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Registered: Aug 2001

Location: NY

Posts: 14

So Tell Me How Do You Do? A "long Ass " Post :)

Hello to ALL my friends and TRUE Vinyl Heads, etc..

I'd like to first start this post by apologizing for not personally posting here in quite some time. I was having major difficulty using an old AOL system and computer. However, thanks to Geoff Gains I now have "Finally" cracked the system and will try my best to post here with updates and silliness as often as possible. Geoff convinced me into getting this wonderful Powerbook G4. Sorry, I'm still sold on Macintosh. I somehow cannot get use to PC's after 6 years of this format with Mac's ......

Anyhow, as many of you know 'Tis the Season to travel, (Ibiza, London, etc...) while still keeping quite busy with my weekly residency @ V I N Y L! That's right kids "VINYL"

Here is the Down-Low or Low-Down from my screen to yours. >>>

Regarding the venue on 6 Hubert Street, between Hudson St. and Greenwich St. (not Ave).

3 blocks below Canal Street has a very looooong history to it. Sometimes it takes someone as old as myself (41) to have to come around every now and then and educate some people on the EVOLUTION of where and when things have changed, as they inevitably always do from the names of a night club, to the DJ's, the Styles of music being played, which is very much the case here as Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's are all completely separate events with different promoters.

So, FYI... What most of you now know mostly as "Vinyl" or what we call on Friday's "Be Yourself @ Vinyl," this is a club that I use to visit in the early 80's (guessing around 1984) was originally named "AREA"! This club had a very special theme to it, the dance floor was not very large and there were several window displays that were often changed (monthly-ish) and were very Dramatic & Artistic. It truly was like a Disco Museum and I do recall them also having a strict door policy when it first opened ALA Studio 54, then eventually it became looser and as times changed and different DJ's and promoters came through, once again evolution took place. I recall hearing DJ's like Johnny Dynell and Freddy Bastone and the likes of from that era play there and it was also often a fun weeknight spot which is extremely hard to achieve in these hard times. MOVING ALONG.....

Then the Venue on 6 Hubert Street became B2 (as in B squared) and there was a weekly party there called "Panty Girdles." Very colorful people, early Disco 2000 Michael Alig crowd-ish.

Then the Venue became "The Shelter" which was entirely remodeled and totally designed to be a mock of the Paradise Garage with DJ Timmy Regisford at the Helm as the main resident DJ and he had his sidekicks who are still with him like Freddy Sanon who runs Shelter records and Jerome and a few other names I forget at the moment. However, the Shelter was very successful and was a predominantly black club, very mixed with gays and straights and other races as well, of course. It pretty much was a "New Garage Crowd." Many PG/Loft regulars went and many new faces and various races as well, but mostly black at first with the music being completely Post Garage House and lots of faves from the Garage that Larry Levan use to play (that we all played) and I've even gratefully got to hear Larry play there Live when it was called The Shelter and he was magical in that room too.

The Shelter's main big night was obviously Saturday's, and of course the owners were thinking of ways to bring in more revenue as it was and is a business (which many people forget that some people have goals to open business's to be successful and pretty well off to be excellent providers to their children and be able to offer them great eductions and prosperous futures, which is the actual case here).

So, Howard Rower (RIP-2001) the owner of Area, B2 and Vinyl, and "Owner of the actual Building itself" ... He continued to try to keep the place more successful than just on Saturday's, so they offered the place on Friday's to an entirely new culture which were "The Raver's." So on Friday nights, a new party was born there called "NASA." The Legendary DJ DB was headlining there and Scotto was a main promoter and lightman/visual artist. I'm not sure of the year's it started and ended, but I would guess 90-94 (I could be pretty off here as I was not an avid raver (LOL) and was mostly going to the Sound Factory back then when it was in it's most Legendary years of influence to many of us DJ's and producer's today.

6 Hubert Street also had it's share of NY violence and Police crackdowns which brought the venue to a halt for a short period, and then once again reopened as Shelter with Timmy Regisford again and now there was also a new promoter on the scene named Nick who threw a party there called "VINYL." He had DJ's like little Louie Vega, Tony Humphries and the likes of playing for him and he would visit me at Twilo and was always very friendly and outgoing. He would come the WMC every year as well and would always ask me "Danny, when are you going to come and play for me at Vinyl?" I would have to thank him and decline his offer because I was exclusive to Twilo at the time and I hoped one day I would be able to play that room for him, and for myself as it was, and still is a "magical" room!

