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Another thing to fill out - I'm bored today :D

First Name: Alicia

Age: 22

Birthday/Sign: August 22nd - On the cusp of Leo/Virgo - I'm more a Virgo :D

College Attending/Job: Graduated from Marist '03, now I'm an Assistant Account Executive @ Pharmaceutical Marketing Co.

Relationship Status: Single :D

Best Traits: Kind, Generous, Honest, Spontaneous

Worst Traits: Untrusting, forgive too easily, Shopaholic, HORRIBLE with $$

Special skills/abilities: Can play the trumpet :D, awesome at memorizing any kind of number (phone #'s, bank acct #'s, credit card #'s)

Living Arrangments: Live with my mom who I absolutely adore and admire

Places You've Traveled to: California, Florida, Nevada, ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regrets: Always having boyfriends in high school/college, charging up so much debt on my credit card, and biggest regret: not studying abroad during college

Future Plans: Get my MBA, TRAVEL more, find someone, work my ass off until I have kids

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First Name: Mike

Age: 26

Birthday/Sign: January 2nd - Capricorn with a personality ;)

Job: Financial Analyst (soon to be Senior/Director) within a local sports entity.

Relationship Status: Single

Best Traits: Honest, Genuine, Loyal, Caring (I sound gay)

Worst Traits: Can't be critical about myself

Special skills/abilities: Great with numbers, Can cook, Work on cars/car stereo and can dance fairly well.

Living Arrangments: Apartment

Places You've Traveled to: Most major US cities (except Chicago, Cali, Louisianna, Minnesota & Salt Lake City), & Puerto Rico

Regrets: Never giving my previous relationship 100%, never getting my CPA when I was younger, never showing emotion when I was younger.

Future Plans: Making some serious loot, MBA in Finance, Wifey and kids with a white picket fence, hah :laugh:

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First Name: Funk

Age: 22

Birthday/Sign: 10-30 .. Scorpio

College Attending/Job: College dropout.. work for the office of property management for the district of columbia.

Relationship Status: Single :D

Best Traits: my style

Worst Traits: stubbornness

Special skills/abilities: i can write with both my hands..

Living Arrangments: dad's house..

Places You've Traveled to: All over the states and canada, and india once when i was 5 (does that count ? cause i don't remember it)

Regrets: none

Future Plans: still working on that

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aww okiee Mysty :)

First Name: Nadim

Age: 23

Birthday/Sign: March 2, Pisces

College Attending/Job: Non-advice oriented Broker...for now...

Relationship Status: Single

Best Traits: Impulsive, honest, creative, funny (i think so at least), caring...

Worst Traits: Impulsive, impatient

Special skills/abilities: play guitar, like to draw/paint, i can talk just like Stitch :D, and im very good at comparing peoples looks to certain animals and being on point

Living Arrangments: with the 'rents. sucks so much.

Places You've Traveled to: Lebanon, Kuwait, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Canada, cant remember the rest (and Greece!)

Regrets: many...not pursuing art/design in college is one big one...

Future Plans: Get my MBA (ehhh), travel my ass off, live somewhere else, have my own gallery or a gallery for unknown artist, own my own company and/or cafe

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:laugh: Interesting! Examples, examples!

lol, it also has a lot to do with their personality ;)

some people would get really pissed at me but noone could deny the comparison......good times!

i told a good friend he looked like a meerkat (like Timon from the Lion King) when we were drunk and he got all pissed off and attacked me :laugh:

thing is he's not an ugly guy at all...they just resemble each other :laugh:


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First Name: Al

Age: 21

Birthday/Sign: August 8 / Leo

College Attending/Job: Business Major / Music Minor , Marketing Operations Coordinator & DJ

Relationship Status: Single

Best Traits: Good Listener , loyal, good sense of humor (so ive been told), generous

Worst Traits: Short Temper / toooo critical of everything including myself, workaholic (to the point that its bad). Procrastinator

Special skills/abilities: play saxophone & Piano. DJ. Martial arts. Good with numbers. Good with money.

Living Arrangments: with the 'rents.

Places You've Traveled to: bermuda, cuba, amsterdam, london, jamaica, st. thomas, st. kitts.

Regrets: Not taking Music as a major :mad: letting my heart tell me what to do in the early part of my youth

Future Plans: go back to school, get my mba. Learn how to play guitar. Take lots of classes regarding studio work. Travel the world. Fine "the one"

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:laugh: :laugh:


I heart Timmone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Pumba of course ;)

i love those idiots too :D actually i like nearly every animated movie out there...thats something i should have added to my list. Its a dream of mine to be able to make my own character and animated movie one day...

however, i truly love this little guy:


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First Name: Marisa

Age: 23

Birthday/Sign: 2.20..Pisces

College Attending/Job: Graduate..Media Freak

Relationship Status: Single :)..[i'm having a good day lol]..

