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Saleen351 is now offcialy banned from club space 34....

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by thehog

and on a side note I did see a guy standing around the bar inside that just had to be an undercove cop. I'm starting to think the place is probably getting more and more of them. So watch your ass in Space!

If you're talking about a sketchy character in a black vest and orange pants... that was me, returning to clubbing after a long hiatus! Some of yous may remember me from the vip board in NYC, where I was/am west_on_46th...

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Guest saleen351

well what i know at this point:

Oscar now knows

Roland now knows

Biz now knows

Spacious now knows

and its funny, when something happens all the LP haters come out of no where, and start pming and aiming you....

funny stuff...;)

I just want those 4 to post i'm banned, and i'll be fine with it..

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Originally posted by saleen351

well what i know at this point:

Oscar now knows

Roland now knows

Biz now knows

Spacious now knows

and its funny, when something happens all the LP haters come out of no where, and start pming and aiming you....

funny stuff...;)

I just want those 4 to post i'm banned, and i'll be fine with it..

:aright: :aright:

Tell Roland I said hello;)

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Originally posted by saleen351

well what i know at this point:

Oscar now knows

Roland now knows

Biz now knows

Spacious now knows

and its funny, when something happens all the LP haters come out of no where, and start pming and aiming you....

funny stuff...;)

I just want those 4 to post i'm banned, and i'll be fine with it..

dude, no one really cares. :rolleyes:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lolahotass

:aright: :aright:

Tell Roland I said hello;)

as of now, I think they are all hiding from me, to play their cards right...

they still have a job and still work for a living, and i understand that, but as of now, none stood up for me.... yet..........

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It seems that a number of clubs and lounges have been mistreating the locals recently. Clubs have to remember that the locals are the ones who will be supporting these venues during the summer months when no one is around. How do they expect us to show any loyalty to them when they act this way towards the customer?

While clubs can restrict entry any way they want, as I see it there is only one legitimate reason for keeping someone out. That is, if his past or present behavior has shown him to be a threat to the customers or staff.

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Originally posted by laliux

dude, no one really cares. :rolleyes:

I don't care who knows. however someone from Space, needs to clarify if the ban is valid. also addressing the sneaker issue, for the third row in a week, and clarifying the same would be helpful. then the rumors can be put to rest, and folks can move on. ;)
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Originally posted by resident

If you're talking about a sketchy character in a black vest and orange pants... that was me, returning to clubbing after a long hiatus! Some of yous may remember me from the vip board in NYC, where I was/am west_on_46th...

No this guy had on a blue polo shirt and kiaki pants. He had nothing to drink and talked to no one. Most older guys like this one is dressed good and or has an escort or some women.

Come to think about it he was upstairs at the bar right where some hot as girl came up to me, put her arm around me and asked if I needed some rolls.

I really think she was working with him.:confused:

I even pointed the guy out to my friend and he was like yeah thats a cop.

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Originally posted by thehog

No this guy had on a blue polo shirt and kiaki pants. He had nothing to drink and talked to no one. Most older guys like this one is dressed good and or has an escort or some women.

Come to think about it he was upstairs at the bar right where some hot as girl came up to me, put her arm around me and asked if I needed some rolls.

I really think she was working with him.:confused:

I even pointed the guy out to my friend and he was like yeah thats a cop.

SKETCHY:shaky: :shaky: :shaky:

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Ladies & gentlemen of the Jury, we aren't here becuz my client (Space 34) is being prosecuted as the bully or the "Anti-Saleen" club. We are here to set the truth free, to let it be known that my client (Space 34) was pushed beyond kindness & forced to take action due to an attack made by of your own. "The Saleen"...

Throughout this trial, you will hear some nasty things about Space 34. Things you wish you wouldn't have never heard & whether or not this changes your opinion about us is irrelivant. What is relevant is that Saleen isn't banned for talkin' smac on the board. Saleen was "banned" for his infamous door fiasco the night of Stryke @ Space some few months back...

So with with this I present "exhibit A".

Not sure if any of you recall back about 6 months ago, the Friday night of Stryke @ Space.. Well, I'm gonna take you back in time & tell you a lil' story...

Nick aka "The Saleen" & the Saleensters show up to Space around 2am. Apparently, Nick & his crew were on Stryke's list @ the door. So when Saleen approached the doorguy, he mentioned to him that he was on "Greg's list". The doorman, mentioned to him that there was noone by the name of "Greg" with a list @ the door...

