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Everything posted by sancib

  1. NOT!!!! he,he,he. I go where I want, when I want. Hmmmm, I dont think liquified is little local d.j's, unless you call "Digweed" little, I have been to many Giant functions and been very pleased. If you both would read, isolated events, being the theme. It happens, even if it doesnt ruin your night, it may perhaps be not as good as you know it has been. You can always distract yourself from KNUCKLEHEADS, point being there was a time when you didnt have to, or they didnt outnumber you. Chances are that you both have probably met weyes and myself at a cool ass show, think about it.... I am super duper nice and love to meet/make new friends. So stop being so defensive, we all share the common bond of music, lets respect each others opinions
  2. Oh my goodness, reading this thread really took me back. I am from L.A. and of course we get everything a little delayed over here, but what you all are describing reminds me of GIANT out here in 1999-2000. AAhhhh memories........I JUST WISH I COULD GET IT BACK, heee,heee :
  3. Wass upp L.A.? Let me live vicariously through ya'll... How was the holiday weekend. INDEPEN DANCE? etc.....How was the music?
  4. O.K. buddy.... no one here was knocking the music, we all agreed that the music is good. And you my friend are not the only one who stood in the far out lines 5 years ago at circus. I only spoke about the last time I went, implying that maybe it was an isolated event. So chill out cranky pants... No matter what we will always follow the music.....
  5. Yes it is shown that THC lowers blood pressure, but can cause rebound high blood pressure as well. But if your pressure is already being lowered by meds, then you do something that bottoms it out shhhhhh. Anyways take it easy,keep your friend busy/active doing stuff that makes him/her happy.Cause stopping smoking can give you the blues.
  6. Hey sheldon, had a chance to listen to about 25mins here at work, put me in a good mood Not to shabby, if I do say so myself..Keep up the good work.
  7. Hee,hee,hee.... Sounds like you had lots of fun hope to see ya'll there.
  8. Well atenolol is primarily for treating high blood pressure, but it can also be used to treat arrythmias (irregular heart beats). It seems to me that the combination would either cause his blood pressure to drop even more, putting him at risk for something more dangerous besides passing out. Or if the friend combines it with amphetamines, it could cause more irregularities with his heart rhythm. All of which inevitably affect your brain,which is how seizures happen. But that is only my opinion based on what I know, I am of course not a doctor.......... Just like people who are on depression meds shouldnt roll, and for people on stuff like prozac it actually blocks it from working...No matter what he/she decides, I dont think its such a good idea.. Take care...
  9. I know that sometimes "Circus" has disco on sun., but I dont know about this holiday weekend...good luck friend, have mucho fun...
  10. YAY! I hear that they give up a good show. Not to mention that is my birthday weekend. I will totally be there. Thanx.
  11. I would think so,because if your heart already is having trouble doing it's normal job, depriving it of oxygen would only make your heart have to work that much harder to get what it needs minimally. Blood pressure meds usually dialate your vessels, that is why they can make you feel sleepy. What if you dont mind me asking did they put you on?
  12. sancib


    Mr.Webmaster, you are totally correct.. it is only when I started to feel "BULLIED" for having one that I started to take it personal. I mean seriously, when people start telling you how you feel, and telling you what you did and didnt see, it bothers anyone. I am glad to see that people find your establisment a place where they have release and fun, it is absolutely necessary for the soul ( I sincerely believe this) So I am done with this thread, cause it is silly at this point. Take Care, Be safe, Party hearty...
  13. sorry...couldnt help but laugh.
  14. Howdy all, I have never heard of Localized? what kind of music do they play? Unfortunately, I will be working all this weekend but next weekend I have sat and sun off. I was looking at both shows, I am partial to Nick, but was wondering about Localized.Hoping to see my fellow trance fiends there.
  15. sancib