Many, many DJ's want to play at Vinyl and I take pride in giving many new incredible DJ's a shot a playing there hoping that in return it will become a start of a possible new career for them. If you haven't been there to hear along with me or for me, Deep Dish, Manny Ward, Rob Sperte, Rich Woods, Antranig, Geoff Gains, Mac C, Ali, Anthony Vlantis, DJ Grant, Lil Kris, Cevin Fisher, Matt Licatta, Adam F, Tilt, Pete Lopez, DM, Smokin Jo, Oscar G, Tom Stephan, Mike Cruz, Jo Mills, Dan Robbins, DJ Omar S, Honey Dijon and many others including my wonderful light man ARIEL who does an incredible job as a DJ as well...... Then your missing out!

Vinyl is like a living room to me/us, and I am very secure there. There are many people that come to Vinyl who unfortunately send off negative vibes whether when there, or in there posts. Those are the people I call "POLE DANCERS"! They just stand against a pole or lean against a wall and stare at me wishing and wondering if they too could have a chance at playing there. As I can only accommodate so many guest DJ's, I have to go with my gut instincts and choose the people I feel are the most GENUINE and non negative, or at least know how to keep their opinions to themselves. Believe me, things get back to me! Impressions are very important in all business!

However, the bottom line is also talent as well, and I have been impressed by all these DJ's mentioned above and soooo many more, I just need more days per week to get them in there.

I can also only listen to so many CD's as I receive at least 3 a week at the club, and some in the mail from people all over the globe. One day I hope to accommodate many DJ's and help give them all the exposure they deserve. I also need to mention I have NO intention of ever stopping what I am doing and plan on playing music for all eternity.

Well, after I left Twilo, I accepted the Saturday residency at Tunnel. It was an interesting period and I don't regret ever playing there, but I was not playing from my "soul" nearly as much as I wanted to or could have since there was about 4,000 people there and it was incredibly dark and very UN-intimate. I had to follow an opening DJ who was already playing as hard as possible and I just could not properly take 4,000 people on an entirely new journey, so I tried as professionally as possible to cater to them with my own lil' twist (which much of can be recognized on my GU Athen's CD that MANY people did simply NOT understand at first, then all of a sudden it was getting rave reviews and award nominations.... go figure?) ..... Moving along....

I now finally leave The Tunnel as the Limelight re-opens and it simply is not working for me playing at both venues. I was not happy with the promotions, the door drama, and the overall operations of this big machine of a business. I quit working for that organization on December 5th 1998.

I soon then called up Nick at Vinyl and told him that I was ready and available to do a guest spot for him as long as it did not interfere with any of the other DJ's there, as my entire career has always been based around respect for the resident DJ's and would continue to wait my turn and pray to God that one day I will finally have a place I can call "Home" just like I'm sure many of you reading this also dream about and pray for also.

Well, God answered my prayers, and after twenty something years of considering myself a DJ, I now had a residency in NEW YORK, the city I was born in. (Brooklyn NY Baby! Williamsburg!)

"Body and Soul" was now in it's 3rd or 4th successful year there as well on Sunday's from 4PM until midnight and it is still going strong as Body & Soul every Sunday with Francios K, Joe Claussel and Danny Krivit. All are very good friends of mine and a favorite place for me to go whenever I have the opportunity to go and shake my booty too.

Here we go...... It is now June 2nd 2002 and CHANGE is about to happen again, and it's only for the BETTER! If you fail to believe in this, then you are just a person with a negative attitude. Yes, TWILO was Legendary and is now closed. I can very happily say that I am so grateful for my 14 month Saturday residency there, as well as often playing Friday's to and getting to meet and help bring loads of new talent in there like Tom Stephan, Daft Punk, Basement Jaxx and getting to work alongside so many various great DJ's from Frankie Knuckles to Susan Morabito to Doc Martin etc...

I'm also grateful that after 3 years, I got to return there before it closed to play with the one and only Carl Cox, and for many, this night was HISTORICAL (especially for us both)! We broke Twilo's attendance history that night, and then I once again got to play there alongside another great pal and legend John Digweed for Twilo's 6th Anniversary. Unfortunately, one week later it was closed down by the city to no ones notice.