@ the time, I was @ Spin & I get a phone call from a furious Saleen sayin' that he got turned down @ the door & the doorguy told him he didn't know who "Greg" was. So I made a phone call & had Roly walk out to the front door to assist Nick & his crew. but sometime before or/& after Saleen lost his cool.

Apparently, he blew a fuse with the wrong guy @ Space. @ the time, Roly was on his way out to the door to assist Saleen, but upon his arrival to the door he was told about the incident. To make a long story short he ended up screamin' & tellin' Marcus (in these exact words) to "fuck off" & to "tell Louis to fuck off too". All becuz the door guy wasn't familiar with the dj "Greg" which actually goes by the name "Stryke".

Furthermore, Marcus very calmly mentioned that Saleen was to apologize and all would be forgotten & he would be admitted in again. Saleen, never did (apologize that is). However, Marcus that night did extend the courtesy @ no charge to all of Saleen's crew, but leaving a stubborn Saleen outside & in the cold. So I get to Space later that night & according to Saleen's friends who seemed to be havin' a good time, (Hog, the Jew, etc.) they told me their side of the story which was very fair & mentioned Saleen, was a bit out of line. It was a pretty embaressing episode for Roly & I, being that we stuck our neck out for Saleen. How would you feel if one of your guests acts up like that at your place of employment?? What assumption does that give everyone about the type of people you bring to the establishment??

So we forward onto the following week. I had spoken to Saleen numerous times & told him to please find Marcus & apologize to him & anyone else he might of dissrespected, this way everyone forgives, forgets & we all move on to havin' a good time. However, Saleen, never apologized for whatever reason & that was the end of that story.

After some time, Saleen decided to come back out to Space (I think it was the night of deep dish). He was inside the club & there was no static with Marcus & everything seemed fine. As we all know my job @ Space is PR/Promotions not security. Therefore I don't get mixed up in kickin' anyone out for whatever reason. It's just not my job!! Anyway, seein' Saleen there made me assume that the issue he had @ the door with Marcus that one night was all behind us. Apparently not!! & I guess I can be held partly responsible for not bringin' up the "Saleen you are banned from Space" thing. It was my assumption that after so long everyone just seemed to move on. So yes, I am guilty of never bringin' it up assuming the issue would fade with time. Which after numerous Saleen visits to Space I figured it did. Therefore I decided to not make it my business & forget about the whole thing, but apparently the other parties involved aren't on my wavelength & that's why the situation this past Saturday was handeled accordingly.

So with this in mind I call forth witness #1. Lola.. you could have easily walked in. The ban had nothing to do with you. The staff has to follow the rules that Management sets out for them (especially the door). In the end, they are just doin' their job. Hog was inside & had a smile on his face, so therefore you could have done the same. I understand you didn't feel leaving Saleen would have been the proper choice, but in the end, it had nothing to do with you. So don't take it as a personal shot against yourself & I personally apologize on behalf of Space 34.

So goin' back to the original statement, Saleen wasn't banned for talkin' smac on the board. The evidence has been laid out before you & now it's up to you to interpret it as you please...

I conclude... ;)

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Guest saleen351

100% accurate except

1. your list story was wrong, I did say stryke, then had the little asian dude check for gregs list, they were not honoring the list.. They 100% you and your crew was paying and there was only 20 people in there, and i brought a huge crew of 10 or so... So after they said they all 100% had to pay, I went into wallstreet gudio broker mode, and got my crew comped and told marcus to go fuck himself, and for the record, i've told spacious many times to go fuck himself on here, i'm from nj, sorry, we are outspoken.

2. I did post, however digging it up would take forever, i said I won't apologize, since they were wrong, and only after I went nuts did they change their tune, thus i'm vindicated in my attitude... But i said, i was wrong, and so was he, and he told me on sat night he doesn't read the board, so he never saw it. I won't however change my tune.

Now all i need is for spacious and roland, and oscar to complete the foresome and post that I'm banned....

I spoke to og and hes looking into it. And I even booked him and was in the process of putting a party together in lauderdale with roland your boy biz.... Steve that night was with his out of town buddy, mike and that is why i told them to go in, or i'm sure hog would of left with me and lola....

So I'm waiting on og, roland, and spacious to all confirm, my final banning from something that happened months ago, and for a guy who quote "doesnt' read the internet" after he saw me and bumped into me numerouis occasions and was next to the centro fly guys when he yelled at them for their hats two weeks ago, so why not toss me out then???

simple answer

my review

og was out of town...

game set match...

