very important for young people to understand and revere.
  11. neither of these movies should get any awards
  12. I think he means that if there were no U.S. involvement, post WWII would have seen Fascism in Western Europe and Communism in Eastern Europe and most likely every other poor country in the world.
  13. If anyone reads the NY Daily News, there was a good article concerning this a few days ago. I can't find it now but I will post it when I do. It was written by Michael Goodwin (even though I'm not really a fan of his writing) stating how the Democratic Party has lost touch with the average American. The Democratic was always the party of the blue-collar worker, a title that the Democrats have lost. Giving way to Elitists (Hollywood, the affluent Northeast) and social progressives (gay marriage, pro-choice). I can tell you that when my family immigrated to the country, they all voted Democrat, and today, are still registered with the party. However, the recent turn of the party has driven their votes away. This is evident in the fact that Kerry lost the majority of the vote in NYC's ethnic neighborhoods, a vote that was once guaranteed for the Dems. Uneducated. Greedy. Jesus-loving freaks. You forgot racist, sexist, and homophobic.
  14. All I seem to hear on the news is the problems between Paper and Computer Ballots. It seems to me that the best option is mechanical voting booths like in we have in NY. It's easy to use, provides a paper trail, and can be easily fixed if it jams up. Is there any drawbacks with this type of machine or any other type that I don't know about?
  15. I don't really have a problem with Arafat. From what I've read, he was ready to compromise with Israel (I'll give credit to Clinton) but the Palestinian hard-liners wouldn't stand for it.
  16. cry about it. your characterization of the common Bush-supporter missed by a mile.
  17. The top 1% pays 70% of U.S. taxes. The bottom 50% pays 4%. I'm not in that top 1% but I someday plan to be. LOL @ Kerry referring to the top 1% as "millionaires sitting by their pools".
  18. I agree that Rudy's comments will come back to haunt him but I disagree with your claim that NYC was pissed at him. How do you explain a Republican getting elected to 2 consecutive terms in one of the most liberal cities in the country?
  19. You Democrats need to check yourselves. Your party is in shambles.
  20. yeah, to keep me wired enough to stay up and watch the polls close lol
  21. Vicman, good post. You explained your support of Kerry well. But how do you feel about the fact that he, too, would have gone to war in Iraq?
  22. New York State is traditionally a Democratic state, as is much of the Northeast. They almost always vote Democrat except for, I think, 72, 80, and 84 (Nixon, Reagan, Reagan). NYC basically always votes Democrat. And keep in mind that the last 3 mayoral terms, and last 2 gubernatorial terms were all served by Republicans. And the FDNY supports Bush.
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