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What do you guys do/eat/drink when you're tired and dont feel like hittin the gym?

because of my job, i usually work out at 7:30/8:00 PM. I could get to the gym at 6:30 PM but usually like to get something to eat before hand. Anyways, im usually tired as hell by the time i get there and this is hurting my workout. I CANT go any other time, so its this ir nothing...

any suggestions?

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I go at around the same, 8:00-8:30pm... I also had trouble going at first, but eventually forced myself to go no matter how tired I was, after going for a couple of weeks I just got into the habit, seeing good results is really what keeps me going. If you can, try finding someone to go with, and keep each other motivated.

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when i can't go to the gym....i try to stay away from starchy foods.

unless it's brown wheat/rice.

mix proteins w/greens...which i am not that fond of.

fruit when my blood sugar drops for energy....or else i feel like a borderline corpse.

coffee....all the time...just cuz i like the heat of it........

my eating habits are just as good as my relationship habits...they suck.

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You gotta be hungry for results man thats all, the bigger/defined you get the more you'll want to go to keep it up/improve.

I hate when I go to the gym and see people work out half assed, there's this guy that sits on the bike for about 45 minutes with the most demoralizing expression on his face constantly doin slow rhythm or takin forever on the machines because he's just sittin there I just wanna kick his ass anytime I see him-dont be like that, once you get there and change just change your attitude to rock out and do it!

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Originally posted by smcx04

You gotta be hungry for results man thats all, the bigger/defined you get the more you'll want to go to keep it up/improve.

I hate when I go to the gym and see people work out half assed, there's this guy that sits on the bike for about 45 minutes with the most demoralizing expression on his face constantly doin slow rhythm or takin forever on the machines because he's just sittin there I just wanna kick his ass anytime I see him-dont be like that, once you get there and change just change your attitude to rock out and do it!

so true.. go hard or go home. I get so pissed when my roomate decides to come to gym with me, then proceeds to do 2 sets of bench press and a set of curls with horrible form... then leaves and complains that he's sore the next day. He does this typically once a month or so...

its all about the results though, once you start seeing them your hooked on working out. its the most addicting thing i've ever gotten into

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Okay, to actually answer your question.....you probably have a heavy meal at 6:30, so ofcourse you're tired..........even if you're really hungry, have a balance bar with some slightly caffeinated tea.....it'll fil you up for like an hour and a half, just enough time to wokr out......or a slimfast......something with some protein/carbs, but not too much... I have the same problem......

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  • 2 weeks later...

i dont eat a heavy meal at 6:30...like you suggested, i eat just enough to get me through my workout, then get more protein from tuna/salmon/shake afterwords.

I cant stand the half assed workout either. my lifting partner drives me nuts sometimes cuz he'll putz around for 10 minutes doing random $hit instead of sticking to a good workout. bastard is dragging me down :mad:

sucks cuz i still feel my body running out of gas during my workout. ive tried shortening my workout and going more often (instead of doing shoulders/tri's or back/bi's ill only do one muscle group a day). I dont like that though, but i think im kinda $crewed...

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What do you guys do/eat/drink when you're tired and dont feel like hittin the gym?

because of my job, i usually work out at 7:30/8:00 PM. I could get to the gym at 6:30 PM but usually like to get something to eat before hand. Anyways, im usually tired as hell by the time i get there and this is hurting my workout. I CANT go any other time, so its this ir nothing...

any suggestions?

I think about the summer!

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