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I cannot believe it has come to this..


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Originally posted by Legend

These threats are not trivial, however.

A lot of this hate from rival nations does not only invlove our politics and policies, it also involves jealousy of our freedoms.

how come countries that wanted democracy were overthrown buy the govt and dictators were put in place who would do whatever the usa govt told them to do.....

the school of the americas......

anyone ever think that third world nations look at us as terrorists....

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what about all the nuclear weapons this country has? what gives the US the right to demand iraq disarm when this country has more bombs and weapons than many many countries combined...

It is not about the country, it is about the people in leadership, in this case.

Saddam is evil. He has nothing to lose.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

You're dealing with people who have absolutely no regard for (...), democracy

Last time I checked, the president of this country wanted to go to war with or without the consensus of the rest of the world? Where is the democracy in that?:confused:

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Originally posted by hotelie

Last time I checked, the president of this country wanted to go to war with or without the consensus of the rest of the world? Where is the democracy in that?:confused:

That is because the "rest of the world" does not want to become a terrorist target.

When their towers fall and their civilians are murdered, it would be a different story.

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i seriously cannot believe so many people are against war... this is the same man who ordered his troops to set fire to ever oil well on their way out of Kuwait... this is the same man who tried and failed to assasinate our former President... this is the same man who ordered brutal torture methods which involve mutilation of genitals, whipping with electrical cables and cutting small incisions into people bodies... wtf this guy needs to be WIPED the fuck OUT. How safe do u really feel partying on friday night when night clubs in Bali, Israel and Colombia are being bombed with abandon open your eyes people and stop this liberalist bullshit.

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Originally posted by totallytrance

today my political science professor printed out a bunch of those safety things b/c he's convienced we're going to get attacked somehow...and he suggested teh class to do all those safety procedures scary...

That is really scary and really sad. I agree that all of them should be killed! We lost enough people in our country b/c of these assholes. They should all be deported back to their own country and be killed.

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

YES I WILL BE @ THE PROTEST ON SATURDAY IN THE CITY..against the war in iraq....

I heard on the news that that protest was cancelled.

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Originally posted by nychunk

Evidence? American navy planes flew over iraq airspace with cameras and took footages that displayed unauthorized weaponry. before anything, i'm taking Politics and instead of learning the material this is all my professor is talking about and recently i found out this guy worked for the central intelligence for 7 years predicting events based on his extensive knowledge, everything im telling u is an indirect recitation from him. Im not trying to sound like a dick throwing stupid nonsense at you, just explaining in a nice matter that saddam is not a nice person and if u were to stand infront of him he'd have no problem blowing ur head right off without even thinking twice. As far as innocent civilians, yes a lot of them are innocent, but a lot of them are willing to kill everyone of us for the pure reason of their religion or other group belief. Dont think their so innocent, those same innocent faces will explode a chemical bomb in macys one of these days that will make ur shit come out ur mouth. and lastly, WHAT THE FUCK DOES MY GF HAS TO DO WITH THIS TOPIC?

blah blah blah..american intelligence..blah blah..american intelligence also didnt know 9/11 was gona happen..they also bombed the chinese embassy in yugoslavia by "accident"...so dont gime that crap...

and heres a thought..how about u stop being a parrot..and repeating what ur teacher said and start forming ur own opinion chief ? :idea:

and ur GF..i duno..she's cute..and im hatin :D

-Larry: If Saadam is evil...what is Bush? the reincarnation of Lucifer himself? this motherfuckers favorite word is BOMB!

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You know what this is pointless, to all those who oppose war, keep fuckign arguing and protecting these fucking asssholes, watch what happenes when they drop a fucking a H bomb and godforbid one of ur loved ones suffers in the process, lets see how fucking quickly u change ur mind. I dont think anybody here has lost anybody in 911. My 5th floor neighboor worked on the 101th floor and now she's gone. She left 2 kids and husband. If u see the faces these kids have to date u'd fucking wanna kill every single person even closely related to terrorism. I know its stupid to stereotype or generalize, but u know what , fuck it.. Place one of ur loved one into the Twin Towers imagine them BURN or jump from the 100th floor then come back to this board and defend these iraq who by the way is now confirmed to be tied with al queda and the rest of those suicidal fucks. They wanna commit suicide??? If it was upto me, i'd give them fucking genocide...

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Originally posted by sassa

well? where is it? or do you just enjoy saying shit for the hell of it... :rolleyes:

got me searching all over the internet but here:

He promises us that in the fight for His cause whether we slay or are slain we return to the garden of Paradise (Q. 9:111). In Paradise he will "wed us with Houris (celestial virgins) pure beautiful ones" (Q. 56:54), and unite us with large-eyed beautiful ones while we recline on our thrones set in lines (Q. 56:20). There we are promised to eat and drink pleasantly for what we did (56:19). And have sex with "boys like hidden pearls" (Q. 56:24) and "youth never altering in age like scattered pearls" (Q. 76:19)

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Originally posted by Drunk

You just compared al Qaeda to the United States? You're fuckin pathetic.