    Oh for heavens' sake, since when is it against the law to have an "OPINION" about something. We went there because one of our friends likes that music, and seeing it was his birhtday, we obliged. The security guy was posted to watch the balcony, he kept looking over at us, then when 2 of my friends got up to use the bathroom, he followed after them. I sent the sober person behind them to make sure all was well. As for what I saw, it was after3, we were sitting in the hallway with all the chairs, I saw someone getting a B.J. and at the very least a risque lap dance, all was substantiated by the person who did not have anything in their system. And like I had already settled with Mr. webmaster, I if anything have learned that Opm is probably not the place for me. Geezz, if you had been going on about an experience you'd had at Giant, Spundae, Liquified, or Godskitchen out here, I would'nt be knocking you...Peace...
  16. Well it has been a while since I've been to Giant, the last time we went was a couple months ago,when Sasha was doing his rotation, and the crowd was more than we could stand. So fake, full of people that make it feel like all there is to do is do drugs and find someone to f**k, YUK, that isnt my vibe.
  17. yupp a runny, these people were going mad for it... and you guys are right,he definetively is a little performer behind those decks. hee,hee,hee. I have never been to RA, they play serious sht there?
  18. My favorite hotel is the NY NY, they always treat me like royalty. Take for example this last weekend (June 24-25) I was booked at bally's, for a king n/s when we checked in they didnt have what we reserved, said its first come, first serve. I dont see why they charge a deposit if they are not guaranteed. So she didnt say if it came up they would change me to that room, or give me any other accomodations for my inconveinence. I called up NY NY on players club, they gave me a suite for $129/night that weekend and sent over a car to get me...Now thats service.
  19. sancib


    The activity was 5 people hugging,smiling,leaning on each other, massaging and talking to anyone who stood still long enough. The usual stuff for us and many 's. But hey we wanted to try something new, I guess it didnt work out, but your list guy was still very nice about not being able to let us in.Thanx for the input.peace to you to friend.
  20. sancib


    Buuuddddy! sincerely I have had many types of experiences in my lifetime, and know imagination from reality, and know when to rely on the intake and when not..... I saw what I saw, in the couch hallway. I can take it down to maybe some of our activity was out of sorts for the security guy, but as for being in a place where its hot,sweaty, and super packed, this is nature to any raver, two of the people I was with actually got hand to the back and pushed!!! I couldnt believe it.And even if it is packed people still apologize if they step on someone,or if it appears they've cause a trip or loss of balance. And lastly yes, I just might take that advise and stick to ICE.
  21. FKNG A Weyes! I so agree with you, I love Spundae because it has better vibe, but more often than not Avaland has the best music. I would rather be somewhere the crowd is cool and the music so,so...than a place where the music is great and the people are fake...
  22. what kind of stuff do you usually listen to, I am an obsessed fan of Digweed and Sandra Collins,kind of girl
  23. Dont sweat it Party girl, I think that most people understand, you definitively passed because you didnt hear anything, Quest is a ligit lab cause we use them in the medical profession, and if your looking for a new job, I understand,it probably feels weird at work for you now. So just take care, and watch out for #1,life is too short to stress.
  24. Since we're talking reviews I'd like to post a little sumpin of my own, I would like to give big up's to Ms.kattie @Drai's for making the last weekend in vegas off the fkng hook. Super awsome people at the door, very cool and attentive service ( we had table/bottle service),not to mention cool people and good music,Drai's is definitively on my to do list from now on when in vegas. ICE has always been on my list, sweet ass peeps in that joint always.
  25. sancib


    I was at OPM this last weekend, and we got there at 11:15 the list guy very nicely told us that it was too late for the list,we needed to get there by 11:00,which I knew,but had to try. But that is where the "coolness" ended. We waited an hour in line,only to get to the front where the door man was letting in hoards of people,because they were "palming" him then after 2o mins of lining his pockets he turns to us and only wanted to let 2 out of 5 of us in... We finally get in there, and maybe this is just a hip hop club thing, but people were rude, mean, even pushing us out of the way, like they were someone special. And to top it off, while sitting in the hall louge one guy was getting a B.J. and another couple were doing it, but the security decided to follow "the ravers" (us) around instead.I really didnt care for this place, but most ravers probablly wouldnt either. I stay where people say I am sorry when they bump into you, or ask if you are o.k.
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