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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. Girls have to have bodyguards with them from the time they are 10 to feel safe! I think a lot of women/girls today feel that they can't go anywhere without being with someone, without the fear of being raped or abducted. And as we all know it can happen anywhere. Clubs, bars, streets and malls and schools. And unless you're karate trained and have a black belt, one is still in constant threat of being harrassed. Maybe they should have self defense classes in high school/middle school instead of gym for like half a year. would be more beneficial.
  2. neither did I, i just assumed the heads were coming out of the neck not growing on top of each other...
  3. oooops, sorry misread... well, currently they're not partying at clubs over there anyways...
  4. not in the middle of virginia they weren't
  5. i honestly dont' remember much... biking everywhere... walking all over town Climbing trees, trying to clean up ponds around my house after watching Captain Planet. Touching the electical fance if i had a fight with my friend Super nintendo Mario Brothers, watching the mario brothers cartoons Writing scripts for short movies.. shooting movies walking around the cemetary behind my house... and having my first sig under the tree there... with a friend...
  6. what would happen if she had a baby, would the baby be two headed too?
  7. i wonder what happens if you just let the baby live normally without the operation, I mean i know she won't be devoloped and there is a risk of death/complications. You're walking down the street and see a two headed person just like in the 80's movies.
  8. why don't you just go to her website she posted..
  9. can we have more than one cp valentine?
  10. "You have no power over me" "You've run so long You've run so far Your eyes can be so cruel Just as I can be so cruel"
  11. grrr, you put it up first!!!! that's MY fav movie... David Bowie rocks!
  12. that's a difficult decision to make... i like most of the choices listed above. but have to go with mash...
  13. mine would be Riesling for white and Khvanchkara for red.. anything sweet... cause i'm a sweet person
  14. thank you, that's much better
  15. blah blah... ... ... i just had half baked Ben & Jerry's ice cream, not sure if i like it yet... i know this is complitely not related to the topic..
  16. post websites you done or your own...
  17. children don't have enough patience to watch commercials unless they're toy/cartoon related. But they do have patience to watch their pop music fav like Justin during Half Time show on a once again family promoted show.
  18. oh and the house was huge... i dunno what else to say... a little too shinny for me...
  19. don't mean to jump on this debate bandwagon, i just don't understand where all of the sudden this "butterfly" woman starts preaching about how people on here are racist and etc... and how this country was build by blacks... I think the problem lies in people like butterfly trying to create something that doesn't exist and ride the past history for all its worth. Don't dwell on the past... if we all dwelled on the past we would be very bitter people. This country was build by immigrants from all over the place. And it provides the ability for people of any color and race to succede and you are just making this process more difficult by going on msg boards and preaching bs that doesn't relate to anything anyone said... its stupid! Create your own forum and blah blah there... PS: in case you forgot what the title of this forum is its "russell simmons house on cribs" not "Because i'm a minority, I will have the right to trash everyone around me"
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