I say it again, I still regret Twilo not having to have a proper closing "All Weekend Bash" with all the DJ's who made that room special including of course Mr. Junior Vasquez! Yes, I give the man RESPECT! One day I'll have to write a book.

PS, This year makes just about 20 years now exactly since Shep Pettibone introduced me to Junior at The Better Days nightclub which was on 49th Street. Which is now a restaurant......

Life is and ALWAYS will BE about "CHANGE" and Variety. Just like the fashion industry, theater, novels, TV, MTV and wall street too. ......... Everything changes !

OK, Yes, "ARC" is going to be the name that will be on our fliers as in "ARC, 6 Hubert Street," etc..

HOWEVER, our party and fliers shall remain the same and will continue to say "Be Yourself @ Vinyl" as Sunday's will remain "Body & Soul." Saturday's are now hosted by our good friend Mike Bindra who did an incredible job of helping NYC be exposed to some of the Globes greatest talent from overseas and stateside as well. Twilo had one of the world's Best Sound System's designed by Steve Dash, and his famous Phazon Sound System is now going to be installed at "Arc/Vinyl/Body & Soul" in 2 weeks. For those of you who have any negative thoughts on this Evolution about to happen, I kindly ask you to either change with the times or just stay home. There are many other wonderful changes being made to the club as well including a lighting system, painting, all floors completely redone, >>> Oh, and the Entire DJ Booth is also being re-modeled as well!

PS: I will be joining my great friend Danny Howell's on the last Saturday in June to join in the opening of "ARC," but will also still be there the night before and every Friday afterwards as usual.

For those of you who are curious as to what will happen to the original Shelter sound system, no need to fret. It will not fall apart and be scattered into pieces and sold from Long Island to New Jersey, I Danny Tenaglia have purchased the ENTIRE Sound System "as is" for my new private and personal 6,500 square foot Loft in Long Island City. This is "MY HAPPY SPACE," an extension to my home (where I cannot play music loud) and will also be headquarters to "Be Yourself International." This is where Eric Ortense, Geoff Gains and others will work out of in the daytime with our new website for those who want to purchase Be Yourself merchandising via the Internet, etc.. I am pretty much staying away from those Departments, but will make ultimate decisions along with my long time manager and best friend Kevin McHugh.

This Loft is 100% brand new and we even have the roof with a great view of the city and the 59th Street Bridge. Eventually we will have events where people will be invited, but by no means is this going to be a nightclub! This is my second home, and a much larger version of what is now in my basement and Garage all in one. I honestly do not intend for this post to appear as bragging in any shape or form people, but THIS IS MY LIFE! And everyone seems to want to know more and more about us (I hate the term) "celebrity DJ's," but that's what the magazines and even website's like this have driven it to. So I just want to be the one to say you heard it directly from me, and I will honestly try to reply to some of the post I receive, but I am also EXTREMELY busy 7 days a week. So please bare with me and don't be upset if I do not reply to you directly.

I also finally now own my own name! LOL www.dannytenaglia.com which will bring you to DTourWorldwide.com. The site is going to be incredible in a few months time. It will include music snips and Video footage that I've taped from Russia to Greece to Tel Aviv to Stereo in Montreal, The WMC, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Homelands...... and I even have Carl Cox and Digweed and myself at Twilo! There is so Much more including Ibiza and the Love Parade in Berlin........ That list goes on. Many a laughs to be had. >> Get ready!! >>>

People, I hope I did not come across as cocky to anyone. I just wanted to be informative as I know many people truly enjoy hearing from me personally, and I enjoy sharing with you all on a personal level.

I still love to go out, as I once again did this past Saturday where I went to Vinyl to hear DJ TKC and Pete Lopez, then I went to hear my friend Jonathan at SF. They were all on point to me! At SF, performer Vivacious was as colorful as ever and there was an extremely interesting unannounced show to JP's music and it was very much Eye Candy ALA Las Vegas with a NY twist!

Gotta give them points for their theme parties!

That's about it for today. It is now 6:49 AM and I go to sleep now.

But first I stop to Thank God for all that he has allowed me to enjoy and share with you.

I hope you guys enjoy The Back to Basics CD compilation. We gave away 200 free copies at our celebration party, thanks for participating in that event. (To me, every week is an event) Also, look forward for my next remix of Yoko Ono's forthcoming single:

"Walking on thin ice" from 1980!! An electronic Paradise Garage Classic that I will post intensely about after it's completion which will be in about 8 weeks.