1 down 3 to go.........

that dude could have tossed me out many times when i've seen him at least 10 times since then, but truth is, he was across the street, saw me, radioed in, and had me pulled...

and banning a person that knows all the dirty is just so dumb for something thats months old...

and biz, you act all prim and proper on here, but your behavior is much different...;)

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Biz - no need to apologize.. I was just pissed that they guy wouldn't tell me WHO banned Saleen.... apparently HE banned Saleen and just didn't want to admit it.... I have no problem with people doing their jobs...

As far as the security guy... All I wanted was his name......how hard is that? He could have made one up and then I wouldn't have had to call his ass out on boards....

I know I could have walked in with Hog, but I don't leave my friends stranded at a nightclub.... I'm not that shady;)

Well, as far as this "banning" is concerned.... I can't believe this is happening 6 months after the "incident". Talk about a guy with a chip on his shoulder:rolleyes:


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Well I was present that infamous night, as I drove over with Saleen ‘s crew from Maze. Yes, I witnessed everything that occurred. I recall freezing my arse off, while Saleen argued with Marcus. Yes some words where exchanged, and yes Saleen by his own admission was out of line. I was also embarrassed, for Tony and Roland who came out and attempted to resolve the situation.

That being said. I don’t understand how some months, after the incident, and after numerous visits after said incident. That a decision is arbitrarily made to ban Saleen.

If I had a dime for every time a Space employee mis treated myself, and my friends. I would be a wealthy man. ;)

My point people say and do things in the heat of battle; which doesn’t truly reflect who they are. you suck it up, move on and hope it doesn’t happen again. which in my opinion, is what should have happen with this Saleen and Marcus nonsense.

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Originally posted by sobeton

I don’t understand how some months, after the incident, and after numerous visits after said incident. That a decision is arbitrarily made to ban Saleen.

He gets banned 6 months after the said incident. This is grounds for a mistrial.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by BRIAN1500

He gets banned 6 months after the said incident. This is grounds for a mistrial.

if the gudio don't fit, you must aquit....

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heavy shit.....

But asfar as I go Biz,... people can get banned for talking here. I been Klined for 2 post on here.

you are 1 voice of ten.

and like talked about before, let the big man come here and clear shit out. I'm not sure you are talking for LP.

What are his Opinions of this matter...

I know Marcus is not a monster in the way that he's has been discribed. So it make sence why he has it out for Saleen. But I don't think it fair after 6 months to pull someone out with out prior notice, was it ever brought up that Saleen Was Banned from the venue(s)?? After the what happen the night of the fight, Did Marcus say, UR BANNED DON"T COME BACK?

At least I was told before I even went to the club, thank god, If I would of been pulled aside and told go home.. I would of been really upset.

Why are people afraid of what it talked here on CP?

If you open a Public business, your are going to get opinions and hammered for things, thats a part of it. PUBLIC BUSINESS, is for the public to pick at!


In my case, I said the Space 34 looked to me Like a huge ass Spin. (Bad Comment so Nick thinks so)

I stated that I had pictures of Space 34 before is was 100% open, but I also stated I wasn't going to post them due to respect to the venue. (witch is saved in a thread here on CP)

Day 1 opening party, Door was delayed.. I posted ( Be advised, you might be waiting in line for a long time due to LORD Fucked up some wiring, witch I was told by someone inside.)

I hated the way the lightng was done at the old space. and suggested a new style of programing for greg (Light Guy)

I supported and always told all the newbies in Miami to check out the club. I supported and promoted the venue on all the my websites.

I was banned By Nick for the above statements, I didn't get into a fight with anyone, I never told Space that they sucked or didn't have a good club.

Infact I have gone out of my way for Space in the past, while working for I N F I N I T E just because it was space.

So yeah, SPACE can be unfair! In fact I would be working at space right now if it wasn't for Nick.

but whatever this is really Saleens war with you, Not Space and I.

I never got a str8 answer for space on my status.

I don't think I'll ever will....

Let LP come on here and clear out the BS that is going on,,,


But in Saleen Case, Dunno,, that story is kinda out there....


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Originally posted by thehog

No this guy had on a blue polo shirt and kiaki pants. He had nothing to drink and talked to no one. Most older guys like this one is dressed good and or has an escort or some women.

Come to think about it he was upstairs at the bar right where some hot as girl came up to me, put her arm around me and asked if I needed some rolls.

I really think she was working with him.:confused:

I even pointed the guy out to my friend and he was like yeah thats a cop.

For those of you who know me, do I look like a dealer?????

If I had a dime for every fucking time someone asked me for shit......

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