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red bull suing Centro?!

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according to today's Wall Street Journal, Red bull filed suit against Centro Fly back in April. The suit alleges that Centro (now i'm quoting from the article)

"served a substitute energy drink to patrons who requested Redbull, negecting to tell them about the substitution. a bartender told a Red Bull marketing manager, who was at the bar acting like an ordinary parton, that it was selling its 'own' brand of Red Bull."

i do not subscribe to WSJ, so i cannot provide a link.

it was in the Marketplace section, in an article titled "Marketer Battles Bars Serving Phony Redbull" by Christopher Lawton.

it is on page B1 and column 4 of B3.

has anyone else heard of this?

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Originally posted by smokesum

i think it was called LA BOMBA..bottle was shaped like a grenade

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i remember that too, but when i was last there, for carl cox... theyhad these huge cans, like half as big as a normal soda can. Shit was tasty

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I was also there for CARL COX and all times b4 and after that ive gone to that place they did serve some other shit besides REDBULL. I think it taste like crap what ever the other substance was. But some times some of the bartenders would tell me b4 serving that they dont have REDBULL but this other stuff. Other times it was like here take it.

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Originally posted by zeeker


so if I go to a restuarant and ask for a Coke but they bring me a Pepsi, Coke can sue the place?????


If they deliberately tried to pass off another drink as coke when it in fact was not a coke and they had knowledge of this... they may have a case....

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This is true, two of my good friends are big reps one on the east coast and one on the west. And yes they do this all the time because Red Bull does not want a bar passing off a drink as Red Bull, because if the person drinks it and it sucks then it gives Red Bull a bad name. So the bar tender is supose to tell them that they dont have Red bull and it is KMX or some shit

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That happens to me all the time in clubs....even in europe....I would ask for a red bull, and they would give me something else...and insisted it was red bull :confused: One time I replied with, "No this is DEFINETELY not a Red Bull....because a Red Bull Can does not have a picture of a Unicorn on the can??? :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

That happens to me all the time in clubs....even in europe....I would ask for a red bull, and they would give me something else...and insisted it was red bull :confused: One time I replied with, "No this is DEFINETELY not a Red Bull....because a Red Bull Can does not have a picture of a Unicorn on the can??? :laugh:

The problem is (for Red Bull) is they have become "brand-named".

this is like Nintendo of Videogames

or Zerox for a copy

"180" Kicks Ass! Tastes great too.

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Originally posted by zeeker


so if I go to a restuarant and ask for a Coke but they bring me a Pepsi, Coke can sue the place?????


Yes they can.... If you order a coke and the restaurant only has pepsi, they are supposed to tell you... so actually you the customer can sue them too

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We have to look at "intent" on this one. If they purposely decided to pass off another drink as red bull knowing it wasnt, then that is the problem.

It has nothing to do with loud music, making error about what you "thought" you were serving.

It appears they KNOWINGLY & PURPOSELY, with malice aforethought................. served up the fake red bull


If this is the case, they deseve to be sued Big time. How dare they profit off of redbulls good name? How dare they risk damaging red bulls good name (if the drink wasnt good to the patrons)? Were they going to go back & pay Redbull for the sales they made off thier drinks?


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Originally posted by zeeker


so if I go to a restuarant and ask for a Coke but they bring me a Pepsi, Coke can sue the place?????


yes they can...

actually coke has a deparment that goes around to restaurants and tests the coke....you can be sued for serving pepsi or any imitation of coke....

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Yea I heard about it when it happened. Apparently Centro asked Red Bull to get them concertrate because the can's took up too much space in storage and the concentrate would be more economical as well. Red bull Said no, the owner went around Red Bull to the distributor and got the concentrate and was serving it. Red Bull was being served technically but not in the canned form. So they took a fit.

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Originally posted by sdeelite

They had the la bomba stuff and rockstar energy drink instead.

And there were def. signs at one point saying that had no red bull or something to that effect.

the time at which the signs were posted is crucial....if they put them up after they got sued then that isnt much of a defense

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

the time at which the signs were posted is crucial....if they put them up after they got sued then that isnt much of a defense


I was just saying there were signs up at one point. Don't know exactly when, and I don't think it matters b/c if u have a sign that says we don't sell Red Bull, time is not an issue. That's what RB is trying to fight against.

I don't care either way, I like the other energy drinks better.

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