Best Traits: good judge of character, smart, loyal, giving

Worst Traits: passive til breaking point, i tend to keep things to myself..

Special skills/abilities: doesnt take me long to figure out new things...tech geek

Living Arrangments: apt hunting...with the family for now :half:

Places You've Traveled to: mostly domestic....[trips before kindergarten don't count]..

Regrets: very few...fuckit

Future Plans: MBA...switch to media planning...[and completing all the crap in my sig]..

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First Name: Lauren

Age: 21

Birthday/Sign: 7/29 LEO

College Attending/Job: One semester college, graduated business school, now an office manager/receptionist/training assistant/administrative assistant at an office :tongue:

Relationship Status: :heart: my bf

Best Traits: giving, intelligent, good listener, ambitious, positive

Worst Traits: too much honesty at times, low tolerance for idiots

Special skills/abilities: can play two instruments completely, 6 other instruments halfway, good at drawing and writing, used to be able to write music, prob still could if i tried

Living Arrangments: mom and grandmother

Places You've Traveled to: all domestic

Regrets: life is too short for regrets

Future Plans: go back and finish college, continue to build financial stability, travel, build a happy working family

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First Name: Dina

Age: 20

Birthday/Sign: June 9th / Gemini

College Attending/Job: Currently attending Baruch / Unemployed :(

Relationship Status: Taken

Best Traits: Brutally Honest, Sense of Humor, Loyal, Impulsive

Worst Traits: Brutally Honest, Impatient, Impulsive, Too Sarcastic

Special skills/abilities: Umm... I can talk like Daffy Duck..? I'm a good cook..

Living Arrangments: Live with the man-ster... :D

Places You've Traveled to: All the states on the east coast, Cancun, Bahamas, Eastern Europe... Hoping to hit up Western Europe next year...

Regrets: Not taking school as seriously as I should...

Future Plans: Graduate, Get a job and work my ass off... and SAVE MONEY

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i never get sick of these things:

First Name: Katherine

Age: 22 on sunday

Birthday/Sign: august 8th/leo

College Attending/Job: Graduated from FIT w/ associates in display and exhibit design, transfer student @ brooklyn college, undergrad in secondary english education/bartending @ jekyll and hyde on 57th st.

Relationship Status: in love

Best Traits: loyal, kind, generous, compassionate, open minded

Worst Traits: selfish, vain, stubborn, sensitive

Special skills/abilities: writing poetry/short stories, drawing, acrylic painting, adobe illustrator, conceptual design, visual merchandising, bartending

Living Arrangments: mom, dad and sisters

Places You've Traveled to: bermuda! i'd love to travel europe someday

Regrets: none

Future Plans: finish my masters, get a job, marry a wonderful man who will start a family w/ me, the american fucking dream: yes i want it! :)

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First Name: Wendy

Age: 23

Birthday/Sign: June 28th - Cancer

College Attending/Job: Baruch College for my BBA (Business/Marketing)

Relationship Status: Single & definitely feeling better

Best Traits: Honest, Loyal, Perfectionist, Sense of humor

Worst Traits: TOO NICE

Special skills/abilities: Hmm can hold my breath under water for a minute +,

Lift 300lbs with my legs (swimming my whole life paid off), can put my legs

behind my head, stick my fist in my mouth make 3 u's with my tongue, can

play the flute, sign language.. blah blahh

Living Arrangments: Daddy & nephew

Places You've Traveled to: Costa Rica, Mexico, Belize, Panama, Spain.. not enough.. :mad:

Regrets: Becoming friends w/people that are not worth it - but fuck it.

Future Plans: Travel, MBA (Advertising), to run my own Ad firm & be successful

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Another thing to fill out - I'm bored today

Worst Traits: Untrusting, HORRIBLE with $$

if you're bored, go fucking read a book...ever heard of a book? b-o-o-k...BOOK! Look it up...

And remind me never to date you nor let you borrow my money...ever...EVER....

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Another thing to fill out - I'm bored today :D

First Name: Alicia

Age: 22

Birthday/Sign: August 22nd - On the cusp of Leo/Virgo - I'm more a Virgo :D

College Attending/Job: Graduated from Marist '03, now I'm an Assistant Account Executive @ Pharmaceutical Marketing Co.

Relationship Status: Single :D

Best Traits: Kind, Generous, Honest, Spontaneous

Worst Traits: Untrusting, forgive too easily, Shopaholic, HORRIBLE with $$

Special skills/abilities: Can play the trumpet :D, awesome at memorizing any kind of number (phone #'s, bank acct #'s, credit card #'s)

Living Arrangments: Live with my mom who I absolutely adore and admire

Places You've Traveled to: California, Florida, Nevada, ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regrets: Always having boyfriends in high school/college, charging up so much debt on my credit card, and biggest regret: not studying abroad during college

Future Plans: Get my MBA, TRAVEL more, find someone, work my ass off until I have kids

What the fuck is this??? Thank God I have been away...Edit/Delete


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