One last note, for those of you who DIS Vinyl, do us all a favor and just stay home. We don't need you or your negative comments or your money either. If you judge a party by maybe 2 out of almost 1000 patrons a week by sneaking in glow sticks, then your being ignorant to take the time out to post such negativity, when there is so much extreme positivity going on ALL WEEK LONG from "3 different Promotion teams", Sound & lighting people, Security and Club Staff (who are much more enlightening than many other clubs) just to get those doors open 3 nights a week, and some of you complain about such minor baby whining negative "envious" blubber. You are not welcome there with that attitude, and it makes no sense for you to be there if you have a sour puss on. "Vinyl is NOT for people who suck lemon's! & limes, etc." Don't try, just BE!

You should also know that eventually within minutes, IDIOTS will be asked to stop it or else. Also, regarding the T-shirts. Customers have been requesting T-shirts and merchandising from us for over 2 years now! Every club does it, and I TREASURE my Paradise Garage T-shirts and any paraphernalia (including fliers) from that era.

The party is called "Be Yourself" for a reason! We want to see everyone have a great time whether they are in a bikini or a suit and tie, or all buffed up! As long as everyone RESPECTS each others space on the dance floor, then there should not be any problems. If there are, then we tend to them as best we can. Also, to mention that there is drug use in Vinyl is absurd to not say there is drug usage in every mutha fu#%ing club in the world since the year DOT! Vinyl is extremely TAME compared to most parties. Considering the success of this venue, we have so few cases of people needing assistance, violence of any sort is also rare ........... Some of you just DON'T GET IT!

If you have nothing good to say then don't say nothing at all, or just stay home.

The door man let YOU in, didn't he? How do you scan people at the door and know that in 2 hours they might become a mess? It's impossible, but I / we continually reinforce that this is a ZERO Tolerance party, and I make it very clear on the microphone every week after welcoming everyone that they are BEing watched heavily by security! Those of you who talk shit are NOT regular Vinyl heads! Otherwise, you would not be saying some of the things you say, or your just plain ol' JEALOUS heads! Well, if your frustrated, then pay your dues, get your own gig, and see how PERFECT YOUR PARTY can BE!

There is no such thing, and we try our BEST to not discriminate at the door so we can welcome everyone to join in Harmony for the Love of Music. If you are Gay and don't like the straight people, then stay away from Vinyl. If you are straight and don't like Gays, then stay away from Vinyl. If you are JUDGMENTAL of people and music in general, then just stay home because there is just no satisfying YOU!

* To end this post off on a positive (yet sad) note....... We've decided to make even more Drastic Changes to keep out ALL the people who "might" bring any negativity into our parties with obnoxious and blatant abuse of drugs, especially the most EVIL one of all, this GHB crap! :0 From now on, people will NOT be allowed to leave the venue and return, or they will be recharged $25.00! Unfortunate and sadly, all NYC clubs are becoming like Airports and have to take drastic measures because so many IDIOTS are playing Russian Roulette with their lives on dance floors! WE DO NOT WANT YOU @ Vinyl, Arc or Body & Soul IF YOU ARE INTO DISCO SUICIDE! We will also be taking photo's of anyone if ever caught "using" on the premises and will never be allowed to return to Vinyl, EVER. We refuse to let these few jerks jeopardize our livelihood and what we live and breathe daily for. >>> THE MUSIC! <<< "Our Drug of Choice", RIGHT?

God Bless all you True and wonderful people that are all "Fulla-Love" and made of nothin but da good stuff.

All my love. Sincerely,

danny tenaglia

Thank you Farid, Renaud, Niki and everyone else who loves the music so passionately!


Love IS The Message & Music IS The Answer!

2002.06.04 09:30 PM

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by echostar

just some crappy third rate dj....hes opening for me at a house party next week i think

no thanks. however there is this awesome dj that spins on fri nights at this place called plastic... or something like that.

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Well, u gotta RESPECT the man as a Dj, and most of all, u gotta Respect him for looking out for his "people"

Because he does care sooooo much about the people that come to his party,

NYC might be in a Slump

But were blessed to Have Danny Every Week, at a place we call


Vinyl lives on kids!:);)

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

If you are Gay and don't like the straight people, then stay away from Vinyl. If you are straight and don't like Gays, then stay away from Vinyl. If you are JUDGMENTAL of people and music in general, then just stay home because there is just no satisfying YOU!


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