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I try not to do any drugs except for heroin..sometimes i will speedball but that is not really good for me. anyway you are talking about clubs and i dont go toclubs because i would rather spend my money on heroin. also when i am with a guy he doesnt want to take me to clubs after i suck his dick for 5 dollars or a bag or ten..so i go and shoot up in my legs sometimes. straight edge razors are good to find a vein when the needle doesnt do the trick, that is the closest to straight edge that i guess i am..sorry.

hc cwm7.gif

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Uhhh eif you drink alcohol...youre still not straightedge! Just thought Id clear that up

But...Im a new found alcoholic only!!! WOOHOO It feels great to not be putting half that crap in my body anymore



"It's normal to be different!"

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Well, I can't say that I've never done anything (done it all actually lol) but nothing AT ALL besides drinking over the last two years......and nobody believes me cause I'm a dj and all my friends are card carrying crack heads...lol

honestly i think drugs are overrated.. I prefer good sex anytime smile.gif


This week's gigs:

Friday Oct 27th - Undecided

Saturday Oct 28th - Hofstra USA, Long Island

Saturday Oct 28th - 92.7 & 98.5 FM (3-5am)



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I think its good to be somewhere in the middle. Everyone has that friend who lectures you on drugs.....after his/her 20th beer and shots. I hate that. Then on the other end you have jackasses who brag about how many pills they can do in a night, they annoy me too. Nothing wrong w/ smoking bud, stay away from coke, crack, heroin, and acid. Pills, are more fun once in a blue moon. Once you try yellow jackets then you realize you were wasting your time on e b/c they are better and some how legal.

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Yellow Jackets are made by Stacker 2. They are Epherdrine Extract. They are available anywhere Stackers are sold. Jackets are the best suppliments I have ever taken (Ive tried them all: Ripped Fuel, Ephedra, etc.) You only need 1 Yellow Jacket and you will be good all night, your senses are alert and you can drink with out ever dragging on them. I haven't rolled in almost 2 months b/c these things provide a very simular buzz and on some nights even better. If you smoke bud, do that 1 hour after taking a jacket and its just like rolling.

Dr. Sandman Rx

oh by the way they don't rot your brain, thats another reason.

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Nothing. I tried to smoke a cigarette when I was 7 or 8yrs old...... just didn't do it for me......

I have been known to drink some fermented barley on occasion..... sometimes fermented grapes and such..... that is all.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Sometimes i do drugs, but usually not . . . i always used to, but i'm not like 'omg, if i don't have pills, i'm not goin' out" anymore, that's ridiculous. -

despite the fact that rob will tell everyone i like to spend the nite sitting rolleyes.gif, *my* friends that will vouch for the fact that i'll dance all nite long, stopping only if someone needs me, and be dancing out the doorway after they're all ready to leave, and dancin the whole way home while they're all cracked out and complainin'.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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i am so happy to see this thread.

my boyfriend just quit drugs (except pot) after being checked into the hospital after taking a bad E (he is fine). now, i wasn't ready to quit drugs, honestly, but am going to now.

what worries me is this: will clubbing be the same? i love the music and the scene, but i have too many memories of being at clubs with the inclusion of drugs.

any thoughts on the transition from being a drug using clubber to a sober clubber? please help, my first appearance sober will be at PVD this coming November 10. i hope you guys could help a sista out.



*turn it around baby*

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alright every1....

i'll be 19 soon, and i've Never done drugs.. i don't know why, i just have absolutely no interest in 'em.. i also stopped drinking alcohol completely 2 years ago, once again, no reason why... don't smoke stoges eitha! i'm too nucking futs as it is to do drugs lol





"Ooh baby, I feel like the music sounds better with you..." luna.gif

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Originally posted by mediaman101:

drug free?, thats me i love free drugs. right on brother.

Someone say FREE? If it's free it's for me!!!!!!!



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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i'll usually go months w/out doing anything, then take E one or two weeks in a row , then stop again ..so on and so forth.... eventually things add up to me clubbing bout 50% on E and 50 % totally, completely and utterly sober. i have just as much fun either way. and sober you actually remember everything the next day! lol. but i enjoy using E every now and then. the key is definatly balance.

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Just drinking for me now. Used to do mad stuff, then woke up, er couldn't fall asleep one morning after dropping three tabs of acid. The way my back hurt, I knew it couldn't be good. And so now, I just like to drink. Not Straightedge, which I was a LONG time ago, but clean enough for me.

then again, to each his own...

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well i think i'm drug freee , except for smoking pot and drinkin .. those arent real drugs , they are social drugs =) .. compared to teh junkie i was in high schoool , i think drinks and pot is pretty drug free ...



[This message has been edited by joeydollaz (edited 10-25-2000).]

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not drug free all the time, but a lot of the time and can still outlast everyone.

i remember being out once at factory and telling all my friends i would be sober for the night and they were all gonna be fucked up on mad drugs. they told me i wouldnt' make it and didn't want me bitchin to leave at like 6 so i should take something. i said i would still be whilin out at that time.

6am comes there all sittin on the couch waiting to go home and i was like, "not a chance" and just laughed

coming out of a club when its a nice day and your sober is a great feeling.




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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