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what can you sacrifice/compromise for love?


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a woman came into my work the other day (camera store/photo lab) and was showing me pictures of an elaborate and gorgeous flower arrangement, explaining that her "love" had sent them to her.

"aren't they beautiful?" she asked. then she went on to talk about the man who sent them. "he's the love of my life. he's the one. but i told him i can't see him anymore. see, he's indian and believes in reincarnation, and i believe in jesus christ, and i just can't marry someone who doesn't believe in the lord."

she went on to say that, on their first date, he asked her if she would see him exclusively, and she had said, "yes."

"we knew right away that we were meant for each other," she said. "i'm just praying he can change to the lord so we can be together."

now, this seems crazy to me. she was going on for about twenty minutes, talking to me about how this is it - true love. how she knows this is the man with whom she is meant to spend the rest of her life. she's never felt like this, etc., etc. but she's willing to throw it all away over religious beliefs.

what's more important: religion, or your soulmate? i'm sorry, but it seems like a no-brainer to me. this person comes around once in a lifetime - there's only one of him. and no one is ever going to share all of your beliefs. what would you guys do in this kind of situation?

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My question is, why does he have to start believing in the Lord, why can't she start believeing in reincarnation and all of his beliefs? But if you love the person and you think he or she is the one then nothing else should matter!

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Originally posted by weyes

what's more important: religion, or your soulmate? i'm sorry, but it seems like a no-brainer to me. this person comes around once in a lifetime - there's only one of him.

altho I beg to differ on that point, I do agree that the two of them should be able to work through a compromise.

that being said, i will do my best to sacrifice and compromise for the love of my life. Things that are given up, would surely be made up for tenfold. :love:

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

pussy has more pull than a tractor. this guy's probably gonna convert. he'll go back to his beliefs after the divorce.

i really dont think u know indians, or that u understand the typical indian mentality ;)

i think its extremely unlikely that he'll convert...i'd like to know why she doesnt wanna convert, tho

anyway, if they're in love, religion shouldn't matter

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Originally posted by anotherway83

i really dont think u know indians, or that u understand the typical indian mentality ;)

i think its extremely unlikely that he'll convert...i'd like to know why she doesnt wanna convert, tho

anyway, if they're in love, religion shouldn't matter

sometimes it comes down to the pull the families have on the people, because that can make or break people when it comes to these sort of things

the acceptance from the parents are so important to so many people

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Originally posted by anotherway83

i really dont think u know indians, or that u understand the typical indian mentality ;)

Lol, I'd like to hear what you think the typical indian mentality is. :tongue:

Me personally, I'm not too religious, but would never give up my religion for someone else. I could be in a relationship with someone of another religion, and could also marry someone of another religion, depending on how religious that person is. If the guy tried to push his religion onto me, I couldn't deal with it. I've seen a lot of couples break up when it comes to religion. I've also seen people try to convert others to their religion, but they themselves wouldn't be willing to convert for their partner, and I think that's kinda messed up. I wouldn't/couldn't and never would ask someone to convert for me.

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Originally posted by funks0ul

Lol, I'd like to hear what you think the typical indian mentality is. :tongue:

Me personally, I'm not too religious, but would never give up my religion for someone else. I could be in a relationship with someone of another religion, and could also marry someone of another religion, depending on how religious that person is. If the guy tried to push his religion onto me, I couldn't deal with it. I've seen a lot of couples break up when it comes to religion. I've also seen people try to convert others to their religion, but they themselves wouldn't be willing to convert for their partner, and I think that's kinda messed up. I wouldn't/couldn't and never would ask someone to convert for me.

good girl!

it's such a grey area for many couples, and it's not easy to approach cause people react very randomnly when it comes to their religion

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I think that women is just one of those "jeasus freaks" anyone in their right mind would say "fuck the religion lets go to vegas and get married"

Yes, religion can be a big part of someones life, but when it comes down to having that "true love" in your life, you need to look past the really really stupid shit and just be with that person.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Yes, religion can be a big part of someones life, but when it comes down to having that "true love" in your life, you need to look past the really really stupid shit and just be with that person.

...Someone's religion is a bit more than 'really really stupid shit' considering the millions of human beings through time who have killed or been killed in the name of it...

...Dropping a hobby that one's mate finds undesirable is a compromise, giving up one's religion is a complete, radical life change (at least in the eyes of the person who's giving it up)..

..big difference...


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

I didn't mean that religion itself is stupid

I ment that the situation is really stupid

Not being with your soul mate because of a difference in religion:confused: Very stupid reason

..Yeah, but seeing as how religion deals heavily with matters of the soul and morality, one would think that being 'soul' mates with someone would definitely bring at least pieces of said religion into play, no?...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..Yeah, but seeing as how religion deals heavily with matters of the soul and morality, one would think that being 'soul' mates with someone would definitely bring at least pieces of said religion into play, no?...

what are you doing?? it's like playing the violin for a deaf person........don't lower yourself

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Originally posted by funks0ul

Me personally, I'm not too religious, but would never give up my religion for someone else. I could be in a relationship with someone of another religion, and could also marry someone of another religion, depending on how religious that person is. If the guy tried to push his religion onto me, I couldn't deal with it. I've seen a lot of couples break up when it comes to religion. I've also seen people try to convert others to their religion, but they themselves wouldn't be willing to convert for their partner, and I think that's kinda messed up. I wouldn't/couldn't and never would ask someone to convert for me.

Agreed. I myself do not believe in organized religion, but as long as someone doesn't try to force-feed me their beliefs, and respects mine, that's all I care about.

This woman is extremely selfish... she wants him to change yet isn't making an effort at the same thing herself? Just chalk it up to something that wasn't meant to be. We're talking about the force that has been responsible for more bloodshed than anything else in the history of humankind... is it really surprising that it could tear something as fragile as a relationship apart?

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She sounds like a bitch...

But for love. I would say meet in the middle... Still believe in what you believe in. But together study each ones religion and maybe learn something about it...

She is askin him to change. But if you think about it. Usually if you are that into religion at that age. And being that religion is what you believe and not what you know. Then you cannot change your beliefs... You believe in those things for one reason or another and love cannot change that. But by learning one anothers religion maybe you can get a better understanding on why each person believes in something different...

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