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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. we empower the groundhog with the vision to see the future of weather and therefore rule us by his mighty wisdom of his shadow....
  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! this topic is both on sex board and the jersey one...!!! its getting to be like the paris hilton sex tape! are there no other news in the world today to be scrutinizing...
  3. i used to pass it all the time on my way to work and back but i didn't see that many people there during dinner time, oh well, now that i don't work around those parts anymore... i'll just write it off to a missed opportunity... until next time
  4. i dunno, i had a hard time explaining to my little sis who's 8 why madonna and britney kissed, so i think that since super bowl is a family show, and if my sis actually was watching it with me, i would have to explain why justin rip off her cloths and exposed her nipple to everyone. And its not as easy as one might think. For people like us it might seem like not a big deal and it shouldn't matter and etc but that's what late shows are for, parents should not have to worry about contant that might effect their children (especially at a young age) when they are watching "family promoted" show. I personally think she looks awful and justin looks drugged. I would be more afraid for the children having nightmares after seeing her tit than anything else.
  5. going through that right now... if i ever have a kid and its a boy i'll make sure not to make his future gfs life a living hell.
  6. i ran in to express to catch the winter sales or what was left of it and it was all gone!!!!
  7. uuuuuuum suuushiiii yumm!!!! i got the biggest craving for it now... grr
  8. i was friends with my ex's parents as were my parents but the ties were cut recently after 6 year friendship when they came over uninvited and met my current bf. It was very wierd. They still had hopes for their son and i to get back together..
  9. thrillfire


    doesn't make much sense to post a deodorant question on a sex board... sorry hun i have to stop and put deodorant on, i can't have sex without it... :laugh: maybe he needs deodorant for his dick..
  10. True Love Fly Power To Time Travel Power To Read Minds
  11. on another hand, its true, she could just use another nick... so than go for it...
  12. yeah, but than who are we going to make fun of and who will cause all the drama that people gladly reply to, and express all of our outer hatered on? She's a perfect punchbag because she's mean and nasty. So its not like she doesn't deserve it, that way we don't have to feel bad about it.
  13. oh, i listened to Garbage a while back but now their sound is more pop happy...
  14. what do you listen to? i can never find anything appropriate... Either its Fiona Apple that makes me want to commite suicide cause its too depressing or its LInkin Park which i think is a bit too poppy so I can't be angry and listen to it. My answer is i'm still searching for that perfect angry cd.
  15. i'm sorry, i hate the dress... make up is ok, it goes well with the color of her dress. But it looks like an old lady dress... very messy... she's pretty and young, should try wearing something more elegant and form fitting. i like her bf too
  16. i like how my legs look in high heels (not the stripper kind that you posted) but i haven't found a comfortable pair to wear on the streets of nyc/or clubs not even high high heels just normal ones will do... i used to wear high heels everywhere and they would start to hurt eventually. don't see a point to it now, i'm tall anyways and i don't feel i should sacrafice comfort for fashion. I can get from 34th to 12th so much faster now!
  17. frid - cleaning the house/relaxing sat - working/skiing sun - working/skiing
  18. i read three pages of that crap... mostly little high school kids who post it seems. That kinda stuff makes me uneasy, especially the STD confessions.
  19. The only types of books i now read are techinical ones, current one is "Adobe Encore DVD classroom in a book"
  20. agreed. whoever came up with the concept should be fired from the ad world. But i guess they thought if you put three top selling artists in one picture, pepsi will sell no matter what the background is.
  21. it sounds similar to a story a while back about a guy who knew his fiance was cheating on him with his best man so he waited for her to pay for everything and during the reception he told all the guests including parents to look under their sit and there was a tape of the bride and best man having sex or pics don't remember. He I think also played it for everyone while thanking her for being such a wonderful person.
  22. where did i say that? :confused: The last part was meant for when you're leaving that if everything goes well you can hug mom and give the second handshake to dad... (first one being when you met him) i hope this clearifies what i wrote above.
  23. i think it depends on the parents also. Cause some are extremely careful about any new girl or boy that their child brings. They feel sometimes that person might not be good enough or that they are a bad influence already prior to meeting them face to face so I think the best is to buy a small gift and shake hands when you meet them. Afterwards if they warmed up to you, you can shake the father's hand and hug mom.
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