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Originally posted by mizlissa

I'm glad we're clear.

And retard?

I just posted a pic of a breast, I was expecting some lesbian-related insults from you.


The retard remark was pointed at the fact you felt the need to post a picture of a breast. And lesbian related insults? If anything coming from you - posting that pic would lead me to believe that it's more of an attention getting strategy of yours. You could be licking her tit in the pic and I honestly wouldn't believe that you are a lesbian.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

|i55a, I'm not saying this to be mean, but you are truly THE most annoying person I've ever met in my life. Me and teamj5 have gone through pains to stop you from talking to us in clubs. I have denied, to your face, the fact that I had ever met you, just so you wouldn't have an excuse to start talking to me (and it worked, d:Rew witnessed it!) This all carries over in your messageboard persona. You're annoying, you're not cool, you're not funny, and you don't know when to just give up and go away. Why would you want to be somewhere you're not wanted anyway? I'd just turn around and find some other place to hang out, there are plenty of them out there. Maybe you just annoy everyone on every messageboard, in every club, and everywhere you go and this is the kind of treatment you're used to, I don't know. But if that isn't the case, JUST GO AWAY TO ONE OF THOSE BOARDS AND LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE.

Oh, and flavanugz told me the whole story (acid trips and all), barely able to talk from laughing so hard. "If you leave me alone, I'll suck your dick." That goes for me, and Cusick.

you know what nerd boy? you just crossed the line. you still don't know why that whole cusick situation began. you don't know all of the details. we were joking around with each other for starters then it just turned bad. but like i said that situation was resolved. i didn't even care to talk to him again after that but he came to me and apologized, hoping that i realized he was only joking around.

and as far as being annoying, yes i know i have been annoying in the past and i just about always drank in excess. i went through a lot of shit since last september but i am not going to go through the sob story. i know you insensitive dweebs could really care less. i dealt with it, in my own way, by going out all of the time and drinking a lot. i will admit that i was wrong and what i was doing was not right. yes i would be annoying, but at the time i didn't know and i really didn't care.

when i first met j5 it was in miami. i really wasn't drinking then i had stopped for over a month and had a little bit in miami. ask him. i have apologized to many people for some of the shit that has happened in the past and he even told me when i came back to boston and i was out in the clubs i was completely different than when i was in miami. that's because i started drinking a lot again. this is completely personal, rip on me all you want for bringing this up but it's the truth, why hide it? he was nice to me down there and we saw each other a few times and had a good time. i didn't even know he posted on message boards when i met him. i just saw the rise t-shirt and began conversation with him figuring he was a fan of rise and from boston. when i got back, the drinking got worse again and that's when the annoying behavior came back. i know how it can be, i have friends that annoy the hell out of me when they drink excessively. and my friends will also tell me they like me sober, not drunk. i have been working on this for a long time and there is an underlying reason for why it was so hard in the past and for why i was drinking so much.

i was playing around on here. bored. you came out and had to start being mean but i really didn't care. you crossed the line when you brought up past issues with people in real life. if you guys have such a problem why don't you ever tell me to my face instead of taking the cowards way out and 'avoiding' me? i have friends that have told me, point blank, they do NOT like to be around me if i drink too much because i can be annoying. they have been the ones helping me through all of this.

if you guys are going to be so judgemental as to only judge a person on some incidents in the past then that's your priority. pepole learn lessons and they change. ny i know i have met you, you don't need to hide it. i will admit to making mistakes in the past but for god's sake does it make you feel better to be mean to people? this is real life you have dragged into cyberworld. i was only playing and willing to keep it at that, but you draggd the real world into this more than you should have.

there are some people on this board that i like and i read it from time to time. does it boost your self-esteem now that you have said things about me in real life? people i see at the clubs are not my 'real' friends so i really don't care what people think. i go out to listen to music and to hang out with SOME of my real friends. when you have met me before i have been either drunk or obliterated. you don't know me as a person, and you probably don't care to. that's fine. if you want to base your opinions of a person on what has happened at a club a few times then fine but you really didn't need to bring it up on here.

and you were a dick.

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mislizza - you really need to stick to what you know - using phrases like "wa-wa-wa-werd" works for you- not battles of wits - It's just not your strong suit.

And you can take that blueboard ownership of the word ass clown bullshit right back there and just by chance ask them how many have seen the movie office space. Yeah thought so.

Blue board has ownership :rolleyes:

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I do not care who "owns" it i just like when it is used the right way.

What board owns the word shitwad club vibes?

How about donkey balls? As in "That licks donkey balls."

Cunt faced ass monkey? Does anyone want ownership of that one?

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Originally posted by whadupg

mislizza - you really need to stick to what you know - using phrases like "wa-wa-wa-werd" works for you- not battles of wits - It's just not your strong suit.

"Yo kizettle, you black as hell BOY!", proclaims The Pot.

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