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Wait...How come Sound Factory has never been raided?

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I mean...why did clubs like Tunnel and Limelight get raided yet they are far less the drug supermarket that SF is?

Do you think the time will come where Sound Factory will have its last "hurrah" and the guidos and fashion whores will have to find elsewhere to go because the place gets raided and forever shut down or is it simply all politics?

There is an old saying that goes..

"All good things come to an end" and i was a regular back at Tunnel and though i wasnt a drug user...it still was a "good thing that came to an end" which means that Factory's cookie could crumble anyday.

bonus: Where would you go if Sound Factory closed down?

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well i have no idea on thing slike this. but there is no way a club can stop it's going goers from doing drugs. it's impossible. those polictians need to understand that. how hard is it to find a pill on someone if they hid it rite. and for the past few months i see cops inside SF all the time. lol sometimes they just stand there and watch me mangled. i go up to them. what up killer. lol. But if they eva close factory i will cry. i wasn't around for tunnel and limelight but if they close factory i will def cry. i love that place it puts a warmth in my heart. and i quit drugs.

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Originally posted by quoth

I mean...why did clubs like Tunnel and Limelight get raided yet they are far less the drug supermarket that SF is?

Do you think the time will come where Sound Factory will have its last "hurrah" and the guidos and fashion whores will have to find elsewhere to go because the place gets raided and forever shut down or is it simply all politics?

it all depends on who you pay off, and how much you give them

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

it all depends on who you pay off, and how much you give them

yes and no...

i mean Peter Gatien had lots of fuckin loot but his shit still got shut down few times and for some lenghty periods....

not tryin to compare people here but...it may be true that the owner of SF or whoever the clown in charge down there is might have some mighty hookups...

but then again...

how could you explain the collapse of Twilo? i mean if u got enough money to fuckin book Salami and dickweed then fuckin u should have enough to pay off any clowns u need to, to avoid getting yer establishment shut down for o.d.'s and drug peddling, right??

Just remember..."Nothing lasts forever"

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Sound Factory has been raided. It was August 2000 if I recall. It was one week after some guy died at Twilo. There were other clubs that were raided also on the same night. Close to 80 people were busted at Factory, Cheetah, Speed, Ohm, Roxy, Vinyl and the Social Club. for selling coke, k, and E.

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Originally posted by quoth

yes and no...

i mean Peter Gatien had lots of fuckin loot but his shit still got shut down few times and for some lenghty periods....

not tryin to compare people here but...it may be true that the owner of SF or whoever the clown in charge down there is might have some mighty hookups...

but then again...

how could you explain the collapse of Twilo? i mean if u got enough money to fuckin book Salami and dickweed then fuckin u should have enough to pay off any clowns u need to, to avoid getting yer establishment shut down for o.d.'s and drug peddling, right??

Just remember..."Nothing lasts forever"

. . . you also have to examine the outside perception of the patronage . . . The reason Gatien got shut down was three fold 1) He had federal tax evasion problems looming on the horizon, and once you get the feds involved, it's very hard to get away from the dragnet. 2) He owned clubs that were known beyond any level that the Cracktory could attain, as being Crackdens where the most depraved hedonism took place. . and EVERYONE knew it (I was in florida when Tunnel and Limelight where going off and I EVEN heard stories) . . . And finally: 3) You had an overzealous mayor that needed an ailing target to use as an object lesson for those who would run a nightlife establishment in New York city . . .

. . . That last one is probably the most important reason Twilo and Gatien's operations got shut down. . . Cractory caters to the "beer and fucking" crowd. . . the perception that they project is that of having a more 'classy' clientele that isn't like all the other nightlife frequenting 'raver trash' that the government seems to like to blame for all that ails nightlife . . .

. . Ally yourself with ravers and you can be assured the heat is around the corner. . . If the political climate is right and your clientele is a kid with a Pikachu backpack, no amount of greasing is gonna protect you when shit comes down the pipe . . .

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Vinyl "Arc" got raided a couple times 2 years ago. It was completely drug infested and Danny was letting his main man sell them in the VIP room. Hush Hush.

Anyway, the police came in, shut it down for the night, and made everyone leave. People were trippin' on their way out...massaging backs and necks and all. It took about 1 1/2 hours just to get out of that place! OOOOOO the memories.

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I remember reading something about how Limelight was accused of having their employees dress up in Nurse's outfits and go around and sell drugs. Not sure if that was true or not. All in all clubs ultimately responsible for their crowd. It is impossible for them to catch everyone who brings in drugs.

Not sure what to say about cops in SF. Are they in uniform? I remember cops stopping by Twilo on numerious occasions but it was never raided or shut down when i was there.

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Question: How come SF has never been raided?

Answer: I heard it has been raided actually but the reason it is still around despite the obvious drugs is $$$. Its always about $$$.

And where would I go for after hours saturday night if factory was closed? No where I guess with the current other options.