Mmmh, it is funny that the exact rockets and weapons that the US was afraid would be used against their planes by Al Queda in Afghanistan were originally supplied to these terrorist during the cold war just a couple of decades ago. And now suddently all countries that support terrorist should be extinguished? Sounds like suicide might be a solution here....

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Originally posted by nychunk

You know what this is pointless, to all those who oppose war, keep fuckign arguing and protecting these fucking asssholes, watch what happenes when they drop a fucking a H bomb and godforbid one of ur loved ones suffers in the process, lets see how fucking quickly u change ur mind.

If it was upto me, i'd give them fucking genocide...

Bravo. It is the truth.

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Yup....Lets just sit back and do nothing....This will surely prevent terrorist attacks....Cause you know, all I care about is getting my room to look like the latest Ikea catalog.....I just want that six figure salary job on Wall Street that will allow me to buy a watch for 5 g's....I'd also like a $50,000 car to get me around during the week....But I'd need something alittle more expensive to get me to my townhouse in the Hamptons on the weekend....While I'm driving up there I can listen to the 50 cent album that just dropped...Oh and I aint worried about terrorism....It shouldnt affect any of these things just one bit....

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Originally posted by hotelie

Mmmh, it is funny that the exact rockets and weapons that the US was afraid would be used against their planes by Al Queda in Afghanistan were originally supplied to these terrorist during the cold war just a couple of decades ago. And now suddently all countries that support terrorist should be extinguished? Sounds like suicide might be a solution here....

actually it was the Taliban Militia that ruined Afganistan but u were right we gave them the weapons to force the soviets out but they turned those same weapons back on their country and held it hostage for 20 something years dont put blame on the Americans they were protecting their country for the other communist super power... so remember that it was the Afgans that turned on the Afgans and not any other way

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i seriously cannot believe so many people are against war... this is the same man who ordered his troops to set fire to ever oil well on their way out of Kuwait... this is the same man who tried and failed to assasinate our former President... this is the same man who ordered brutal torture methods which involve mutilation of genitals, whipping with electrical cables and cutting small incisions into people bodies... wtf this guy needs to be WIPED the fuck OUT. How safe do u really feel partying on friday night when night clubs in Bali, Israel and Colombia are being bombed with abandon open your eyes people and stop this liberalist bullshit.

no one is saying saddam is not an asshole..he is. but what makes dubya any better? what makes bush sr. any better? the only reason people hate on saddam is because the shit he does is made public, while the shit the bush family and all the rich familiy dynasties in this country are kept hidden. did you know that air force one started as a way to transport drugs from southeast asia to europe to the US? did you know that the dossier recently submitted to the UN was based on articles and reports from over a decade ago? did you know this country supported saddam during the 10 year war between iraq and iran? did you know bin laden was employed by the CIA before he turned wacko?

why do people insist on talking when they have no idea of the history and facts behind things...i just don't get it!

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Originally posted by hotelie

Mmmh, it is funny that the exact rockets and weapons that the US was afraid would be used against their planes by Al Queda in Afghanistan were originally supplied to these terrorist during the cold war just a couple of decades ago. And now suddently all countries that support terrorist should be extinguished? Sounds like suicide might be a solution here....

yea i wondered who trained osama and sadaam
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Originally posted by sassa

no one is saying saddam is not an asshole..he is. but what makes dubya any better? what makes bush sr. any better? the only reason people hate on saddam is because the shit he does is made public, while the shit the bush family and all the rich familiy dynasties in this country are kept hidden. did you know that air force one started as a way to transport drugs from southeast asia to europe to the US? did you know that the dossier recently submitted to the UN was based on articles and reports from over a decade ago? did you know this country supported saddam during the 10 year war between iraq and iran? did you know bin laden was employed by the CIA before he turned wacko?

why do people insist on talking when they have no idea of the history and facts behind things...i just don't get it!

WOahh! Spooky Language, Do you know who killed JFK too ?

Your like the X-Cia-Files! :laugh: Where did you find all that info ?

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Originally posted by nycmuzik

Yup....Lets just sit back and do nothing....This will surely prevent terrorist attacks....Cause you know, all I care about is getting my room to look like the latest Ikea catalog.....I just want that six figure salary job on Wall Street that will allow me to buy a watch for 5 g's....I'd also like a $50,000 car to get me around during the week....But I'd need something alittle more expensive to get me to my townhouse in the Hamptons on the weekend....While I'm driving up there I can listen to the 50 cent album that just dropped...Oh and I aint worried about terrorism....It shouldnt affect any of these things just one bit....

exactly.. and I love the people that sit here and are opposing the war (its really easy for you to say something) on their computer on clubplanet messageboard not doing shit while people like my brother are actually in the army over there fighting for you and his country.. general speaking, no one wants a war.. This has to be done or these people will continue killing us, i know already been said a billion times and thats it..

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Originally posted by sassa

why do people insist on talking when they have no idea of the history and facts behind things...i just don't get it!

You want facts? Regardless of history, our NATION AND OUR PEOPLE are being threatened. FACT.

The only way to alleviate the situation is to DISMANTLE the opposition. FACT.

Bottom line, we have to act.

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