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I've been in a small club when it got raided. They made everyone turn and face the wall and then they searched anyone they wanted. the amount of crap i saw on the ground on my way out coulda kept me in rent for half a year....

the cops were all business like and relatively respectful unless they found something on you or you didn't follow their instructions.

as for SF - seen cops and firemen in there all the time.

in general, the amount of heat a place gets has more to do with politics then anything else....i've heard plenty of stories of people getting picked up OUTSIDE SF on their way out or way in when street and UC cops say them reaching into pockets and stuff.

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I think it helps that the real party doesn't start till 6am. With the other clubs mentioned above you can have rookies coming in and fucking it up for everyone else. Come in at factory at 2am compared to 6am and you are treated totally different by the door people.

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aight im not gonna take what you guys say personally...

but let's just say that security at SF is a well oiled machine...they have their shit together...

and eddie, that night youre reffering to is Operation:Cinderella, when all the nightclubs got raided at the same time (with Vinyl being the worst hit)...

and ill just leave it at that...

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factory has been raided more than once i was there one nite the lights went on about 25 cops came in you never saw so many jars hit the ground. They just picked as many people at ramdom

and put them up along the wall and made them empty all there pockets.

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factory constantly has dt's and undercovers roaming the area...they literally look like undercovers straight from the movie new jack city, and if you get caught trying to buy or sell to them you deserve it because they are so obvious........

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also....look at it........the tunnel was like a dark little playground for underage kids to do their drugs.....it was oozing with 'club kid' stereotypes of the time.....pill popping ... feel the love... freak show shit........anyone who was there knows what i mean.....

...i enjoyed both during the peak years and it's just a totally different feeling........like someone said....factory gives off a more 'classy' look to outsiders.....i KNOW it's not classy.....but it had stricter door policy...dress code and age....and at the time was thought of as having an elite vip crowd...

meanwhile at the tunnel....all anyway saw or heard was .....kids od'ing and getting pushed under the stage....or taken out and dealt with by people who worked for the club.....drag queens...gay rooms....dingy appearance.....to anyone who knows nothing....this is all bad........

therefore it gets targeted.........i've been in tunnel when it has been raided......very hectic....u had to show id to get out of the club lol.....the amount of underage kids in their was just ridiculous....

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Originally posted by misk

also....look at it........the tunnel was like a dark little playground for underage kids to do their drugs.....it was oozing with 'club kid' stereotypes of the time.....pill popping ... feel the love... freak show shit........anyone who was there knows what i mean.....

...i enjoyed both during the peak years and it's just a totally different feeling........like someone said....factory gives off a more 'classy' look to outsiders.....i KNOW it's not classy.....but it had stricter door policy...dress code and age....and at the time was thought of as having an elite vip crowd...

meanwhile at the tunnel....all anyway saw or heard was .....kids od'ing and getting pushed under the stage....or taken out and dealt with by people who worked for the club.....drag queens...gay rooms....dingy appearance.....to anyone who knows nothing....this is all bad........

therefore it gets targeted.........i've been in tunnel when it has been raided......very hectic....u had to show id to get out of the club lol.....the amount of underage kids in their was just ridiculous....

. . . . In other words: Exactly what I stated . . . I know you acknowledge and understand my superiority to the rest of the human race, but please, stop stealing my material . . . Refer to sig . . . :rolleyes: . . :aright: . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . . In other words: Exactly what I stated . . . I know you acknowledge and understand my superiority to the rest of the human race, but please, stop stealing my material . . . Refer to sig . . . :rolleyes: . . :aright: . .

..lol.....i'm sorrrrrrrrry........i have the attention span of a 5 year old child.......therefore i tend to skip long posts...or simply SKIM them....

your superiority is overwhelming.......;)

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Originally posted by £ddie

Sound Factory has been raided. It was August 2000 if I recall. It was one week after some guy died at Twilo. There were other clubs that were raided also on the same night. Close to 80 people were busted at Factory, Cheetah, Speed, Ohm, Roxy, Vinyl and the Social Club. for selling coke, k, and E.

If I remeber there were police man hangin out upsatirs, it freaked me out. The whole place wasnt cleared out though was it.

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Originally posted by quoth

I mean...why did clubs like Tunnel and Limelight get raided yet they are far less the drug supermarket that SF is?

Do you think the time will come where Sound Factory will have its last "hurrah" and the guidos and fashion whores will have to find elsewhere to go because the place gets raided and forever shut down or is it simply all politics?

There is an old saying that goes..

"All good things come to an end" and i was a regular back at Tunnel and though i wasnt a drug user...it still was a "good thing that came to an end" which means that Factory's cookie could crumble anyday.

bonus: Where would you go if Sound Factory closed down?

Well all I have to say is :"Money talks, Money Talks... dirty cash I want you dirty cash I need you "

I have been in the tunnel when it has been raided...

remember when that kid died in the tunnel... well... it took forever to get out... they were checkin ID's better on the way out then on the way in...

as for the Factory... it might, it might not end... I dont see it ending anytime soon though (loot/ connections... blah blah)

the factory heads now what they are doing....

Peter Gatien was running form the authorities FOR YEARS!!! his time was up

what after hours club would I go to if SF closed??

I didnt know REAL after hours still existed... I'll just do after hours at my house with my friends... no drama/ no cover just fun


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